复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology》学生讨论课课件_炭疽杆菌 Bacillus Anthracis

Bacillus Anthracis 炭疽杆菌 张蕴璐、司若琰、杨婧艺
Bacillus Anthracis 炭疽杆菌 张蕴璐、司若琰、杨婧艺

Background first isolated by Robert Koch in 1876 famous as biological warfare as early as the World War I
Background • first isolated by Robert Koch in 1876 • famous as biological warfare as early as the World War I

PART 01妻

UlUp Gram+, large, boxcar-like, spe forming(not in host tissues)rods: In infected blood or tissues the bacilli are frequently present in short chains, surrounded by the poly five categories on the sultans category numbers of tandem rel erp n-haemolytic
• Gram+ , large, boxcar-like, sporeforming(not in host tissues)rods; • In infected blood or tissues, the bacilli are frequently present in short chains, surrounded by the polypeptide capsule; • non-motile and non-haemolytic • five categories on the basis of variable numbers of tandem repeats in the variable region of the VrrA gene

Cultivatable characteristic 24h,surface li c 4 queried funnel-shaped Spread along the inoculation
13 42 2 • typical white colonies with bee’s eye appearance 1 • cultivate b acteria 24 h, form greyish - white rough colony 3 • 24h,surface li quefied, funnel -shaped; Spread along the inoculation line 4 • uniform bead - shape and string -of - beads changes

PART02要 Pathogenesis

i molecular structure protective antigen that mediates entry of lf or ef into eukaryotic cells: lethal Anthraxtoxin factor, edema factor(an adenylate cyclase): Genes pXO1: 184.kbp, coding for three to like lethal factor, oedema factor protective antigen causing haemorrhage, oedema, and necrosIs XO2: 95.3 kbp encoding three genes(cap B, cap C, cap A)involved in the synthesis of the polyglutamyl capsule that inhibits host phagocytosis of B anthracis
i molecular structure polypeptide, antiphagocytic, immunogenic; protective antigen that mediates entry of LF or EF into eukaryotic cells; lethal factor, edema factor(an adenylate cyclase); • pXO1: 184.5kbp, coding for three toxins like lethal factor, oedema factor, protective antigen causing haemorrhage, oedema, and necrosis; • pXO2: 95.3 kbp encoding three genes (cap B, cap C, cap A) involved in the synthesis of the polyglutamyl capsule that inhibits host phagocytosis of B anthracis;

li pathogenic pathway ※ skin or mucosa or through inhalation extracellular multiplication regional production of capsule and haemorrhagic toxins lymphadenitis mediastinal lymph 分 germination of the vegetative nodes form
ii pathogenic pathway • skin or mucosa or through inhalation extracellular multiplication + production of capsule and toxins germination of the vegetative form mediastinal lymph nodes regional haemorrhagic lymphadenitis

PART03,雯 clinical features

i cutaneous anthrax ※ The lesion is via an abrasion cut painless and or possible insect always bite, a small pimple surrounded by contact with animals or papule. edema or animal products By the fif th or sixth daym painless ulcers Over the next 24 hours associated with vesicles and edema a thick black eschar. a ring of vesicles bacilli remain develops, localised to the followed by lesion ulceration of the Fever is rarely central papule present
i cutaneous anthrax via an abrasion, cut, or possible insect bite, a small pimple or papule. a ring of vesicles develops, followed by ulceration of the central papule Over the next 24 hours By the fifth or sixth day a thick black eschar; bacilli remain localised to the lesion; Fever is rarely present. The lesion is painless and always surrounded by edema contact with animals or animal products painless ulcers associated with vesicles and edema
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