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浙江大学医学院:《生理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)血管生理 Vascular Physiology(主讲:夏强)

浙江大学医学院:《生理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)血管生理 Vascular Physiology(主讲:夏强)

Vascular Physiology Qiang XIA(夏强),PhD Department of Physiology Room C518, Block C, Research Building, School of Medicine Te:88208252

Vascular Physiology Qiang XIA (夏强), PhD Department of Physiology Room C518, Block C, Research Building, School of Medicine Tel: 88208252 Email:

Vena cava Aorta (3cm) (2.5cm Heart Regulation of blood flow 题差 Veins Arteries (30cm) (0.5cm Arterioles Endothelial Capillaries 30pm) (6pm) Smooth muscle

Copynght e The McGeaw-Hill Companes, ine Permission required for reproduction or diaplay Vasa vasorum Nerve Tunica adventitia External elastic membrane Tunica Smooth muscle intima Internal elastic membrane Tunica Basement Lamina propria I media membrane (smooth muscle and connective Endothelium tissue)


Lecture Outline Functional parts of blood vessels Hemodynamics Arterial blood pressure ● Microcirculation Venous pressure and venous return ° The lymphatic system

Lecture Outline • Functional parts of blood vessels • Hemodynamics • Arterial blood pressure • Microcirculation • Venous pressure and venous return • The lymphatic system

Functional parts of blood vessels Vessel Characteristics Connective Tissue Smooth Muscle Elastic vessels(Windkessel vessels) Endothelium Muscular and Elastic, Thick walled (弹性血管) Artery Distribution vessels(分布血管) Muscular. Little connective Resistance vessels(Precapillary tissue Arteriole resistance vessels)(阻力血管) Endothelial layer, no muscle Exchange vessels(交换血管) Shunt vessels(短路血管) Thin walls with some smooth muscle Venule Thin walled with smooth muscle Capacitance vessels(容量血管) flacid

Functional parts of blood vessels Elastic vessels (Windkessel vessels) (弹性血管) Resistance vessels (Precapillary resistance vessels)(阻力血管) Exchange vessels(交换血管) Capacitance vessels(容量血管) Distribution vessels(分布血管) Shunt vessels(短路血管)

opyright@ The McGraw-Hill Companies, Ine Permission required for reproduction or display TABLE 12-4 Functions of Endothelial Cells I. Serve as a physical lining that blood cells do not normally adhere to in heart and blood vessels 2. Serve as a permeability barrier for the exchange of nutrients, metabolic end products, and fluid between plasma and interstitial fluid; regulate transport of macromolecules and other substances 3. Secrete paracrine agents that act on adiacent vascular and nitric oxide(endothelium-derived relaxing factor smooth muscle cells; including vasodilators-prostacycli EDRF)and vasoconstrictors--notably endothelin-l 4. Mediate angiogenesis (new capillary growth). 5. Play a central role in vascular remodeling by detecting signals and releasing paracrine agents that act on adjacent cells in the blood vessel wall 6. Contribute to the formation and maintenance of extracellular matrix 7. Produce growth factors in response to damage. 8. Secrete substances that regulate platelet clumping. clotting, and anticlotting 9, Synthesize active hormones from inactive precursors Chapter 14) 10. Extract or degrade hormones and other mediators Chapters 11, 13) I 1. Secrete cytokines during immune responses( Chapter 18) 12. Influence vascular smooth-muscle proliferation in the disease atherosclerosis

Hemodynamics(血流动力学) Blood flow Q= AP/R=(P1-P2)/R Pressure gradient Resistance Blood flow

Hemodynamics(血流动力学) • Blood flow Q= DP/R = (P1 -P2 )/R

Q: cardiac output, 5 L/min Q= PA/R R: total peripheral resistance PA: aortic pressure RIGHT LEFT HEART Total Peripheral vascula Resistance(TPVR) Parallel system 1/TPVR= 1/R,+1/R GUT Thus R is always less than LIVER any individual resistance LEEN Serial system RER.+R Cross sectional area Thus R. is always larger tha of all open capillanes any individual resistance Eq8-1) A=(10(103)=0.1m SKIN BONE FAT

Q= P A/R Q: cardiac output, 5 L/min R: total peripheral resistance PA: aortic pressure

Resistance of blood flow Poiseuille law:Q=π△Pr4/8nl m: viscosity r: radius of the vessel L: length of the vessel R=8nL/ir Q=△P/R Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille lpwa-zai(April 22, 1799-December 26, 1869) was a French physician and physiologist. Poiseuille was born in Paris, france From 1815 to 1816 he studied at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris. He was trained in physics and mathematics. In 1828 he earned his D Sc degree with a dissertation entitled Recherches sur la force du coeur aortigue. he was interested in the flow of human blood in narrow tubes

Poiseuille Law: Q=pDPr4 /8hL h: viscosity r: radius of the vessel L: length of the vessel Q= DP/R Resistance of blood flow R= 8hL/pr 4 Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille \pwä-'zəi\ (April 22, 1799 - December 26, 1869) was a French physician and physiologist. Poiseuille was born in Paris, France. From 1815 to 1816 he studied at the École Polytechnique in Paris. He was trained in physics and mathematics. In 1828 he earned his D.Sc. degree with a dissertation entitled Recherches sur la force du coeur aortique. He was interested in the flow of human blood in narrow tubes

r: main determinant of blood flow A d 1 1 ml min 100mm 16 ml min d=4 256 ml min B Small vessel Large vessel

r: main determinant of blood flow
