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复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology》理论教学课件_幽门螺杆菌 Helicobacter pylori

复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology》理论教学课件_幽门螺杆菌 Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori(幽门螺杆菌) 角产 C Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped gram negative rod .H. pylori consists of a large diversity of strains, and the genomes of three have been completely sequenced 8 H pylori is associated with antral gastritis 窦炎), duodenal( peptic) ulcer disease(十二指 肠溃疡), gastric ulcers(胃溃疡), and gastric carcinoma(胃癌)和MALT(胃粘膜相关B细胞 淋巴瘤) 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for MD students 1 Helicobacter pylori (幽门螺杆菌) Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped gram￾negative rod H. pylori consists of a large diversity of strains, and the genomes of three have been completely sequenced H.pylori is associated with antral gastritis(胃 窦炎), duodenal (peptic) ulcer disease(十二指 肠溃疡), gastric ulcers(胃溃疡), and gastric carcinoma(胃癌)和MALT(胃粘膜相关B细胞 淋巴瘤)

Helicobacter pylori, Hp 今1982 Warren和 Marshal)分离出“ unidentified curved bacilli ☆1984 Langenberg等命名为“ campylobacter- like organism,CLO” ☆1988 Thompson等发现其16 SrRNA序列分析相似于 Wolinella属” ☆1989G00dwin等发现5个分类学特征,命名“Hp” 幽门螺杆菌位于: 8-变形菌纲 (Epsilonproteobacteria) 螺杆菌科 helicobacterace)) 弯曲菌目( Campylobacterale 螺杆菌属( helicobacter) 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for MD students 2 Helicobacter pylori,Hp 1982 Warren和Marshall分离出“unidentified curved bacilli” 1984 Langenberg等命名为“campylobacter- like organism, CLO” 1988 Thompson等发现其16S rRNA序列分析相似于Wolinella属” 1989 Goodwin等发现5个分类学特征,命名 “Hp” 幽门螺杆菌位于: ε-变形菌纲 (Epsilonproteobacteria) 弯曲菌目(Campylobacterales) 螺杆菌科Helicobacteraceae) 螺杆菌属(Helicobacter)

In 2005 the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm awarded the nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine to Marshall and Robin Warren, his long-time collaborator, for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulce er disease 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for MD students 3 In 2005, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Marshall and Robin Warren, his long-time collaborator, "for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease

复 扫分丽 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori -Junqi's Lecture for MD students 4

生物学性状 今 x,、等醒 ◇革兰染色阴性螺旋弯曲形,细菌常排列成S形或海鸥状。 ◇一端带有2一6根鞭毛,运动活泼 ◆在胃黏膜上皮表面,胃小凹内 及腺腔内,呈不均匀的集团状 分布 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for MD students 5 生物学性状 革兰染色阴性螺旋弯曲形,细菌常排列成S形或海鸥状。 一端带有2-6根鞭毛,运动活泼 在胃黏膜上皮表面,胃小凹内 及腺腔内,呈不均匀的集团状 分布

培养特征: 37°C,微需氧环境,营养要求高(血清或血细胞), 3~6天 生长特性: > oxidase- positive(氧化酶阳性) catalase- positive(触酶阳性) > Mobile(有动力) strong producer of urease(尿素酶)鉴定该菌的 主要依据之 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for MD students 6 培养特征: 37 °C ,微需氧环境,营养要求高(血清或血细胞), 3~6天 生长特性: oxidase-positive (氧化酶阳性) catalase-positive(触酶阳性) Mobile(有动力) strong producer of urease (尿素酶)鉴定该菌的 主要依据之一

致病机制 贲门切迹 底 食管腹段 贲门 十二指肠球部 幽门 胃小弯 角切迹 胃大弯 胃体 降段 幽门管 幽门窦 附图1-2胃的形态与分部 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for MD students 7 致病机制

致病物质与致病机理 令定植( colonization)于胃黏膜上皮表面和胃黏液的底层。 ◆损害胃黏膜屏障 尿素酶( urase) 细胞毒素相关蛋白A( cytotoxin associated gene A,CagA PAⅠ编码 IV型分泌系统( Type IV secretion system) 空泡毒素( vacuolating toxin,vacA),细胞凋亡 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for MD students 8 致病物质与致病机理 定植(colonization)于胃黏膜上皮表面和胃黏液的底层。 损害胃黏膜屏障 尿素酶(urase) 细胞毒素相关蛋白A(cytotoxin associated gene A, CagA) IV型分泌系统(Type IV secretion system) 空泡毒素(vacuolating toxin, vacA), 细胞凋亡 PAI 编码

Type IV secretion REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY Anja Seubert, Rino Rappuoi and Antonello Cov CHIRON 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori -Junqi's Lecture for MD students 9

1.中性粒细胞浸润 2.粘膜上皮细胞损坏 ce: Ryan KJ, Ray CG: Sherris Medical Microbiology, Sth Edition: opyright e The McGraw-HIll Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for md students

5/3/2016 Helicobacter pylori-Junqi's Lecture for MD students 10 1. 中性粒细胞浸润 2. 粘膜上皮细胞损坏
