《Food Safety and Home Food Preservation》课程教学课件(PPT讲稿)Food Enzymes


What is an enzyme? ◼ A biological catalyst that promotes and speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being altered in the process. ◼ Lowers the activation energies of a substance
What is an enzyme? ◼ A biological catalyst that promotes and speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being altered in the process. ◼ Lowers the activation energies of a substance

Energy Profile reactants products H EA T.S. catalyst
Energy Profile reactants products H EA T.S. catalyst

Enzymatic Reactions ◼ Enzyme combines with a specific substrate to a form an enzymesubstrate complex in a lock and key concept before forming new products
Enzymatic Reactions ◼ Enzyme combines with a specific substrate to a form an enzymesubstrate complex in a lock and key concept before forming new products

Enzyme action enzyme substrate products
Enzyme action enzyme substrate products

Structure of an enzyme ◼ Contains both a protein and a nonprotein. ◼ Nonprotein is either a coenzyme (usually a vitamin) or a cofactor (usually a mineral)
Structure of an enzyme ◼ Contains both a protein and a nonprotein. ◼ Nonprotein is either a coenzyme (usually a vitamin) or a cofactor (usually a mineral)

Factors influencing enzyme activity ◼ Operate under optimum conditions of pH and temperature. ◼ Easily inactivated (denatured) in presence of inhibitors
Factors influencing enzyme activity ◼ Operate under optimum conditions of pH and temperature. ◼ Easily inactivated (denatured) in presence of inhibitors

Enzyme Nomenclature ◼ Names usually end in –ase. ◼ Usually named after substrates they act upon e.g. urea - urease lactose - lactase or the resulting type of chemical reaction e.g. hydrolysis - hydrolases oxidation - oxidases ◼ This rule does not always apply. E.g. ficin found in figs and papain in papayas
Enzyme Nomenclature ◼ Names usually end in –ase. ◼ Usually named after substrates they act upon e.g. urea - urease lactose - lactase or the resulting type of chemical reaction e.g. hydrolysis - hydrolases oxidation - oxidases ◼ This rule does not always apply. E.g. ficin found in figs and papain in papayas

Enzyme Nomenclature cont. ◼ hydrolysis - hydrolases oxidation - oxidases ◼ This rule does not always apply. E.g. ficin found in figs and papain in papayas
Enzyme Nomenclature cont. ◼ hydrolysis - hydrolases oxidation - oxidases ◼ This rule does not always apply. E.g. ficin found in figs and papain in papayas

Properties of enzymes ◼ Control ripening. ◼ Cause food spoilage (rotting). ◼ Responsible for changes in flavor, color, texture and nutritional properties. ◼ Can be inactivated by heat to extend storage stability of foods
Properties of enzymes ◼ Control ripening. ◼ Cause food spoilage (rotting). ◼ Responsible for changes in flavor, color, texture and nutritional properties. ◼ Can be inactivated by heat to extend storage stability of foods
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