上海交通大学:《心理学与生活》课程教学资源(教参资料)Stress Assessment questionnaire

MySkillsProfile Report Stress Assessment questionnaire Dave Smith Report myskillsprofile.com The SAQ questionnaires are copyright MySkillsProfile.com. around the globe MySkillsProfile.com developed and publish the questionnaires and are the sole suppliers of test materials and software
MySkillsProfile Report Stress Assessment questionnaire Dave Smith Report myskillsprofile.com around the globe The SAQ questionnaires are copyright MySkillsProfile.com. MySkillsProfile.com developed and publish the questionnaires and are the sole suppliers of test materials and software

Introduction In the workplace and at home,stress and other difficult situations are at an all-time high.Factors such as job insecurity, long hours,continuous change and unrealistic deadlines can cause serious problems for workers.On the home front,going through a divorce,caring for children or elderly parents or dealing with a life-threatening illness are common situations that put people under stress. Most people understand the importance of tackling the problems that make them feel stressed.They realize that good mental health plays an important role in their overall health and well-being.Stress means different things to different people. however,and many people don't know when it's appropriate to seek help.This report is designed to develop your understanding of stress and help you decide whether you should seek professional help. The first section of the report deals with possible sources of stress.The second looks at whether you are experiencing some of the common symptoms of stress.The third section looks at your coping strategy.The fourth section covers some personality issues and the final section assesses the impact of stress on your mental health. Please keep the following points in mind as you read the report. First,remember that the report is based on a self-perception questionnaire.Second,you should be aware that your scores are derived by comparing your answers against those of other people who have completed the questionnaire.Third,remember that this assessment is intended to help clarify things for you but it cannot in any way replace a formal assessment by a qualified mental health professional. MySkillsProfile.com Jan24,2003 2
Introduction In the workplace and at home, stress and other difficult situations are at an all-time high. Factors such as job insecurity, long hours, continuous change and unrealistic deadlines can cause serious problems for workers. On the home front, going through a divorce, caring for children or elderly parents or dealing with a life-threatening illness are common situations that put people under stress. Most people understand the importance of tackling the problems that make them feel stressed. They realize that good mental health plays an important role in their overall health and well-being. Stress means different things to different people, however, and many people don't know when it's appropriate to seek help. This report is designed to develop your understanding of stress and help you decide whether you should seek professional help. The first section of the report deals with possible sources of stress. The second looks at whether you are experiencing some of the common symptoms of stress. The third section looks at your coping strategy. The fourth section covers some personality issues and the final section assesses the impact of stress on your mental health. Please keep the following points in mind as you read the report. First, remember that the report is based on a self-perception questionnaire. Second, you should be aware that your scores are derived by comparing your answers against those of other people who have completed the questionnaire. Third, remember that this assessment is intended to help clarify things for you but it cannot in any way replace a formal assessment by a qualified mental health professional. MySkillsProfile.com Jan 24, 2003 2

Sources of Stress Many things cause stress.Job dissatisfaction can cause stress Marital relationship problems can cause stress.The demands of being a parent can cause stress.A major life change is often a cause of stress -for example,the death of someone close. illness or moving home.Your present the following profile Work:You come across as being as satisfied with your work as the average person.You seem averagely content with factors that affect job satisfaction like workload,opportunity for advancement,discretion,rewards,bosses etc.Your work may cause you stress from time to time but it does not appear to be a major source of stress in your life. Relationship:You seem to be as positive about your relationship as the next person.You appear to get a fair amount of satisfaction and happiness from the relationship. Like many couples,however,you will have your ups and downs and relationship difficulties will produce stress from time to time.Your responses do not indicate that this is a major source of stress at the present time. Parenting:This does not appear to be a source of stress as you have said that you do not have any children at present. Incidents:You have experienced a number of critical life events in the last 2 years that often cause stress.The main ones are: retirement major change in finances major change in living conditions moving house major change in eating habits MySkillsProfile.com Jan24,2003 3
Sources of Stress Many things cause stress. Job dissatisfaction can cause stress. Marital / relationship problems can cause stress. The demands of being a parent can cause stress. A major life change is often a cause of stress – for example, the death of someone close, illness or moving home. Your present the following profile. Work: You come across as being as satisfied with your work as the average person. You seem averagely content with factors that affect job satisfaction like workload, opportunity for advancement, discretion, rewards, bosses etc. Your work may cause you stress from time to time but it does not appear to be a major source of stress in your life. Relationship: You seem to be as positive about your relationship as the next person. You appear to get a fair amount of satisfaction and happiness from the relationship. Like many couples, however, you will have your ups and downs and relationship difficulties will produce stress from time to time. Your responses do not indicate that this is a major source of stress at the present time. Parenting: This does not appear to be a source of stress as you have said that you do not have any children at present. Incidents: You have experienced a number of critical life events in the last 2 years that often cause stress. The main ones are: retirement major change in finances major change in living conditions moving house major change in eating habits MySkillsProfile.com Jan 24, 2003 3

