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西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程教学课件(2019)McMurry OCB 3Ed Chapter 00 Introduction to the course

西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程教学课件(2019)McMurry OCB 3Ed Chapter 00 Introduction to the course

Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications,3 Edition John McMurry ORGANIC CHEMISTRY For Undergraduates in Biological Science JOHN MCMURRY Organic Chemistry with Biological applications By Junru Wang College of Chemistry and Pharmacy Room C206,Science Building

By Junru Wang College of Chemistry and Pharmacy Room C206, Science Building Email: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY For Undergraduates in Biological Science Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications, 3rd Edition John McMurry

OHN MCMURRY Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications,3d Edition John McMurry Organic Chemistry Biological Applications 4 Qs 1.What Is Organic Chemistry? 2.What Will We Learn From It? 3.How To Study? 4.What Is Your Goal? By Junru Wang College of Chemistry and Pharmacy Room C206,Science Building

By Junru Wang College of Chemistry and Pharmacy Room C206, Science Building Email: Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications, 3rd Edition John McMurry 4 Qs : 1.What Is Organic Chemistry? 2.What Will We Learn From It? 3.How To Study? 4.What Is Your Goal?

Almost everything in this image is made of organic chemicals!

Almost everything in this image is made of organic chemicals!

WHAT is Organic Chemistry? 什么是化学? 认识物质中的分子并制造分子? Organic Chemistry is... >the study of the compounds of carbon >the science of carbon compounds >the chemistry of the compounds of carbon >"the chemistry of living things" 什么是有机化学? 有机化学是研究碳的化合物的科学。 建立起来的 a Carbocation a Carbon Radical a Carbanion

Organic Chemistry is… the study of the compounds of carbon the science of carbon compounds the chemistry of the compounds of carbon “the chemistry of living things” WHAT is Organic Chemistry? 什么是化学?有机化学? ? 认识物质中的分子并制造分子? 基本概念都是 围绕碳的特性 建立起来的 C+ C· C- 什么是有机化学? 有机化学是研究碳的化合物的科学 hao123Organic che.VirtualText of..1 si>An Intr..x 文件抑编端日查看收意夹纳工具D帮助 Nature32,99-100(04June1885) doi:10.1038/032099a0 ■■■aa■■■aa0a■1 An Introduction to the Study of the Compounds of Carbon;of,Organic Chemistry student wno pegins tne stuay or tne carDon Web focuses compounds has to suffer many things from the text-books.Some ☒Send to a friend of them present him with dry bones in the shape of isolated facts Podcasts and bold assertions regarding structural formulae and the linking Rights and permission +Videos of atoms.Others lead him into speculations which he is unprepared to follow;he makes little flights into these and comes Order commercial reprints News Specials back fancying he is a chemist.Other books(there are not many of them)proceed on the true scientific lines;but very frequently their pages are encumbered with too many facts about more or less Journal widely separated compounds,or they deal so much with groups of open innovation information compounds,rather than with typical individual bodies,that the challenges About the journal beginner soon loses his way,becomes perplexed,and is ready to Future Clothes Washing abandon the nursuit. Technology

Scientific Revolution Scientific revolution(1500-1790)leads to: Safer and more effective medicines Cures for genetic diseases HH CH3 CH3CH2CH =CHCH2CONH ■Increased life span CH3 COONa Improved quality of life 2-Pentenylpenicillin Scientific advances in medicine and biology require an understanding of organic chemistry

By Junru Wang College of Chemistry and Pharmacy Room C206, Science Building Tel: 87092829(O);Email: Scientific revolution(1500-1790)leads to:  Safer and more effective medicines  Cures for genetic diseases  Increased life span  Improved quality of life Scientific advances in medicine and biology require an understanding of organic chemistry. Scientific Revolution 2-Pentenylpenicillin N S CHCH2CONH H H O CH3 CH3 COONa CH3CH2CH

自然界存在的有机卤代物Organohalides形 Marine corals secrete organohalogen compounds that act as a feeding deterrent to fish. More than 5000 organohalides have been found to occur naturally,and tens of thousands more surely exist

More than 5000 organohalides have been found to occur naturally, and tens of thousands more surely exist. 自然界存在的有机卤代物 Organohalides

When threatened.the bombardier beetle mixes hydroquinone and H2O2 with enzymes.Peroxide oxidizes hydroquinone to quinone,and the strongly exothermic reaction heats The vinegaroon(whip-tail scorpion) the solution to boiling.The hot. Plant pathologist Frank Westerlund demonstrates the expels a defensive spray consisting of 84%acetic acid,5%octanoic acid. irritating liquid sprays from the tip of "bromomethane difference"between strawberries grown in and 11%water.Octanoic acid acts as the insect's abdomen. a fumigated plot (righr)and those not (lef).The latter are a wetting and spreading agent. withered by verticillium wilt,a fungus. 鞭尾蝎 射炮步甲 The Dilemma of CH3COOH 放屁虫 Bromomethane(溴甲烷): Highly Useful but Also COOH HO OH Highly Toxic

The Dilemma of Bromomethane (溴甲烷 ): Highly Useful but Also Highly Toxic 射炮步甲 放屁虫 H O O H 鞭尾蝎 CH3CO O H C O O H

Organic Chemistry Organic and Biological Chemistry in Modern Medicine Coronary artery disease(CAD)is directly correlated with blood cholesterol levels冠状动脉疾病 75%of blood cholesterol (1000 mg a day)is biosynthesized -Drugs known as Statins reduce the risk of CAD by lowering blood cholesterol levels他汀类药物 他汀类降血脂药) 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A(HMG-CoA)to mevalonate conversion 3-羟基-3甲基戊二酰辅酶A Crucial step in biosynthesis of cholesterol Atorvastatin (Lipitor)inactivates enzyme that catalyzes HMG-CoA to mevalonate conversion ■阿托伐他汀

Organic and Biological Chemistry in Modern Medicine Coronary artery disease (CAD) is directly correlated with blood cholesterol levels  75% of blood cholesterol (1000 mg a day) is biosynthesized Drugs known as Statins reduce the risk of CAD by lowering blood cholesterol levels 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) to mevalonate conversion Crucial step in biosynthesis of cholesterol Atorvastatin (Lipitor) inactivates enzyme that catalyzes HMG-CoA to mevalonate conversion 阿托伐他汀 Organic Chemistry 冠状动脉疾病 他汀类药物 3-羟基-3甲基戊二酰辅酶A 他汀类降血脂药)

H3C OH H3C OH CH3 SCoA OH HO 3-Hydroxy-3-methyl- Mevalonate Cholesterol glutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) K692 K691 HO、 c02 OH D690 2. H 3.0 R556 R590 3.2 CH3 27 9 H752 S684 L562 K735 CH3 L853 5R日 V683 L967 SB4 01 A850 R508 Atorvastatin(Lipitor)
