肌组织 Muscle Tissue

Muscle tissue
Muscle Tissue

Muscle function a contraction for locomotion and skeletal movement contraction for propulsion a contraction for pressure regulation
Muscle function ◼ contraction for locomotion and skeletal movement ◼ contraction for propulsion ◼ contraction for pressure regulation

Overview of muscle tissue The myocytes is also called muscle fibers The cytoplasm is called sarcoplasm, and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is called sarcoplasmic reticulum The sarcolemma is the cell membrane u yodels and wo
Overview of muscle tissue ◼ The myocytes is also called muscle fibers. ◼ The cytoplasm is called sarcoplasm, and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is called sarcoplasmic reticulum. The sarcolemma is the cell membrane

Classification Muscle types Activity Skeletal muscle Cross sections Strong, quick discontinuous voluntary contraction Nuclei Cardiac muscle Strong qu continuous involuntar contraction Smooth muscle Intercalated disks Weak, slow involunta contraction

Two principal types Striated muscle Type Smooth Skeletal Cardiac muscle muscle muscle contraction voluntary involuntary involuntary Limbs Heart Viscera Location body wall Blood vessels
Two principal types: Type Striated muscle Smooth Skeletal muscle muscle Cardiac muscle contraction voluntary involuntary involuntary Location Limbs body wall Heart Viscera Blood vessels

Skeletal muscle-connective tissue Sarcolemma (cell boundar The skeletal muscle Muscle fiber Myofibrils(contraction) Perimysium fibers are held by (contains bundles of Capillary(nutrition) muscle fibers) connective tissue endomysium covers the muscle) (separates muscle fibers) Capillaries named as endomysium, perimysium and epimysium
Skeletal muscle-connective tissue ◼ The skeletal muscle fibers are held by connective tissue named as: endomysium, perimysium and epimysium

Skeletal muscle a Long, cylindrical Transverse fibers multinucleate ed syncytium a The nuclei are Longitudinal located in the cytoplasm beneath the sarcolemma
Skeletal muscle ◼ Long,cylindrical fibers,multinucleat ed syncytium. ◼ The nuclei are located in the cytoplasm beneath the sarcolemma

Skeletal muscle- myofibrils The structural and functional subunit of the muscle fiber y They contribute to Muscle fibre Myofibrils the formation of 友 transverse-striation They have a bands H bands m lines i bands and z lines
Skeletal muscle-myofibrils ◼ The structural and functional subunit of the muscle fiber. ◼ They contribute to the formation of transverse-striation. ◼ They have A bands, H bands, M lines, I bands and Z lines

Skeletal muscle-sarcomere a The sarcomere is arcomel the segment of the myofibril between 2水 two adjacent Z lines Triad 拉 It is the basic contractile unit of striated muscle
Skeletal muscle-sarcomere ◼ The sarcomere is the segment of the myofibril between two adjacent Z lines. ◼ It is the basic contractile unit of striated muscle

Skeletal muscle-myofilaments Muscle Two types of myofilaments Muscle fasciculus are associated with cell muscle fiber A i band band band band contraction M line a They are thin G-actin molecules filaments and thick filaments F-actin filament Z M
Skeletal muscle-myofilaments ◼ Two types of myofilaments are associated with cell contraction. ◼ They are thin filaments and thick filaments
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