
Respiration Yu Yanqin(虞燕琴,PhD Dept. of Physiology Zhejiang University, School of medicine
Respiration Yu Yanqin (虞燕琴), PhD Dept. of Physiology Zhejiang University, School of Medicine

Respiration Definition the bodily processes involved in exchange of oXygen(02) and carbon dioxide(Co2) between an organism and the environment Consist of Inspiration: the inhalation of air into the lung Expiration: breathing out
Respiration ◼ Definition: – the bodily processes involved in exchange of oxygen (O2 ) and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) between an organism and the environment ◼ Consist of – Inspiration: the inhalation of air into the lung – Expiration: breathing out

Respiratory system pharynx Oral cavity Upper airway Epiglottis Larynx Esophagus Trachea bronchus Richt Lower airway Thoracic lung Bronchiole cavity Alveoli (cut) Diaphragm Heart Pleural sac Tuggage (cut edges
Respiratory system Upper airway Lower airway

Number Name of branches of tubes in branch Trachea The relaxation/contraction Bronchi of circular smooth muscle lining these“ airways 9NEa 8 determines how easily Bronchioles airflow can occur Terminal bronchioles 6x1 Respiratory bronchioles Most gas exchange 5x10 occurs in the alveolar sacs cON>o@a Alveolar ducts Alveolar sacs 8x106
The relaxation/contraction of circular smooth muscle lining these “airways’” determines how easily airflow can occur. Most gas exchange occurs in the alveolar sacs

phere 0, co, The goals of respiration About 20-30 to provide oxygen to the tissues About 3 x 10 alveoli a to remove carbon dioxide Left heart About 3 x 10 capillaries Tissue cell
The goals of respiration ◼ to provide oxygen to the tissues ◼ to remove carbon dioxide

Four major functional events of respiration 1. Pulmonary ventilation O. CO ENTILATION (1) ■2 Gas exchange GAS EXCHANGE② ung Tissue S TRANSPORT Left ■3 Gas transport in blood Systemic circulation GAS EXCHANGE (4) 4.Cellular respiration CELLULAR RESPIRATION⑤)
Four major functional events of respiration ◼ 1.Pulmonary ventilation ◼ 2.Gas exchange – Lung – Tissue ◼ 3.Gas transport in blood ◼ 4.Cellular respiration

0 Ventilation: Exchange of air between atmosphere and alveoli by bulk flow 2 Exchange of O2 and CO, between alveolar air and blood in Process of lung capillaries by diffusion 3 Transport of O, and CO through pulmonary and systemic respiration: circulation by bulk flow o Exchange of O, and CO, between blood in tissue capillaries and cells in tissues by diffusion 6 Cellular utilization of O, and production of CO2 Be Atmospher VEntilation Alveoli 02cO2@Gas exchange Blood flow Blood flow Pulmonary circulation Right 3 Gas transport Left heart Systemic circulation o,CO, 4 Gas exchange S Cellular respiration
Process of Fig. 13.06 respiration:

Respiratory process Atmosphere VENTILATION (1) 1. External Alveoli O2 co GAS EXCHANGE②2) respiration Pulmonary circulation 2. Gas GAS TRANSPORT(3) heart transport Systemic circulation T GAS EXCHANGE (4) 3. Internal respiration CELLULAR RESPIRATION⑤)
Respiratory process 1. External respiration 3. Internal respiration 2. Gas transport

Pulmonary ventilation ■ Definition:The process of moving air nasal cavity peary larynx into and out of the trachea epiglottis bronchus lungs right lung diaphragm pleural cavity
Pulmonary ventilation ◼ Definition: The process of moving air into and out of the lungs

Structures of pulmonary ventilation 1. Respiratory muscle Primary muscles of respiration: external intercostals(iJ 间外肌)& diaphragm(膈肌) air enters r leaves ribcage moves ribcage moves up and out down and in lungs expand lungs get smaller diaphragm moves down diaphragm moves up Inhalation Exhalation
Structures of pulmonary ventilation 1. Respiratory muscle Primary muscles of respiration: external intercostals (肋 间外肌)& diaphragm(膈肌)
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