Symptoms of Stress Stress can produce many different signs and symptoms.You may experience emotional symptoms such as being nervous around people,having intrusive thoughts,panic attacks and bursting into tears.You may experience behavioural symptoms such as losing interest in things,neglecting your personal appearance and experiencing periods of confusion.You may experience physical symptoms such as stomach upsets,dizzy spells,feeling light-headed and headaches.Prolonged stress may also lead to anxiety and depression. Emotional:You appear to be experiencing some of the common emotional symptoms of stress as frequently as the average person who has completed this questionnaire symptoms such as worrying a lot,finding yourself trembling, having nightmares,being nervous around people,having intrusive thoughts,experiencing panic attacks and bursting into tears.It may be an idea to consult a medical professional for a fuller assessment. Behavioural:You appear to be experiencing some of the common behavioral symptoms of stress as frequently as the average person who has completed this questionnaire symptoms such as feeling tired,working less efficiently, experiencing periods of confusion,having trouble paying attention,becoming forgetful,feeling irritable and losing interest in things.It may be an idea to consult a medical professional for a fuller assessment. Physical:You appear to be experiencing some of the common physical symptoms of stress as frequently as the average person who has completed this questionnaire symptoms such as stomach upsets,dizzy spells,feeling light-headed,headaches,chest pains,periods of breathlessness,palpitations,colds and skin complaints.It may be an idea to consult a medical professional for a fuller assessment. MySkillsProfile.com Jan24,2003 4
Symptoms of Stress Stress can produce many different signs and symptoms. You may experience emotional symptoms such as being nervous around people, having intrusive thoughts, panic attacks and bursting into tears. You may experience behavioural symptoms such as losing interest in things, neglecting your personal appearance and experiencing periods of confusion. You may experience physical symptoms such as stomach upsets, dizzy spells, feeling light-headed and headaches. Prolonged stress may also lead to anxiety and depression. Emotional: You appear to be experiencing some of the common emotional symptoms of stress as frequently as the average person who has completed this questionnaire - symptoms such as worrying a lot, finding yourself trembling, having nightmares, being nervous around people, having intrusive thoughts, experiencing panic attacks and bursting into tears. It may be an idea to consult a medical professional for a fuller assessment. Behavioural: You appear to be experiencing some of the common behavioral symptoms of stress as frequently as the average person who has completed this questionnaire - symptoms such as feeling tired, working less efficiently, experiencing periods of confusion, having trouble paying attention, becoming forgetful, feeling irritable and losing interest in things. It may be an idea to consult a medical professional for a fuller assessment. Physical: You appear to be experiencing some of the common physical symptoms of stress as frequently as the average person who has completed this questionnaire - symptoms such as stomach upsets, dizzy spells, feeling light-headed, headaches, chest pains, periods of breathlessness, palpitations, colds and skin complaints. It may be an idea to consult a medical professional for a fuller assessment. MySkillsProfile.com Jan 24, 2003 4

Coping Strategies People cope with stress in different ways.Some people look for help from friends and family,others try to go it alone.Some people try to control their feelings and emotions,others blame and/or lash out at other people.Some people try to understand what makes them feel stressed,others hope the stress will go away if they ignore it.Some people do things to take their mind off things,others don't know what to do.Some people try to keep fit and healthy,others let themselves get out of shape and overweight.Your coping style has the following features. Social Support:Your preferred style seems to be to generally keep things to yourself and work through things on your own. On occasions,however,you are prepared to talk about your feelings and get support from other people.Overall,you seem to make somewhat less use of this coping style than the average person Self-Regulation:This is about being able to manage your impulsive feelings and distressing emotions well.Your ability seems to be as well developed as the average person.You are able to do this a fair amount of the time but there are occasions when you lose it. Problem Solving:People with a problem solving coping style try to understand the things that make them stressed and try different things to make things better.Your responses suggest that you do this as often as the average person who has completed this questionnaire. Distraction:People with this coping style try different things to take their mind off the things that cause them anxiety and stress for example,listening to music,going for walks, shopping etc.You seem to do this as often as the average person who has completed this questionnaire. Health:Your responses suggest that your health and fitness has been as good as the average person who has completed this questionnaire.As far as we can tell,you seem to have had generally good health. MySkillsProfile.com Jan24,2003 5
Coping Strategies People cope with stress in different ways. Some people look for help from friends and family, others try to go it alone. Some people try to control their feelings and emotions, others blame and/or lash out at other people. Some people try to understand what makes them feel stressed, others hope the stress will go away if they ignore it. Some people do things to take their mind off things, others don't know what to do. Some people try to keep fit and healthy, others let themselves get out of shape and overweight. Your coping style has the following features. Social Support: Your preferred style seems to be to generally keep things to yourself and work through things on your own. On occasions, however, you are prepared to talk about your feelings and get support from other people. Overall, you seem to make somewhat less use of this coping style than the average person Self-Regulation: This is about being able to manage your impulsive feelings and distressing emotions well. Your ability seems to be as well developed as the average person. You are able to do this a fair amount of the time but there are occasions when you lose it. Problem Solving: People with a problem solving coping style try to understand the things that make them stressed and try different things to make things better. Your responses suggest that you do this as often as the average person who has completed this questionnaire. Distraction: People with this coping style try different things to take their mind off the things that cause them anxiety and stress - for example, listening to music, going for walks, shopping etc. You seem to do this as often as the average person who has completed this questionnaire. Health: Your responses suggest that your health and fitness has been as good as the average person who has completed this questionnaire. As far as we can tell, you seem to have had generally good health. MySkillsProfile.com Jan 24, 2003 5

