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浙江大学医学院:感觉器官(PPT讲稿)眼和耳 EYES AND EARS

浙江大学医学院:感觉器官(PPT讲稿)眼和耳 EYES AND EARS



GENERAL DESCRIPTION Eyes: visualorgan Ears: the organ of hearing and equilibrium. The equilibrium sense, generally associated with balance, provides feedback about the positions and movements of our heads and bodies in space

GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Eyes: visual organ • Ears:the organ of hearing and equilibrium. The equilibrium sense, generally associated with balance, provides feedback about the positions and movements of our heads and bodies in space. 2

OBJECTIVES Know the general layers of the eye Describe the structure of Cornea and its reason of transparent Describe the structure of retina and the function of pigment cell. rod cell and cone cell Know the definition of ora serrata. macula lutea. fovea centralis and optic disc Know the general structure of ear. Describe six sensory regions of the membranous labyrinth and their function

3 OBJECTIVES • Know the general layers of the eye. • Describe the structure of Cornea and its reason of transparent. • Describe the structure of Retina and the function of pigment cell, rod cell and cone cell. • Know the definition of Ora serrata, Macula lutea, Fovea centralis and Optic disc. • Know the general structure of ear. • Describe six sensory regions of the membranous labyrinth and their function

THE EYE 眉 结膜半月襞 Plica semilunaris conjunctivae 上瞼 Palpebra superior 泪阜 Caruncula lacrima s 瞳孔 泪湖 Lacus lacrimalis 外眦 Angulus oculi lateralis 内眦 球结膜 Tunica conjunctiva bulbi 泪乳头 Papilla lacrimalis 缘 neae 泪点 Punctum lacrimale 睑 320.右眼前面观 Anterior aspect of the right eye


Fibrous layer Walls Ⅴ ascular layer eyeball Retina eye Content: Aqueous humor、Lens、 Ⅴ itreous body Accesory structure: Eyelid muscles of the eye Lacrimal gland

5 eyeball Accesory structure:Eyelid、Muscles of the eye、 Lacrimal gland Walls Content:Aqueous humor、Lens、 Vitreous body Fibrous layer Vascular layer Retina eye

Eyeball Walls Cornea 1/6 Fibrous lavers Sclera 5/6 Choroid 2/3 Eye ball vascular layers Ciliary body Retina

6 Ciliary body Eyeball Walls Fibrous layers Eye ball Vascular layers Retina Cornea 1/6 Sclera 5/6 Choroid 2/3 Iris

D C B ornea M Colorless, transparent 5 layers: epithelium Bowman’ s membrane Stroma Descemet’ s membrane Cornea H&E Low endothelium E· corneal epithelium;D· Descemet membrane :b- Bowman s membrane P-substantia propria

Cornea Colorless, transparent 5 layers: epithelium Bowman’s membrane Stroma Descemet’s membrane endothelium 7

keratin Cori aepithelium Non-keratinized stratified squamous epi. 5-6 lavers Numerous mitotic figures B No vessels Free nerve ending b. Bowman's membrane( anterior Corneal epithelium H&E High arrows-lens fibers(young); basement membrane) P-substantia propria; B-Bowman's An accellular homogeneous membrane Membrane (collagen fibrils) Stability strength, no regeneration

Cornea a.epithelium: • Non-keratinized stratified squamous epi. • 5-6 layers • Numerous mitotic figures • No vessels. • Free nerve ending b.Bowman’s membrane( anterior basement membrane) • An accellular homogeneous membrane (collagen fibrils) • Stability & strength, no regeneration 8 keratin

C Stroma or substantia propria Several lamellae of fine collagen fnetwork Flattened fibroblasts G S rich in chrodroitin sulfate D. Descemet's membrane(posterior limiting lamina) Acellular homogeneous membrane Can be repaired by endothelial cells D E Endothelium M Like mesothelium in its morphology Regulate the water content of the K stroma maintain trans parency Cornea h&E Med E- corneal epithelium; D-Descemet's membrane:b- 's membrane. - substantia propria; K- keratocyte

C. Stroma or substantia propria • Several lamellae of fine collagen • Flattened fibroblasts • in chrodroitin sulfate D. Descemet’s membrane (posterior limiting lamina) • Acellular homogeneous membrane • Can be repaired by endothelial cells E.Endothelium • Like mesothelium in its morphology • Regulate the water content of the stroma → maintain transparency 9

镜图 相邻胶原板 层的纤维方 向垂直 胶原板层 纵断面 胶原板层 横断面

胶原板层电镜图 10 相邻胶原板 层的纤维方 向垂直 胶原板层 纵断面 胶原板层 横断面
