浙江大学医学院:神经组织(PPT课件)Nervous tissue

Nervous tissue 神经组织 Jun zhou(周俊) School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 20140415
Nervous tissue 神经组织 Jun Zhou(周俊) School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 20140415

Overview Components: ☆ nerve cell: neuron s Glial cell: neuroglia Function Neurons: receive the stimulation conduct the nerve impuse Glial cell: support, protect and insulate, nourish neurons
Overview ---Components: ❖ nerve cell: neuron ❖ Glial cell: neuroglia ---Function: ❖ Neurons : receive the stimulation, conduct the nerve impulse ❖ Glial cell: support, protect and insulate, nourish neurons

Synapse neuron neuron C Nerve fiber neuroglIal ending
•neuron Synapse Nerve fiber ending neuroglial neuron

N euron The structural and functional cellular unit
Neuron The structural and functional cellular unit

cell body: spherical, pyramidal fusiform or stellate in shape, 5um- 150um dendrite(树突) axon(轴突)
LM: ---cell body: spherical, pyramidal fusiform or stellate in shape, 5um- 150um ---dendrite (树突) ---axon (轴突)

structure of neuron ① cell body: ---cell membrane o unit membrane-irritability, receive stimuli, initiate and conduct nerve impulse wi membrane proteins -lons channel and receptor
structure of neuron ① cell body: ---cell membrane: ❖ unit membrane-irritability, receive stimuli, initiate and conduct nerve impulse ❖ membrane proteins - ions channel and receptor

cell nucleus large and round ● centrally-located ● less heterochromatin o pale stained, with a clear nucleolus
cell nucleus: ⚫ large and round ⚫ centrally- located ⚫ less heterochromatin ⚫ pale stained, with a clear nucleolus

cytoplasm: perikaryon a Nissl body(尼氏体 LM: basophilic granule-liked structure EM: parallelly-arranged RER and free ribosome Function: synthesis proteins 冷 structural protein o' enzymes of neurotransmitters
---cytoplasm: perikaryon a. Nissl body (尼氏体): LM: basophilic granule-liked structure EM: parallelly-arranged RER and free ribosome Function: synthesis proteins ❖ structural protein ❖ enzymes of neurotransmitters

b. Neurofibril(神经原纤维) silver impregnation methods (silver preparation) o thread-liked dark brown color structure to form a network
b. Neurofibril(神经原纤维): ⚫ silver impregnation methods (silver preparation) ⚫ thread-liked dark brown color structure to form a network

Mt EM , neurofilament: 10 nm in diameter microtubule: 25 nm in diameter Function oo supporting o involving in intracellular transportation
EM: ❖ neurofilament: 10 nm in diameter ❖ microtubule: 25 nm in diameter Function: ❖ supporting ❖ involving in intracellular transportation
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