Procrastination and Perfectionism If you are feeling stressed,it could be because you are a procrastinator or perfectionist.Procrastinators avoid doing things and leave things to the last minute and consequently often feel guilty,inadequate and depressed.Perfectionists have very high expectations of themselves and others.They work hard and want to do things well and expect other people to be the same. This is fine so long as you don't punish yourself if you don't achieve your goals every time or if other people sometimes let you down. Procrastination:There is little or no indication in your responses that you put off important tasks.You are generally the sort of person who plans things well in advance. accomplishes things ahead of schedule and makes decisions quickly. Perfectionism:You may make high demands of yourself from time to time but your responses do not indicate that you are a perfectionist.You have an average score on this dimension. Perfectionism does not seem to be causing you stress. MySkillsProfile.com Jan24,2003 6
Procrastination and Perfectionism If you are feeling stressed, it could be because you are a procrastinator or perfectionist. Procrastinators avoid doing things and leave things to the last minute and consequently often feel guilty, inadequate and depressed. Perfectionists have very high expectations of themselves and others. They work hard and want to do things well and expect other people to be the same. This is fine so long as you don't punish yourself if you don't achieve your goals every time or if other people sometimes let you down. Procrastination: There is little or no indication in your responses that you put off important tasks. You are generally the sort of person who plans things well in advance, accomplishes things ahead of schedule and makes decisions quickly. Perfectionism: You may make high demands of yourself from time to time but your responses do not indicate that you are a perfectionist. You have an average score on this dimension. Perfectionism does not seem to be causing you stress. MySkillsProfile.com Jan 24, 2003 6

Mental Health Although short bursts of stress are not dangerous,longer term or chronic stress can have serious effects on mental health.It may affect your self-esteem and it can bring on depression and anxiety.The SAQ is designed to give a preliminary idea about the presence of mild to moderate stress symptoms that indicate the need for further assessment. Self-Esteem:You seem to have as much sense of worth and self-respect as the average person.In other words,you feel good about yourself a fair amount of the time,but there are occasions when you are very self-critical and find it hard to recognise and appreciate your good points.The advice section of our website suggest some books which offer practical exercises to build self-esteem. Depression:Your answers indicate that you are experiencing some depressive symptoms about as frequently as the average person who has completed this questionnaire symptoms such as feeling down in the dumps,feeling uneasy, restless and irritable,feeling desperate and feeling depressed.If you are concerned,then you should see a medical professional to have a fuller assessment. Anxiety:You don't appear to be presenting many of the common symptoms of anxiety-symptoms such as worrying a lot about things,experiencing sensations of shortness of breath,palpitations or shaking,feeling afraid of going crazy, feeling compelled to perform certain behaviors repeatedly.You may have experienced one or more of these from time to time,but the overall frequency is much less than the average person who has completed this questionnaire. MySkillsProfile.com Jan24,2003 7
Mental Health Although short bursts of stress are not dangerous, longer term or chronic stress can have serious effects on mental health. It may affect your self-esteem and it can bring on depression and anxiety. The SAQ is designed to give a preliminary idea about the presence of mild to moderate stress symptoms that indicate the need for further assessment. Self-Esteem: You seem to have as much sense of worth and self-respect as the average person. In other words, you feel good about yourself a fair amount of the time, but there are occasions when you are very self-critical and find it hard to recognise and appreciate your good points. The advice section of our website suggest some books which offer practical exercises to build self-esteem. Depression: Your answers indicate that you are experiencing some depressive symptoms about as frequently as the average person who has completed this questionnaire - symptoms such as feeling down in the dumps, feeling uneasy, restless and irritable, feeling desperate and feeling depressed. If you are concerned, then you should see a medical professional to have a fuller assessment. Anxiety: You don't appear to be presenting many of the common symptoms of anxiety - symptoms such as worrying a lot about things, experiencing sensations of shortness of breath, palpitations or shaking, feeling afraid of going crazy, feeling compelled to perform certain behaviors repeatedly.You may have experienced one or more of these from time to time, but the overall frequency is much less than the average person who has completed this questionnaire. MySkillsProfile.com Jan 24, 2003 7

