西北农林科技大学:《有机化学 Organic chemistry》课程PPT教学课件(2014)Chapter 20 Amines

有机化学ORGAN1C@n框m1d行 主讲:王筱儒7092261 理学院在化系理科接2层C206 Organic Chemistry,6th Edition L.G.Wade,Jr. Chapter 20 Amines Key Notes Hydrogen bonding;Acidity;Lucas reagent; Dehydration;Williamson synthesis Homework: 14-29:14-30:e,9,h,I51,m:14-32:b,c:14-37:b(P495): 15-27:c:15-28:15-37:a,c,e(P529)
By Junru Wang Email: wangjr07@163.com Chapter 20 Amines Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition L. G. Wade, Jr. Key Notes Hydrogen bonding ; Acidity; Lucas reagent ; Dehydration ; Williamson synthesis 有机化学ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 主讲:王俊儒 87092829(O) 理学院应化系理科楼2层C206 Homework: 14-29;14-30: e,g,h,I,j,l,m;14-32: b,c;14-37: b(P495); 15-27: c;15-28;15-37: a,c,e (P529);

自秋不转时 Content 花华院 ■Introduction ■Properties Of Amines ■Preparation ■Reactions Of Amines ●As nucleophile >Alkylation;Acylation;Sulfonation ●Hofmann Elimination OReaction with Nitrous Acid ●Oxidation of Amines ●Diazonium salts
Content ◼Introduction ◼Properties Of Amines ◼Preparation ◼Reactions Of Amines ⚫As nucleophile ➢Alkylation; Acylation; Sulfonation ⚫Hofmann Elimination ⚫Reaction with Nitrous Acid ⚫Oxidation of Amines ⚫Diazonium salts

Organic compounds of nitrogen N >-C,H,O -C=0,-CHO,-COOH-CO-Y >-N,-P,-S >-Organic compounds of nitrogen N ●蛋白质,多肽 ●氨杂环(生物碱,核酸等) ●酰胺 ●硝基化合物 RNO2,RC=N,RCH=N-OH,RCH=NNH2, ●胺 0 0 RCH-NHCNH2 RCNH2,H2NCNH2 ●重氮化合物 RNH2 ●偶氮化合物
Organic compounds of nitrogen N ➢-C,H,O -C=O,-CHO,-COOH -CO-Y ➢-N,-P,-S ➢-Organic compounds of nitrogen N ⚫蛋白质,多肽 ⚫氮杂环(生物碱,核酸等) ⚫酰胺 ⚫硝基化合物 ⚫胺 ⚫腈 ⚫重氮化合物 ⚫偶氮化合物 RNO2, RC N, RCH N OH, RCH NNH2, RCH NHCNH2 RCNH2, H2NCNH2 O O O RNH2 N N N N

Sec 1 Introduction 院 Biologically Active Amines Neurotransmitters:dopamine ■Bioregulators:epinephrine肾上腺素 ■Vitamins:niacin(烟酸),B6 Alkaloids:nicotine,morphine,cocaine ■Amino acids CH3 O CH2CH2NH OCH3 H O一CPh CH3O OCH H OCH3 OH CH OH H cocaine nicotine mescaline morphine in coca leaves in tobacco in peyote cactus in opium poppies Copyright 2010 Pearson Prentice Hall,Inc
Sec 1 Introduction Biologically Active Amines ◼Neurotransmitters: dopamine ◼Bioregulators: epinephrine肾上腺素 ◼Vitamins: niacin(烟酸), B6 ◼Alkaloids: nicotine, morphine, cocaine ◼Amino acids

Well-Known Amines Adrenaline肾上腺素 Caffeine 。anti-asthma 哮喘 Cocaine Heme Codeine ·O2 transporter Heroin Quinine 。anti-nalaria Mescaline Serotonin Morphine ·neurotransmitter Nicotine
Well-Known Amines Adrenaline • anti-asthma Heme • O2 transporter Quinine • anti-malaria Serotonin • neurotransmitter Caffeine Cocaine Codeine Heroin Mescaline Morphine Nicotine 肾上腺素 抗哮喘

Biologically Active Amines Physiologically active nitrogen-containing compounds ■Obtained from plants ■Jsed as anesthetics, antidepressants,and stimulants ■Many are addictive
Biologically Active Amines ◼Physiologically active nitrogen-containing compounds ◼Obtained from plants ◼Used as anesthetics, antidepressants, and stimulants ◼Many are addictive

Morphine: 自秋 教华院 The sure cure for teething babies Awinslows SOOTHING SYRUP r a0PEE720元
Morphine: The sure cure for teething babies 抚慰的糖浆

Some Examples: H.NH Amphetamine (安非他明) a1°amine used as a central nervous system stimulant in the treatment of certain conditions,such as narcolepsy and depression
Some Examples: Amphetamine (安非他明) a 1° amine N H H used as a central nervous system stimulant in the treatment of certain conditions, such as narcolepsy and depression

自秋不转大对 Some Examples: 教华院 H coniine毒芹碱 a2°amine Poison-Hemlock (芹叶钩吻)Conium maculatum L
Some Examples: N H coniine a 2° amine Poison-Hemlock (芹叶钩吻)Conium maculatum L. 毒芹碱

Some Examples: Cocaine CH3 a3°amine CO2CH3
Some Examples: N CH3 CO2CH3 O Ph O Cocaine a 3° amine
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