
2018年上海理工大学 留学生安全防范法制宣讲 上海市公安局文化保卫分局 2018年3月30日
上海市公安局文化保卫分局 2018年上海理工大学 留学生安全防范法制宣讲 2018年3月30日

Prevention on frequently cases seen in colleges 2 Information on Laws 目录 3) Ways to request help from police content
Prevention on frequently cases seen in colleges 1 2 Information on Laws 3 Ways to request help from police 目 录 content

Prevention on frequently cases 01 seen in colleges 01: Theft cases 02. Telecom fraud 03: Fighting and brawling 04: Fire Control and safe
01 Prevention on frequently cases seen in colleges 01: Theft cases 02:Telecom Fraud 03:Fighting and brawling 04:Fire Control and Safety

Theft cases 第4页
第 4 页 Theft cases

01 02 03 Theft in public areas Burglary Theft of bikes or electric bikes 第5页
第 5 页 01 02 03 Theft of bikes or electric bikes Theft in public areas Burglary

Basketball Court Let's go Where's my bag 上海市公安局文保分局 第6页
第 6 页 案例一 案例二

elassroom Don't leave your bags and other precious things lo alone classroom, library, sports field and any other public areas in campus 上海市公安局果分 第7页
第 7 页 教室内 盗窃 图书馆 盗窃 Don’t leave your bags and other precious things alone in classroom, library, sports field and any other public areas in campus

DD。 mitor\ When leaving your dormitory Wash even in a short time, please close your door; When resting in your room, please lock the door to avoid uninvited guests 上海市公保分 第8页
第 8 页 When leaving your dormitory, even in a short time, please close your door; When resting in your room, please lock the door to avoid uninvited guests

CAnteen Which one? Deliciou This one Where is ??? my wallet 面7元 上海市公安局文保分局 第9页
第 9 页

Campus Choose(a high-quality bike lock and lock your bike before leaving Go by bike 上海市公安局文保分局 第10页
第 10 页 Choose a high-quality bike lock and lock your bike before leaving
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- 香港中文大学:Education, Rustication and Communist Party Membership:What Pays? What Does Not Pay?.ppt
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