浙江大学医学院:细胞的解剖学和生理学(PPT讲稿)Anatomy & physiology of cells

Thanks to Qiang Xia(夏强) for the introduction! Anatomy physiology feely Huan ma(马欢),PhD Department of physiology Room 515. block c. Research building of Medicine, Zijingang Campi Email:mah@zju.edu.cn Tel:88208068
Anatomy & physiology of cells Huan Ma(马欢),PhD Department of Physiology Room 515, Block C, Research Building School of Medicine, Zijingang Campus Email: mah@zju.edu.cn Tel: 88208068 Thanks to Qiang Xia (夏强)for the introduction!

Nucleoli NUcleolus(s)=a spherical body within the nucleus composed of rNa and proteins u Function synthesis of ribosomes
ahmad ata 2 Nucleoli ❑Nucleolus (s) = a spherical body within the nucleus; ❑composed of RNA and proteins; ❑Function = synthesis of ribosomes

Cytoskeleton 口 The cytoskeleton UIs a network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm u Fibers appear to support the endoplasmic reticulum. mitochondria and "free" ribosomes Microtubule
ahmad ata 3 Cytoskeleton : ❑The cytoskeleton ❑Is a network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm ❑Fibers appear to support the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and “free” ribosomes Microtubule 0.25 µm Microfilaments

The cytoskeleton gIves mechanical support to the cell UIs involved in cell motility which utilizes motor proteins 口 Rodlike pieces that provide support and allow movement and mechanisms that can move the cell or its parts
ahmad ata 4 The cytoskeleton ❑Gives mechanical support to the cell ❑Is involved in cell motility, which utilizes motor proteins ❑Rodlike pieces that provide support and allow movement and mechanisms that can move the cell or its parts

Components of cytoskeleton 1)Microfilaments a Solid rods of globular proteins a Important component of cytoskeleton which offers support to cell structure G-Actin mer 小 icrofjlamenrs can slide past each other, causing shortening or nece‖
ahmad ata 5 Components of cytoskeleton: 1) Microfilaments ◼ Solid rods of globular proteins. ◼ Important component of cytoskeleton which offers support to cell structure. ◼ Microfilaments can slide past each other, causing shortening of the cell

C omponents of cytoskeleton 2)Intermediate filaments INtermediate filaments are twisted protein strands slightly thicker than microfilaments; they form much of the supporting framework in many types of cells
ahmad ata 6 Components of cytoskeleton: 2) Intermediate filaments ❑Intermediate filaments are twisted protein strands slightly thicker than microfilaments; they form much of the supporting framework in many types of cells

Components of cytoskeleton 3)Microtubules 口 Microtubules 口 Shape the cell u Guide movement of organelles(their function is to move things around in the cell) UHelp separate the chromosome copies in dividing cells
ahmad ata 7 Components of cytoskeleton: 3) Microtubules ❑Microtubules ❑Shape the cell ❑Guide movement of organelles (their function is to move things around in the cell) ❑Help separate the chromosome copies in dividing cells

Components of cytoskeleton 4)Microtubules CEntrosomes and Centrioles 口 The centrosome DAn area of the cytoplasm near the nucleus that coordinates the building and breaking of microtubules in the cell dIts considered to be a" microtubule-organizing center pLays an important role during cell division cOntains a pair of centrioles
ahmad ata 8 Components of cytoskeleton: 4) Microtubules ❑Centrosomes and Centrioles ❑The centrosome ❑An area of the cytoplasm near the nucleus that coordinates the building and breaking of microtubules in the cell ❑Its considered to be a “microtubule-organizing center” ❑Plays an important role during cell division ❑Contains a pair of centrioles

Components of cytoskeleton Centriole Structure Centrioles a Self-replicating a Made of bundles of Figure 1 microtubules Triplet Microtubules elp in organizing cel‖ division
ahmad ata 9 Components of cytoskeleton: Centrioles ◼ Self-replicating ◼ Made of bundles of microtubules. ◼ Help in organizing cell division

Cell membrane surface modifications 1. Cilia/ Cilium a. short, hair-like cellular extensions(eyelashes b. help move substances through passageways c. located in lining of respiratory tract fallopian tube 2. Flagella a. tail-like projection b. only one per cell in humans c. aids in cell locomotion d. sperm cell 3. Microvill a small finger-like extensions of the external surface of the cell membrane b. Function= to increase surface area ocated in the lining of the digestive trac
ahmad ata 10 Cell Membrane Surface Modifications 1. Cilia / Cilium a. short, hair-like cellular extensions (eyelashes); b. help move substances through passageways; c. located in lining of respiratory tract & fallopian tube. 2. Flagella a. tail-like projection; b. only one per cell in humans; c. aids in cell locomotion; d. sperm cell. 3. Microvilli: a. small finger-like extensions of the external surface of the cell membrane; b. Function = to increase surface area. c. located in the lining of the digestive tract
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