Foundations of Programming Languages – Course Overview

Foundations of Programming Languages- Course Overview Acknowledgments: some slides taken or adapted from lecture notes of stanford CS242
Foundations of Programming Languages – Course Overview Acknowledgments: some slides taken or adapted from lecture notes of Stanford CS242

What are programming languages for Communication between programmers and Hw Model the real world Model computation communication One of the most fundamental area of computer science Examples assembly imperative(e. g, C), functional, OO, logical, web (e. g Java Script), domain-specific languages Still a very active field both in academia and industry New languages: F#, Go, Scala
What are programming languages for • Communication between programmers and HW – Model the real world – Model computation & communication • One of the most fundamental area of computer science • Examples – assembly, imperative (e.g., C), functional, OO, logical, web (e.g., JavaScript), domain-specific languages • Still a very active field, both in academia and industry – New languages: F#, Go, Scala, …

POPL 2017 Invited talk on rust A POPL 2017(seres)/ A POPL 2017/ Rust: from POPL to practice POPL 2017 When Fri 20 Jan 2017 09: 05-10: 00 at Auditorium - Invited speaker Chair(sk Giuseppe Castagna Abstract In 2015, a language based fundamentally on substructural typing-Rust-hit its 1.0 release, and less than a year stages of incorporating ideas about ownership. How did this come about? Rust's core focus is safe systems programming. It does not require a runtime system or garbage collector, but guarantees memory safety. It does not stipulate any particular style of concurrent programming, but instead provides the tools needed to guarantee data race freedom even when doing low-level shared-state concurrency It allows you to build up high-level abstractions without paying a tax; its compilation model ensures that the abstractions boil away. Aaron Turon its trait system(a descendant of Haskel's typeclasses). The talk will cover these two pillars of Rust design, with P-swS These benefits derive from two core aspects of Rust: its ownership system(based on substructural typing)and particuiar attention to the key innovations that make the language usable at scale. It will highlight the implications for concurrency, where Rust provides a unique perspective, It will also touch on aspects of Rust's development that tend to get less attention within the POPL community: Rust's govemance and open development process. and design considerations around language and library evolution. Finally, it will mention a few of the myriad open research questions around Rust Session Program Fri 20 Jan 09: 05-10: 00: POPL. Invited speaker at Auditorium ChairIs): Giuseppe Castagna 19:05-1000 R Rust: from POPL to practice aron Turon
POPL 2017 Invited Talk on Rust

What do we care ° Easy to use Language design: good syntax, clear semantics, high-abstraction level Enhance software productivity e. g. domain specific languages(DSL Better performance Language implementations compilers, runtime(GC), parallelization Better software quality (reliability and security) Type safety, static/ dynamic checking, verification heoretical foundations Semantics, verification etc Connections with other related fields: logic, computation theory, etc
What do we care • Easy to use – Language design: good syntax, clear semantics, high-abstraction level – Enhance software productivity • e.g., domain specific languages (DSL) • Better performance – Language implementations: compilers, runtime (GC), parallelization • Better software quality (reliability and security) – Type safety, static/dynamic checking, verification • Theoretical foundations – Semantics, verification, etc. • Connections with other related fields: logic, computation theory, etc

Language goals and trade-offs Architect Programmer Programming Language Compiler, Tester Runtime environment DIagnostic Tools
Language goals and trade-offs

Why should you take this course Programming language concepts A language is a"conceptual universe"(Perlis) o0 vs. Functional, for instance Distinguish key properties from superficial details Better programming skills Write more efficient and reliable code Be prepared for new Pl methods paradigms, tools Learn to design your own languages Domain-specific languages (e.g big data, machine learning, networking, robotics)
Why should you take this course • Programming language concepts – A language is a “conceptual universe” (Perlis) • OO vs. Functional, for instance – Distinguish key properties from superficial details • Better programming skills – Write more efficient and reliable code – Be prepared for new PL methods, paradigms, tools • Learn to design your own languages – Domain-specific languages (e.g., big data, machine learning, networking, robotics)

Some pl research goals Design and Implementation Easy to use design), efficient executable code(impl) Multicore/Parallel/Distributed programming Flaw detection static, dynamic, etc Related fields: OS, architecture domain specific fields Principles and Theories Semantics and Properties(e. g expressiveness)of Programming Languages Principles and theories for safety/security/correctness Program analysis and verification Related fields logic and algebra, computation theory
Some PL Research Goals • Design and Implementation – Easy to use (design), efficient executable code (impl) – Multicore/Parallel/Distributed programming – Flaw detection: static, dynamic, etc. – Related fields: OS, architecture, domain specific fields • Principles and Theories – Semantics and Properties (e.g. expressiveness) of Programming Languages – Principles and theories for safety/security/correctness – Program analysis and verification – Related fields: logic and algebra, computation theory

Major Conferences Principles of Programming Languages( POPl) Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages Applications (OOPSLA) Principles and Practice of Parallel rogramming( PPoPp International Conferences on Functional Programming (ICFP) Architectural Support for programming Languages and Operating Systems(ASPLOS) Languages, compilers and Tools for embedded systems (LCTES)
Major Conferences • Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) • Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) • Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA) • Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP) • International Conferences on Functional Programming (ICFP) • Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) • Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES)

Major Conferences(2) Related Logic in Computer Science(LICS Computer aided Verification (CAV)
Major Conferences (2) • Related: – Logic in Computer Science (LICS) – Computer Aided Verification (CAV)

1-slide overview of research@ KYHCS KYHCS: USTC-Yale Joint research center for high Confidence Software founded in 2008) Location Suzhou and hefei Goal: building high-confidence SW systems System software verification(e.g. oS kernels, compilers) Verification of concurrent algorithms(e.g. multicore programs Automated analysis and verification of programs Other new language design and impl. semantics
1-slide overview of research@KYHCS • KYHCS: USTC-Yale Joint Research Center for HighConfidence Software (founded in 2008) – Location: Suzhou and Hefei • Goal: building high-confidence SW systems – System software verification (e.g. OS kernels, compilers) – Verification of concurrent algorithms (e.g. multicore programs) – Automated analysis and verification of programs – Other: new language design and impl., semantics, …
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