Stress Assessment Questionnaire Dave Smith Lower Average Higher 1 2 3 456 7 8 910 Dimension > Work:Dissatisfied with job,stress arises from various work conditions Relationship:Suffers stress as a result of relationship difficulties in personal life No parental responsibilities Parenting Experiences stress as a result of work overload from childrearing and family Sources Incidents:Experiences stress as a result of critical incidents > Emotional:Worries,feels afraid,has intrusive 0 thoughts,may have panic attacks > Behavioural Feels tired,works less efficiently, has difficulty concentrating . Physical Multiple symptoms such as indigestion,headaches,skin complaints toms Social Support:Talks through problems, seeks social support to help reduce stress Self-Regulation Recognises and manages feelings and emotions Problem Solving Seeks to understand, Strate control and improve situation Distraction:Seeks distractions to reduce pressure and take mind off things egies Health:Keeps in shape,eats healthy diet, moderates drinking Procrastination:Puts things off,avoids completing projects,lacks initiative Perfectionism:Holds unrealistic standards about self and other people Self-Esteem Lacks self-respect,feels worthless,judges self to be a failure Stability Depression:Feels unhappy,guilty and inadequate,loses motivation and interest Anxiety Worries excessively,has feelings of fear,relives upsetting events MySkillsProfile.com Jan24,2003 8
Stress Assessment Questionnaire Dave Smith Lower Average Higher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dimension Work : Dissatisfied with job, stress arises from various work conditions Relationship : Suffers stress as a result of relationship difficulties in personal life Parenting : Experiences stress as a result of work overload from childrearing and family Incidents : Experiences stress as a result of critical incidents Emotional : Worries, feels afraid, has intrusive thoughts, may have panic attacks Behavioural : Feels tired, works less efficiently, has difficulty concentrating Physical : Multiple symptoms such as indigestion, headaches, skin complaints Social Support : Talks through problems, seeks social support to help reduce stress Self-Regulation : Recognises and manages feelings and emotions Problem Solving : Seeks to understand, control and improve situation Distraction : Seeks distractions to reduce pressure and take mind off things Health : Keeps in shape, eats healthy diet, moderates drinking Procrastination : Puts things off, avoids completing projects, lacks initiative Perfectionism : Holds unrealistic standards about self and other people Self-Esteem : Lacks self-respect, feels worthless, judges self to be a failure Depression : Feels unhappy, guilty and inadequate, loses motivation and interest Anxiety : Worries excessively, has feelings of fear, relives upsetting events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No parental responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MySkillsProfile.com Jan 24, 2003 8

Stress Symptom Checklist Dave Smith Symptoms Frequency I have had trouble paying attention Often I have had stomach upsets Often I have been afraid of losing control Often I have felt tired Often I have had headaches Often I have eaten too much Sometimes I have avoided people Sometimes I have had colds Sometimes I have experienced periods of confusion Sometimes I have lost interest in things Sometimes I have had panic attacks Sometimes I have been forgetful Sometimes I have been nervous around people Sometimes I have had sexual problems Seldom I have had dizzy spells Seldom I have performed poorly at work Seldom I have had recurrent thoughts about a bad experience Seldom I have found myself trembling Seldom I have had pains in my chest Seldom I have burst into tears Seldom I have found myself sweating excessively Seldom I have neglected my personal appearance Seldom I have felt my heart pounding Seldom I have had nightmares Hardly Ever MySkillsProfile.com Jan24,2003 9
Stress Symptom Checklist Dave Smith Symptoms Frequency I have had trouble paying attention Often I have had stomach upsets Often I have been afraid of losing control Often I have felt tired Often I have had headaches Often I have eaten too much Sometimes I have avoided people Sometimes I have had colds Sometimes I have experienced periods of confusion Sometimes I have lost interest in things Sometimes I have had panic attacks Sometimes I have been forgetful Sometimes I have been nervous around people Sometimes I have had sexual problems Seldom I have had dizzy spells Seldom I have performed poorly at work Seldom I have had recurrent thoughts about a bad experience Seldom I have found myself trembling Seldom I have had pains in my chest Seldom I have burst into tears Seldom I have found myself sweating excessively Seldom I have neglected my personal appearance Seldom I have felt my heart pounding Seldom I have had nightmares Hardly Ever MySkillsProfile.com Jan 24, 2003 9
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