西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程PPT教学课件(2014)Chapter 01 Introduction and Preview(主讲:王俊儒)

Members in the Teaching Groups Junru Wang Hu Tao Bailin Ma Maoseng Jiangjiang Yuan Tang ■Junru Wang Prof.,more than 8 years bilingual teaching in Organic Chemistry ■Hu Tao Prof.,5 yrs research experiences in USA,2 yrs bilingual teaching ■Bailin Ma Prof.,more than 26 yrs teaching ■Maoseng Yuan Associate Prof.,6 yrs teaching,1 yr bilingual teaching ■Jiangjiang Tang Lecturer,2 yrs bilingual teaching
Members in the Teaching Group Junru Wang Hu Tao Bailin Ma Maoseng Yuan Jiangjiang Tang ◼ Junru Wang ⚫ Prof. , more than 8 years bilingual teaching in Organic Chemistry ◼ Hu Tao ⚫ Prof. , 5 yrs research experiences in USA, 2 yrs bilingual teaching ◼ Bailin Ma ⚫ Prof., more than 26 yrs teaching ◼ Maoseng Yuan ⚫ Associate Prof., 6 yrs teaching, 1 yr bilingual teaching ◼ Jiangjiang Tang ⚫ Lecturer, 2 yrs bilingual teaching

WHAT is Organic Chemistry?
WHAT is Organic Chemistry?

http://www.nature.com/nature//n814/abs/32099a0.html p-BdX 《haol23上网.☒Organic che.VirtualText of.0 sisAn Intr..x 文件旧编日查收意夫A工具D帮助州 Journal content Book Review subscribe to Journal home 229.10042682lot0103803209e0 nature Advance online An Introduction to the Study of the Compounds of publication Carbon;ofOrganic chemistry Full text Current issue ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Nature News M.M.PATTISON MUIR Previous Next+ THIS is chemistry.Of how few books professing to be books Top *Table of contents Archive on chemistry can it be said that they teach us anything of the 回Download PDF Supplements science.The student who begins the study of the carbon Web focuses compounds has to suffer many things from the text-books.Some ☒Send to a friend of them present him with dry bones in the shape of isolated facts Podcasts and bold assertions regarding structural formulae and the linking 鳳 Rights and permission Videos of atoms.Others lead him into speculations which he is unprepared to follow;he makes little flights into these and comes Order commercial reprints News Specials back fancying he is a chemist.Other books(there are not many of them)proceed on the true scientific lines;but very frequently their pages are encumbered with too many facts about more or less Journal widely separated compounds,or they deal so much with groups of open innovation information compounds,rather than with typical individual bodies,that the challenges About the journal beginner soon loses his way,becomes perplexed,and is ready to Future Clothes Washing abandon the nursuit Technologv

Where How to?
Where & How to?

LG WADE Text books

情数05u年nstant Notes Andrew F.Parsons s圆Note 有机化学 KEYNOTES IN Organic Organic Chemistry Chemistry G.Patrick WILEY Also available as a printed book se title yorso for ISEN details Organic Chemistry hBiolog Application Organic Chemistry Text books
Text books

