论文写作:扉页、致谢和摘要(PPT讲稿)Title Page, Acknowledgements, and Abstract

Lecture 2 Title Page,Acknowledgements, and Abstract
Lecture 2 Title Page, Acknowledgements, and Abstract

1.Introduction:Major aims of writing graduation thesis The practice of writing graduation thesis aims to develop the following abilities of undergraduate students of English majors. (1)The ability to select significant research question A topic should be interesting,significant, researchable,modest and well focused, and one that student can find enough data
1. Introduction: Major aims of writing graduation thesis ◼ The practice of writing graduation thesis aims to develop the following abilities of undergraduate students of English majors. (1) The ability to select significant research question ◼ A topic should be interesting, significant, researchable, modest and well focused, and one that student can find enough data

(2)The ability to locate and review previous research Students are enabled to use three major sources of related literature,and they are background sources,original sources,and critical sources.They are enabled to read opinion articles,review articles and research reports,and to search for information through reference books, library catalogues,abstract and index service,computer database,online service, and conference proceedings
(2) The ability to locate and review previous research ◼ Students are enabled to use three major sources of related literature, and they are background sources, original sources, and critical sources. They are enabled to read opinion articles, review articles and research reports, and to search for information through reference books, library catalogues, abstract and index service, computer database, online service, and conference proceedings

(3)The ability to make their own analysis in research Students are encouraged to ask good questions,to investigate and view things from new perspectives and to make their own analysis.Their contribution,or “newness”could be new in perspective, method,data or analysis.It is hoped that they will learn the essence of science and academic
(3) The ability to make their own analysis in research ◼ Students are encouraged to ask good questions, to investigate and view things from new perspectives and to make their own analysis. Their contribution, or “newness” could be new in perspective, method, data or analysis. It is hoped that they will learn the essence of science and academic

(4)The ability to express things appropriately in English Students will develop their ability to write in appropriate style of English,learn to follow stylistic customs in academic writing, choose appropriate tenses and to make their writing objective in tone and their paper coherent in structure
(4) The ability to express things appropriately in English ◼ Students will develop their ability to write in appropriate style of English, learn to follow stylistic customs in academic writing, choose appropriate tenses and to make their writing objective in tone and their paper coherent in structure

(5)The ability to follow the scholarly style and format Students are encouraged to quote paraphrase,translate and summarize others'ideas,but they are not permitted to take others as theirs.They are enabled to tell clearly in their paper where they take it. They will learn how to follow the particular form and style of the academic writing
(5) The ability to follow the scholarly style and format ◼ Students are encouraged to quote, paraphrase, translate and summarize others’ ideas, but they are not permitted to take others as theirs. They are enabled to tell clearly in their paper where they take it. They will learn how to follow the particular form and style of the academic writing

2.(Choosing a)Topic of a Thesis
2. (Choosing a) Topic of a Thesis

2.1 From an area to a topic Choosing a topic to write about is probably the most important and most crucial part of the entire thesis process. You are encouraged to choose a topic you truly like and are genuinely interested in and to restrict and focus your topic as soon as possible. ▣ Adequately restricting and focusing the topic usually results in a high quality thesis.Failure to do so usually results in endless problems throughout the entire writing process
◼ Choosing a topic to write about is probably the most important and most crucial part of the entire thesis process. ◼ You are encouraged to choose a topic you truly like and are genuinely interested in and to restrict and focus your topic as soon as possible. ◼ Adequately restricting and focusing the topic usually results in a high quality thesis. Failure to do so usually results in endless problems throughout the entire writing process. 2.1 From an area to a topic

At first,you may only have a general idea of what you want to write about,like writing “something”on Reading Comprehension l or Communicative Language Teaching,or "something"on Hamlet in Shakespeare's play,or Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn or Lincoln and the Civil War. These topics at this time in the writing process are vague and unfocused,but this is normal. ■ Only by doing a lot of reading and thinking will you eventually arrive at the point of being able to know the exact focus --the thesis or main idea of your thesis paper
◼ At first, you may only have a general idea of what you want to write about, like writing “something” on Reading Comprehension or Communicative Language Teaching, or “something” on Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play, or Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn or Lincoln and the Civil War. ◼ These topics at this time in the writing process are vague and unfocused, but this is normal. ◼ Only by doing a lot of reading and thinking will you eventually arrive at the point of being able to know the exact focus --- the thesis or main idea - -- of your thesis paper

A good topic should be interesting, significant,researchable,and modest.It should be a topic that you are familiar with and one that you can learn or investigate
◼ A good topic should be interesting, significant, researchable, and modest. It should be a topic that you are familiar with and one that you can learn or investigate
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