复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology》学生讨论课课件_军团菌

Report Aug.2015 The New York City Department of Health is currently investigating a cluster of seven legionnaires disease cases in the morris park section of the bronx This cluster is unrelated to the outbreak in the South bronx this summer that was attributed to Legionella in the cooling tower of the Opera House Hotel. Patients in the current cluster live or work in Morris Park, range in age from 45 to 75 and are all currently hospitalized. there have been no deaths New Yorkers with respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, chills and difficulty breathing, are advised to promptly seek medical attention "We are investigating a cluster of seven cases of Legionnaires disease in Morris Park, "Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett said. "I urge all New Yorkers to seek care immediately if they have flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough, headache, or difficulty breathing. the Department is taking immediate steps to determine the source and protect the people who live and work in Morris Park
Report-Aug. 2015 The New York City Department of Health is currently investigating a cluster of seven disease cases in the Morris Park section of the Bronx. This cluster is unrelated to the outbreak in the South Bronx this summer that was attributed to found in the cooling tower of the Opera House Hotel. Patients in the current cluster live or work in Morris Park, range in age from 45 to 75 and are all currently hospitalized. There have been no deaths. New Yorkers with respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, chills and difficulty breathing, are advised to promptly seek medical attention. "We are investigating a cluster of seven cases of disease in Morris Park," Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett said. "I urge all New Yorkers to seek care immediately if they have flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough, headache, or difficulty breathing. The Department is taking immediate steps to determine the source and protect the people who live and work in Morris Park." Legionnaires' Legionella Legionnaires

军团菌 Legionella 资料:李中阳、李博 文稿:梁伟成 演讲:陈天
军团菌 Legionella 资料:李中阳、李博 文稿:梁伟成 演讲:陈天


Content Brief introduction Feature of bacteria culturing Pathogenicity Diagnostic Cure prevention
Content • Brief introduction • Feature of bacteria culturing • Pathogenicity • Diagnostic • Cure & prevention

Brief introduction 39 species &3 subspecies 19 subspecies relates to human diseases · Common in nature Mainly in natural water sources artificial cold/hot water piping system Most suitable water temperature: 31 36C with rich organic substances
Brief introduction • 39 species & 3 subspecies • 19 subspecies relates to human diseases • Common in nature • Mainly in natural water sources & artificial cold/hot water piping system • Most suitable water temperature: 31~36℃ with rich organic substances

Brief introduction Polymorphous( most elongated细长的) ·(0.3~0.9)*10~(2~5)um Under tEM(透射电子显微镜) Dieterle silver staining method Dark chocolate-brown Giemsa staining method 61 Red Gram's staining Dieterle silver staining method
Brief introduction • Polymorphous (most elongated细长的) • G- • (0.3~0.9)*10^(2~5)um • Dieterle silver staining method : Dark chocolate-brown • Giemsa staining method: Red Under TEM(透射电子显微镜) Gram's staining Dieterle silver staining method

Brief introduction The finding of Legionella 1976 An annual veteran meeting in Philadelphia Mortality rate: 34 in 221/15% Named legionella pneumophila in 1978 immunofluorescence
Brief introduction The finding of Legionella • 1976 • An annual veteran meeting in Philadelphia • Mortality rate: 34 in 221 / 15% • Named legionella pneumophila in 1978 immunofluorescence

Feature of bacteria culturing Grow on complex medium BCYE(活性炭-酵母浸出液琼脂) pH6.9, 35 C, humidity: 90% 3 days selective antibiotics
Feature of bacteria culturing • Grow on complex medium • BCYE(活性炭-酵母浸出液琼脂) • pH6.9,35℃,humidity:90% • 3 days • selective: antibiotics

Pathogenicity The main pathogenic bacteria of legionella pneumonia 16 serogroups cross reactions Produce 14-17 carbon chain fatty acids (differentiate different species of Legionella Produce enzymes(metalloproteinase have cytotoxicity and hemolytic activity) Legionella in macrophages Proliferation in amoeba coexist in (under TEM biological membrane
Pathogenicity • The main pathogenic bacteria of legionella pneumonia • 16 serogroups & cross reactions • Produce 14-17 carbon chain fatty acids (differentiate different species of Legionella) • Produce enzymes (metalloproteinase have cytotoxicity and hemolytic activity) • Proliferation in amoebax & coexist in biological membrane Legionella in macrophages (under TEM)

Pathogenicity Enter macrophages and monocytes in pulmonary alveoli Mip protein promotes bacterial adhesion and phagocytosis Form Legionella-containing vacuole and escape from degradation of ysosome Bacteria reproduction Lead to tissue damage and diseases (pneumonia mostly respiratory symptoms)
Pathogenicity • Enter macrophages and monocytes in pulmonary alveoli • Mip protein promotes bacterial adhesion and phagocytosis • Form Legionella—containing vacuole and escape from degradation of lysosome • Bacteria reproduction • Lead to tissue damage and diseases (pneumonia mostly: respiratory symptoms)
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