浙江大学医学院:《组织学与胚胎学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)上皮组织 Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial Tissue 上皮组织 Jun zhou(周俊) School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 20140408
1 Epithelial Tissue 上皮组织 Jun Zhou (周俊) School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 20140408

General feature 1)More cells and less extracellular ground substance 2) Polarisation: free outer surface: face air or other things basal surface: face underlying CT, have basement membrane 3)Avascularity, but innervation --no blood vessels rich in nerve terminals 4)Functions protection, secretion, Absorption, excretion and sensory reception ⑧⑧昏
2 General feature 1) More cells and less extracellular ground substance 2) Polarisaton: ---free outer surface: face air or other things ---basal surface: face underlying CT, have basement membrane 3) Avascularity, but innervation: ---no blood vessels ---rich in nerve terminals 4) Functions: protection, secretion, Absorption, excretion and sensory reception

Classification ◆ Covering epithelium(被覆上皮): cover body surface or line the inner surface of body cavities tubes and sac ◆ Glandular epithelium(腺上皮): the epithelium which main function is secretion ◆ Sensory epithelium(感觉上皮): the epithelium which has special sensory function
3 Classification ◆ Covering epithelium(被覆上皮): cover body surface or line the inner surface of body cavities, tubes and sac. ◆ Glandular epithelium(腺上皮): the epithelium which main function is secretion. ◆ Sensory epithelium(感觉上皮): the epithelium which has special sensory function

Covering epithelium According to the number of layer and shape of cells Simple epi.: ---simple squamous epi - -simple cuboidal epi -simple columnar epi. -pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi Stratified epi.: ---stratified squamous epI -e-stratified columnar epi ---transitional epi
4 Covering epithelium: According to the number of layer and shape of cells Simple epi.: ---simple squamous epi. ---simple cuboidal epi. ---simple columnar epi. ---pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. Stratified epi.: ---stratified squamous epi. ---stratified columnar epi. ---transitional epi

simple squamous epi.(单层扁平上皮) 的 one layer flattened cells, cell border are interdigitate flattened ellipsoid nucleus
5 simple squamous epi.(单层扁平上皮) ◆ one layer flattened cells, cell border are interdigitate ◆ flattened ellipsoid nucleus

Distribution: 今 mesothelium(间皮): body cavities .s endothelium(AE): cardiovascular and lymphatic system os other place: alveoli, parietal layers of renal capsule. Function: a) transport of materials b) facilitates movement of viscera
6 Distribution: ❖ mesothelium(间皮): body cavities ❖ endothelium(内皮): cardiovascular and lymphatic system. ❖ other place: alveoli, parietal layers of renal capsule. Function: a) transport of materials b) facilitates movement of viscera

Simple cuboidal epi (单层立方上皮) one layer, cuboidal, hexagonal outline . spherical centrally-located nucleus Distribution: Q④ Renal tubule Thyroid some ducts of glands Function: covering and secretion
7 Simple cuboidal epi. (单层立方上皮 ) ❖ one layer, cuboidal, hexagonal outline ❖ spherical centrally-located nucleus Distribution: Renal tubule Thyroid some ducts of glands Function: covering and secretion

Simple co| umar epI(单层柱状上皮) 8 one layer, columnar, basally located ovoid nucleus 令 Goblet cel(杯状细胞): scattered, secreting granules mucinogen granules-mucus Distribution: gastrointestinal tract gall bladder uterus Function: secretion and absorption 8 8
8 ❖ one layer, columnar, basally located ovoid nucleus ❖ Goblet cell(杯状细胞): scattered, secreting granulesmucinogen granules-mucus Distribution: gastrointestinal tract gall bladder uterus Function: secretion and absorption Simple columnar epi.( 单层柱状上皮)

seudostratified ciliated columnar epi (假复层纤毛柱状上皮) Four types of cells e columnar cell: ciliated ◆ fusiform cell basal cell: pyramid-shaped goblet cell Distribution: Respiratory system 8e,004 e9060 gos. e00006e6
9 Four types of cells ◆ columnar cell:ciliated ◆ fusiform cell ◆ basal cell:pyramid-shaped ◆ goblet cell Distribution: Respiratory system Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. (假复层纤毛柱状上皮)

扁平细胞(顶页面观) 立方细胞(顶面观) 柱状细胞(顶面观) 坏状细胞 6@」② 80创 扁平细胞(侧面观) 立方细胞(侧面观) 柱状细胞(侧面观) 10
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