参考资源 Text book: Instant notes in organic chemistry,by GL Patrick 。有机化学,付建熙主编,高教出版社 ·有机化学学习指导,王俊儒等主编,高教出版社 。邢其毅“基础有机化学” ■资料: ●2010年省级双语课程(专题教学视频/有机化学16讲) http://eol.nwsuaf.edu.cn/eol/jpk/course/layout/default/index.jsp?cours e虹d=1144 ● 2011省级精品课程 http://eol.nwsuaf.edu.cn/eol/ipk/course/layout/page/index.jsp?cours eId=2000 ●MIT中文http:/www.myoops.org/cocw/mit/Chemistry/ http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/chemistry/5-13-organic-chemistry-ii-fall- 20061 http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/chemistry/5-12-organic-chemistry-i- spring-2003/index.htm ●科学网http:www.sciencenet.cn/bbs/showforum.aspx?forumid:=8Z Organic Chemistry,6th Edition L.G.Wade,Jr. >Keys:http://www.cramster.com/organic-chemistry-6th-solutions-585 >6th PPT:http://wps.prenhall.com/wps/media/objects/340/348272/ ■国外书籍电子版资源http:lgen.b.rus.ec/
参考资源 ◼Text book: ⚫ Instant notes in organic chemistry, by GL Patrick ⚫ 有机化学,付建熙主编,高教出版社 ⚫ 有机化学学习指导,王俊儒等主编,高教出版社 ⚫ 邢其毅“基础有机化学” ◼资料: ⚫ 2010年省级双语课程(专题教学视频/有机化学16讲) http://eol.nwsuaf.edu.cn/eol/jpk/course/layout/default/index.jsp?cours eId=1144 ⚫ 2011省级精品课程 http://eol.nwsuaf.edu.cn/eol/jpk/course/layout/page/index.jsp?cours eId=2000 ⚫ MIT 中文 http://www.myoops.org/cocw/mit/Chemistry/ http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/chemistry/5-13-organic-chemistry-ii-fall- 2006/ http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/chemistry/5-12-organic-chemistry-ispring-2003/index.htm ⚫ 科学网 http://www.sciencenet.cn/bbs/showforum.aspx?forumid=87 ⚫ Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition L. G. Wade, Jr. ➢Keys: http://www.cramster.com/organic-chemistry-6th-solutions-585 ➢6th PPT: http://wps.prenhall.com/wps/media/objects/340/348272/ ◼国外书籍电子版资源 http://gen.lib.rus.ec/

Study Tips READ the assigned textbook chapter before class. WRITE out the main notes and focus on what covered in class. SPEND at least two to three hours studying out of class for every time spent in class. OThis is a very minimal amount of time to spend on a course of this type.You will be rewarded for your efforts. Remember that you are competing with other students. .Students that fail usually do so because they're too busy not because they're dumb or lazy. ■Be an active learner Form a study group and be an active learner.Don't just memorize,but integrate the information into your existing knowledge base and emphasize understanding. "Chance favors the prepared mind." ----Louis Pasteur
Study Tips ◼READ the assigned textbook chapter before class. ◼WRITE out the main notes and focus on what covered in class. ◼SPEND at least two to three hours studying out of class for every time spent in class. ⚫This is a very minimal amount of time to spend on a course of this type. You will be rewarded for your efforts. ⚫Remember that you are competing with other students. ⚫Students that fail usually do so because they're too busy not because they're dumb or lazy. ◼Be an active learner ⚫Form a study group and be an active learner. Don't just memorize, but integrate the information into your existing knowledge base and emphasize understanding. “Chance favors the prepared mind.” ----Louis Pasteur

WHAT to learn from it?
WHAT to learn from it?

Course Description ■Duration:64h 26 Chapters,including 3 chaps.by self- studying ●0.Ms Nomencalture,3D Sturctures and properties RXs,Synthesis,Electronic theories. Review Discussion:3 times Rev.Discuss.1:Hydrocarbons and new applications Rev.Discuss.2:O.Ms Containing Oxygen Rev.Discuss.3:Biological molecules in life
◼Duration: 64h ◼26 Chapters, including 3 chaps. by selfstudying ⚫O.Ms ⚫Nomencalture, 3D Sturctures and properties ⚫RXs, Synthesis, Electronic theories. ◼Review & Discussion: 3 times ⚫Rev. & Discuss. 1: Hydrocarbons and new applications ⚫Rev. & Discuss. 2: O.Ms Containing Oxygen ⚫Rev. & Discuss. 3: Biological molecules in life Course Description
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- 西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程PPT教学课件(2018)McMurry OCB 3Ed Chapter 00 Introduction to the course(主讲:王俊儒).ppt
- 西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程教学课件(2019)McMurry OCB 3Ed Chapter 00 Introduction to the course.pdf