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浙江大学医学院:《肾脏生理学 Kidney Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)肾脏的排泄功能 Excretive function of kidney

浙江大学医学院:《肾脏生理学 Kidney Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)肾脏的排泄功能 Excretive function of kidney

Kidney physiology YU Yangin. PhD Zhejiang University, School of Medicine

Kidney Physiology YU Yanqin, PhD Zhejiang University, School of Medicine

Diaphragm Kidney 1. Excretion Ureter 2. Pathway for excretion Bladder Urethra The paired kidneys form a filtrate of the blood that is modified by reabsorption and secretion; urine designated for excretion moves along the ureters to the bladder

The paired kidneys form a filtrate of the blood that is modified by reabsorption and secretion; urine designated for excretion moves along the ureters to the bladder. 1. Excretion 2. Pathway for excretion

Functions of the Kidney Regulation of body fluid osmolality(渗透 压) Regulation of electrolyte and water e Excretion of waste products Regulation of acid and base

Functions of the Kidney ⚫ Regulation of body fluid osmolality (渗透 压) ⚫ Regulation of electrolyte and water ⚫ Excretion of waste products ⚫ Regulation of acid and base

Functions of the Kidney- Urine 成人1000~2000m1/天-常 ·>2500m1/天---多尿 Polyuria 400m天--尿 Oliguria <100m天-尿 Anuria

• 成人1000~2000m1/天------正常 • 2500m1/天-----多尿Polyuria • <400ml/天-----少尿Oliguria • <100ml/天-----无尿Anuria Functions of the Kidney--- Urine

Components of urine water:95%~97% solid 37-52 sat:氯化钠、硫酸盐、磷酸盐,钾盐、铵盐等 有机物:尿素、肌酐、马尿酸、尿胆素

Components of urine water:95%~97% solid:3%~5% salt:氯化钠、硫酸盐、磷酸盐,钾盐、铵盐等 有机物:尿素、肌酐、马尿酸、尿胆素

Property of urine 淡黄色 比重:1.015~1025 pH值:5.0~7.0 渗透压:360~1457mOsm/L

Property of urine 淡黄色 比重:1.015~1.025 pH值:5.0~7.0 渗透压:360~1457mOsm/L

Functions of the Kidney o Production of hormones ●1. Erythropoietin(促红细胞生成素) ●2. Renin(肾素) and Kinins(激肽) ●3.1,25- dihydroxycholecalciferol(1,25-羟基维生素 D3) ●4. Prostaglandins A(前列腺素)

⚫ Production of hormones: ⚫1. Erythropoietin(促红细胞生成素) ⚫ 2. Renin(肾素) and Kinins(激肽) ⚫ 3. 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol(1,25-羟基维生素 D3) ⚫4. Prostaglandins A(前列腺素) Functions of the Kidney

structure of the Kidney (a) Kidney Nephron Pyramid Renal cortex Renal medulla Renal pel Ureter To ureter

Structure of the Kidney

Distal convoluted tubule M/epon(肾单位) Bowman's capsule oman space corpus Glomerulus enal corpuscle(肾小体) Cortical collecting duct Glomerulus(肾小球) arena e Macula - Bowman's capsule(肾小囊)e Afferent arteriole Renal tubular system(肾 CORTEX MEDULLA 管) Proximal straignt tubule Proximal convoluted tubule Descending Loop of Henle(髓袢) thin limb of Henle's loop Medullary Descending thick limb limb of Descending thin limb Henle' s loop Ascending thin limb Ascending thick limb Distal convoluted tubule ducts from other nephrons thin limb Collecting duct system of Henle's loop

Nephron(肾单位) ➢ Renal corpuscle(肾小体) - Glomerulus (肾小球) - Bowman’s capsule(肾小囊) ➢ Renal tubular system(肾 小管) ✓ Proximal convoluted tubule ✓ Loop of Henle(髓袢) - Descending thick limb - Descending thin limb - Ascending thin limb - Ascending thick limb ✓ Distal convoluted tubule Collecting duct system

Types of the /ephron Cortical nephron Efferent arteriole X Afferent Juxtamedullary 6 arteriole nephron Cortical nephron(皮质肾h vein 单位) Juxtamedullary nephron oN Interlobar artery Vasa op (近髓肾单位) vein recta Henle ollecting duct Thin loo of Ducts of Bellin

Types of the Nephron Cortical nephron(皮质肾 单位) Juxtamedullary nephron (近髓肾单位)
