西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程PPT教学课件(2017)McMurry OCB 3Ed Chapter 02-Sp Brief Introduction and Nomenclature of OCs

Organic Chemistry with BiologicalApplications,3rEdition John McMurry Chapter 02-SP Brief Introduction and Nomenclature of OCs Key Notes Functional group;Classification;IUPACNames Homework(to be continued): P77:3.11c-d;P90:4.1b,c,e;4.4:P185:7.4a,e,gi7.6d,e P194:7.15:P211:7.29d,e7.31b,e
Chapter 02-SP Brief Introduction and Nomenclature of OCs Key Notes Functional group; Classification; IUPAC Names Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications, 3 rd Edition John McMurry Homework(to be continued): P77:3.11c-d; P90:4.1 b,c,e; 4.4; P185: 7.4a,e,g; 7.6d,e P194: 7.15; P211: 7.29d,e; 7.31b,e;

CONTENT Classification Functional groups of OCs. Nomenclature of hydrocarbons Alkanes,Alkenes,Alkynes Aromatic hydrocarbons Nomenclature of OCs containing oxygen ●Alcohols,Ehters o Aldehydes and ketones Carboxylic acids,Carboxylic acid derivatives Nomenclature of OCs containing nitrogen Amines,Nitriles,Acid anhlides acid anhydrides Nomenclature of Multifunctional compounds
CONTENT ◼Classification & Functional groups of OCs. ◼Nomenclature of hydrocarbons ⚫Alkanes,Alkenes,Alkynes ⚫Aromatic hydrocarbons ◼Nomenclature of OCs containing oxygen ⚫Alcohols,Ehters ⚫Aldehydes and ketones ⚫Carboxylic acids,Carboxylic acid derivatives ◼Nomenclature of OCs containing nitrogen ⚫Amines,Nitriles,Acid anhlides & acid anhydrides ◼Nomenclature of Multifunctional compounds

Sec 1 Classes of Compounds Classification based on functional group. ■Three broad classes ●Hydrocarbons Compounds containing oxygen Compounds containing nitrogen. ■Hydrocarbons Alkane:single bonds,sp3 carbons Cycloalkane:carbons form a ring Alkene:double bond,sp2 carbons Cycloalkene:double bond in ring Alkyne:triple bond,sp carbons Aromatic:contains a benzene ring
Sec 1 Classes of Compounds ◼Classification based on functional group. ◼Three broad classes ⚫Hydrocarbons ⚫Compounds containing oxygen ⚫Compounds containing nitrogen. ◼Hydrocarbons ⚫Alkane: single bonds, sp3 carbons ⚫Cycloalkane: carbons form a ring ⚫Alkene: double bond, sp2 carbons ⚫Cycloalkene: double bond in ring ⚫Alkyne: triple bond, sp carbons ⚫Aromatic: contains a benzene ring

Hydrocarbons 基本骨架-~由碳碳键和碳氢键构成 ●烷烃,烯烃,炔烃,脂环烃, 芳香烃 >Alkanes,Alkenes,Alkynes,Alicyclic hydrocarbons,Arenes C≡C一 Alkene Alkyne Arene Functional Groups,positive or negative charge? (aromatic ring】
Hydrocarbons ◼基本骨架 -- 由碳碳键和碳氢键构成 ⚫烷烃, 烯烃, 炔烃, 脂环烃, 芳香烃 ➢Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Alicyclic hydrocarbons, Arenes Functional Groups, positive or negative charge?

Predict how any one of those compounds reacts by analyzing its “functional groups'” Functional Group-group of atoms with characteristic chemical behavior no matter what molecule it's in Chemistry of every organic molecule,regardless of size or complexity, governed by functional groups

Functional Groups ■官能团(Functional Groups): The atomor group ofatoms that defines the structure of a particular family of organic compounds and,at the same time determines their properties Structuralfeatures that allow for classification of compounds into families The structuralsimilarities in these compounds lead to chemical similarities ●官能团:有机分子中比较活泼、易发生化学反应的 原子或原子团 ●官能团:赋予有机物一类特征结构并决定其性质的 原子或原子团
Functional Groups ◼官能团(Functional Groups): ⚫The atom or group of atoms that defines the structure of a particular family of organic compounds and, at the same time determines their properties ⚫Structural features that allow for classification of compounds into families ⚫The structural similarities in these compounds lead to chemical similarities ⚫官能团: 有机分子中比较活泼、易发生化学反应的 原子或原子团 ⚫官能团: 赋予有机物一类特征结构并决定其性质的 原子或原子团

Functional Groups It should be noted that the importance of a functional group cannot be overstated. A functional group affects or determines all of the following properties of a molecule: ●Bonding and shape Chemical reactivity ● Type and strength of intermolecular forces Physical properties Nomenclature
Functional Groups ◼It should be noted that the importance of a functional group cannot be overstated. ◼A functional group affects or determines all of the following properties of a molecule: ⚫ Bonding and shape ⚫ Chemical reactivity ⚫ Type and strength of intermolecular forces ⚫ Physical properties ⚫ Nomenclature

Functional Groups A given functional group Double behaves in nearly the bond CH same way in every molecule it is a part of The chemistry of every organic molecule, regardless of size and Ethylene Menthene complexity,is determined by the functional groups. -Bromine added here In the reactions ofethylene and menthene with bromine both molecules react with Br2 in the C-CH3 same way
Functional Groups ◼A given functional group behaves in nearly the same way in every molecule it is a part of ◼The chemistry of every organic molecule, regardless of size and complexity, is determined by the functional groups. ⚫In the reactions of ethylene and menthene with bromine both molecules react with Br2 in the same way

认一认这些母体化合物 C三C- 烯烃 炔烃 苯,芳香烃 卤代烃 醇 磷酸酯 N: C-SH 胺 硫醇 硫醚 二硫化物
认一认这些母体化合物 烯烃 卤代烃 醇 炔烃 苯,芳香烃 胺 硫醇 醚 磷酸酯 硫醚 二硫化物

认一认这些母体化合物 OH 酯 醛 酮 羧酸 硫代酯 酰胺 酰氯 酸酐
认一认这些母体化合物 醛 酮 羧酸 硫代酯 酯 酰胺 酰氯 酸酐
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