浙江大学医学院:Rabies virus and Prion(PPT讲稿)

Rabies virus and prion Dongli pan Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology Zhejiang University School of Medicine pandongli@zju. edu.cl
Rabies virus and Prion Dongli Pan Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology Zhejiang University School of Medicine pandongli@zju.edu.cn

Rabies virus Member of the lyssavirus of the rhabdoviridae
Rabies virus Member of the Lyssavirus of the Rhabdoviridae

DNA Viruses RNA Viruses Group I Group‖l Group Ill Group Group V Group VI Group VI DNA(+/-) DNA (+ RNA(+/-) RNA(+) RNA(-) RNA(+) DNA(+/-) ranscription DCOOOOOO RNA(-) DNA(+/- Reverse transcription RNA prot Baltimore classification Fields Virology 6th edition
Fields Virology, 6th edition DNA viruses RNA viruses Baltimore classification

1. Biological properties Has a cylindrical morphology 包 基质蛋白 糖蛋白 SSRNA enveloped virus capsid has helical symmetry THRoW)MM Is a neurotropic virus
1. Biological properties Has a cylindrical morphology -ssRNA enveloped virus capsid has helical symmetry Is a neurotropic virus

Negri body内基小体 Forms round or oval acidophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies Negri body in the cytoplasm of infected neuron
Negri body in the cytoplasm of infected neuron Forms round or oval acidophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. Negri body 内基小体

Rabies Transmission by the bite of a rabid animal commonly a dog or a cat the contamination of scratch wounds by virus-infected saliva Clinical findings Incubation/prodromal period 1 to 3 months · cns infection Hydrophobia. This fear of water is the result of the pain associated with drinking · Seizures and hallucinateⅰons. Paralysis may lead to respiratory failure Coma Mortality is >99%. Most deadly virus!
• Incubation/prodromal period 1 to 3 months • CNS infection • Hydrophobia. This fear of water is the result of the pain associated with drinking. • Seizures and hallucinations. • Paralysis may lead to respiratory failure. • Coma • Mortality is >99%. Most deadly virus! Transmission – by the bite of a rabid animal (commonly a dog or a cat) – the contamination of scratch wounds by virus- infected saliva. Clinical findings Rabies

Pathogenesis 5. Brain infected 6 Virus travels fom brain via nerves to other tissues such as eye, kidneys, salivary glands 4. Virus replicates in dorsal root ganghion 3 Virus infects nerve in and travels up spinal cord to brain peripheral nervous system Moves by retrograde 1. Virus enters transport via anmal bite 2. Virus replicates in muscle at site of bite

Laboratory diagnosis Animals: Animals in a rabies endemic area should beheld for 10 days for observation if the animal is sick kill the animal and collect 海马回 samples from hippocampus tissues and look for 1) Negri bodies 2) viral antigens by immunofluorescence Human Collect samples of saliva, serum, spinal fluid and skin biopsies and perform rT-PCR or immunofluorescence
Laboratory diagnosis Animals: Animalsin a rabies endemic area should beheld for 10 days for observation. If the animal is sick, kill the animal and collect samples from hippocampus tissues and look for 1) Negri bodies 2) viral antigens by immunofluorescence Human: Collect samples of saliva, serum, spinal fluid, and skin biopsies and perform RT-PCR or immunofluorescence. 海马回

Postexposure rabies prophylaxis ong incubation period is the basis of postexposure prophylaxis Local wound care Cleanse wound with soap and water sterilize with ethanol or iodine Combination of passive and active immunization Passive immunization with rabies antiserum (HRIG, given the day before or on the day of active immunization Active immunization with antirabies vaccine (HDCV, im given on days0,3,7,14,28)
Local wound care Cleanse wound with soap and water. Sterilize with ethanol or iodine. Combination of passive and active immunization: Passive immunization with rabies antiserum (HRIG,given the day before or on the day of active immunization) Active immunization with antirabies vaccine (HDCV, im given on days 0, 3, 7, 14, 28). Postexposure rabies prophylaxis Long incubation period is the basis of postexposure prophylaxis

From bse to Prion Prion: An infectious proteinaceous particle of nonnucleic acid composition
From BSE to Prion Prion: An infectious proteinaceous particle of nonnucleic acid composition
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