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浙江大学医学院:《人体生理学 Human Physiology》课程PPT教学讲稿(生物电、肌肉收缩、血液)

生物电 Bioelectricity 肌肉收缩 Muscle Contraction 血液 Blood

人体生理学 Human Physiology 夏强,PhD 浙江大学医学院生理学系 电话:88206417,88208252

人体生理学 Human Physiology 夏 强,PhD 浙江大学医学院生理学系 电话:88206417, 88208252

概念及其与医学的关系 定义: 人体生理学是研究人体及其各组成部分正 常功能活动规律的一门科学 生理学与医学的关系一—承前启后 以人体解剖学、组织学为基础 是药理学、病理学与病理生理学等后续课程的 基础 是临床各课程的基础

概念及其与医学的关系 • 定义: 人体生理学是研究人体及其各组成部分正 常功能活动规律的一门科学 • 生理学与医学的关系——承前启后 – 以人体解剖学、组织学为基础 – 是药理学、病理学与病理生理学等后续课程的 基础 – 是临床各课程的基础

人体生理学课程体系 分为10个系统/部分: 血液 血液循环 呼吸 消化和吸收 能量代谢与体温 绪论 尿的生成和排除 细胞的基本功能 感觉器官 神经系统 内分泌 生殖

人体生理学课程体系 • 分为10个系统/部分: – 血液 – 血液循环 – 呼吸 – 消化和吸收 – 能量代谢与体温 – 尿的生成和排除 – 感觉器官 – 神经系统 – 内分泌 – 生殖 绪论 细胞的基本功能

Copyright e The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Per mission required for reproduction or display TABLE 1-1 Organ Systems of the Body SYSTEM MAJOR ORGANS OR TISSUES PRIMARY FUNCTIONS Circulatory Heart, blood vessels, blood (Some classifications also Transport of blood throughout the body's tissues include lymphatic vessels and lymph in this system. Respiratory Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs Exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen; regulation of hydrogen ion concentration Digestive Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, Digestion and absorption of organic nutrients, salts, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and water Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra Regulation of plasma composition through controlled excretion of salts, water, and organic wastes Musculoskeletal Cartilage, bone, ligaments, tendons, joints, skeletal Support, protection, and movement of the body; muscle production of blood cells Immune White blood cells, lymph vessels and nodes, spleen, Defense against foreign invaders; return of thymus, and other lymphoid tissues extracellular fluid to blood: formation of white blood Nervous Brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and ganglia, special Regulation and coordination of many activities in the sense organs body; detection of changes in the internal and external environments: states of consciousness Endocrine All glands secreting hormones: Pancreas, testes, ovaries, Regulation and coordination of many activities in the hypothalamus, kidneys, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, body, including growth, metabolism, reproduction, adrenal, intestinal, thymus, heart, and pineal, and blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and others endocrine cells in other locations Reproductive Male: Testes, penis, and associated ducts and glands Production of sperm; transfer of sperm to female Female: Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina Production of eggs; provision of a nutritive mammary glands environment for the developing embryo and fetus nutrition of the infant Integumentary Ski Protection against injury and dehydration; defense against foreign invaders; regulation of temperature

内环境与稳态 外环境 External environment 整个机体所处的环境 ·内环境 iInternal environment 围绕在多细胞动物体内细胞 周围的体液 Claude bernard httpllen.wikipediaorg/wiki/claudeBernard

内环境与稳态 • 外环境External environment 整个机体所处的环境 • 内环境Internal environment 围绕在多细胞动物体内细胞 周围的体液 Claude Bernard

稳态 Homeostasis 定义 稳态是指内环境的理化 性质,如温度、pH、渗 透压和各种液体成分等 的相对恒定状态 ·稳态的维持是机体自我 调节的结果 稳态概念已经大大扩展 Walter B cannon er bradford Cannon

稳态Homeostasis Walter B. Cannon er_Bradford_Cannon • 定义: 稳态是指内环境的理化 性质,如温度、pH、渗 透压和各种液体成分等 的相对恒定状态 • 稳态的维持是机体自我 调节的结果 • 稳态概念已经大大扩展

机体生理功能的调节方式 神经调节 Nervous regulation, Neuroregulation 体液调节 Humoral regulation 自身调节 Autoregulation

机体生理功能的调节方式 • 神经调节Nervous regulation, Neuroregulation • 体液调节Humoral regulation • 自身调节Autoregulation

神经调节 Nervous regulation ·是通过反射而影响生理功能的一种调节方式 反射 Reflex Knee jerk reflex

神经调节Nervous regulation • 是通过反射而影响生理功能的一种调节方式 反射Reflex Knee jerk reflex

Ib afferent Reflex Arc ofor axon Golgi tendon organ Receptor .Afferent(sensory) nerve Reflex center(brain or spinal cord) Efferent(motor)nerve Effector

•Receptor •Afferent (sensory) nerve •Reflex center (brain or spinal cord) •Efferent (motor) nerve •Effector Reflex Arc

体液调节 Humora| regulation ·是指体内某些特殊的化学物质通过体液途径而影 响生理功能的一种调节方式 Target cell Re captors Secreting cell Blood vessel Target cell

体液调节Humoral regulation • 是指体内某些特殊的化学物质通过体液途径而影 响生理功能的一种调节方式 Receptor
