浙江大学医学院:《病原生物学》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)卫氏并殖吸虫 Paragonimus westermani(lung fluke,肺吸虫)

Paragonimus westermani 卫氏并殖吸虫 ung fluke,肺吸虫) Adult Miracidium Human animal (Final hos ventral suder Larva Talana Testis Semisulcospira sp, Bladder Metacercaria Enocheir sinensis Cambaroides simis M icrocercous
Paragonimus westermani 卫氏并殖吸虫 (lung fluke,肺吸虫)

Introduction The reproductive organs of paragonimus stand side by side Adult worms usually live in the lungs of man and carnivores causing paragonimiasis, so they are also called lung flukes It is essentially a zoonosis, reservoir hosts including dogs, cats and tigers a In china, there are two species of lung flukes of medical importance: Paragonimus westermani Pagumogonimus skriabini
Introduction ◼ The reproductive organs of paragonimus stand side by side ◼ Adult worms usually live in the lungs of man and carnivores causing paragonimiasis,so they are also called lung flukes ◼ It is essentially a zoonosis, reservoir hosts including dogs, cats and tigers ◼ In china, there are two species of lung flukes of medical importance: Paragonimus westermani, Pagumogonimus skrjabini

Introduction a Paragonimus westermani was first found in a Bengal tiger's lung in India in 1877 It is the main kind of lung flukes infecting man a In China, P westermani prevalent in 23 provinces, city and autonomic region except Xinjiang, Xizang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and shandong
◼ Paragonimus westermani was first found in a Bengal tiger’s lung in India in 1877 ◼ It is the main kind of lung flukes infecting man ◼ In China, P. westermani prevalent in 23 provinces, city and autonomic region except Xinjiang, Xizang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and Shandong Introduction

Introduction Infection occurs in Asia(especially in China, Korea, India, Japan, Laos, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, viet-Nam), Central-West Africa, South America(Ecuador, Peru, venezuela) Geographic distribution of Paragonimiasis
Introduction Infection occurs in Asia (especially in China, Korea, India, Japan, Laos, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet-Nam), Central-West Africa, South America (Ecuador, Perù, Venezuela)

Morphology Adult worm Elliptic, dorsally convex while ventrally flattened as half of a peanut Reddish-brown in color About75-12×4-6×1-3mm (length width=2: 1) The ventral sucker is located in the central position of the body Two testes, the ovary and the uterus are situated side by side characteristic configuration
Morphology Adult worm ◼Elliptic, dorsally convex while ventrally flattened as half of a peanut ◼Reddish-brown in color ◼About 7.5-124-61-3 mm (length:width=2:1) ◼The ventral sucker is located in the central position of the body ◼Two testes, the ovary and the uterus are situated side by side – characteristic configuration

ventral sucker Oral sucker ceca m teatrul s uterus ovary Vitelline follicles Testes vitellin
ventral sucker uterus ceca Testes ovary Oral sucker Vitelline follicles

Oral sucker spines 831 28KU 20K Excretory pouch ventral sucker
Oral sucker ventral sucker Excretory pouch spines

Egg Morphology o size about100×55m Thick and asymmetric shell ● A distinct operculum ● An ovum surrounded by operculum more than 10 yolk cells ovum yolk cell shell
Egg Morphology •Size about 10055µ m •Thick and asymmetric shell •A distinct operculum •An ovum surrounded by more than 10 yolk cells shell operculum ovum yolk cell


Life cycle Cercariae invade the crustacean and encyst into metacercariae △ Infective Stage 魯-國 A porocysts Rediae Cercariae Humans inges cooked or pickled crustaceans containing Excyst in Miracidia hatch and penetrate snail Adultsin cystic cavities in lungs lay eggs which are excreted 2 Embryonated eggs in sputum A Alternately eggs Unembryonated eggs are swallowed and passed with stool
Life cycle
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