BRIDGING THE GAPS IN LEARNING:THE ROLE OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TOOLS Chiazoka K.Inyamah Abstract Educational systems throughout the world are transformed to meet the challenges and the standards set for the 21 century developments.Schools and colleges,corporate training centres and other educational institutions are now providing all sorts of facilities to support the central mission of facilitating learning.Governments come up with policies that enable the achievement of educational goals.Educational Technology principles and practices facilitate the achievement of educational goals through the utilication of its processes and products.In the teaching and learning situation.where gaps exist as a result of individual and environmental differences.application of Educational Technology remains the best option for bridging the gaps in learning.This paper looks at the meaning of educational technology:Educational technology and the National Policy on Education;Some modern educational technology tools that help to bridge the gaps in learning:The role of educational technology in bridging gaps in learning.It also suggests how to incorporate educational technology tools into Nigerian classrooms. Acquisition of education all over the world is being influenced by the processes and practice of Educational Technology.The modern day educational policies and their implementation are products of Educational Technology.Educational Technology has to do with ethical practices of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating managing appropriate technological processes and resources(Association for Educational Communication and Technology(AECT 2004). By this,it means creating an enabling environment on which education can effectively take place (a kind of organized education). According to Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT)(2004), the history of organized educational and training can be viewed as long arduous struggle to extend opportunities to more people and to devise means of helping those people learn better through the serendipitous events of everyday life.It is important to note here,that organized education takes place in institutions of learning where instructional activities are fashioned out to guide the achievement of educational goals.It is equally the role/duty of educational institutions and designated authorities to provide different kinds of resources to support the central mission of facilitating learning.i.e supporting both the learners and the instructors or educators by exposing them to the use of appropriate principles and strategies as well as technologies necessary for optimal learning.These technologies expand the possibilities of supporting learning both individually or in groups in the classroom or at a distance especially as learning resources have now become digitalized. In support of the above,Rosen and Wolf(2011)opined that Educational Technology can play a significant role in the enhancement of educational systems,to address knowledge and skills needed in the 21s century;that technologically-rich environments can more effectively promote educational goals,such as learning motivation,team work and higher order thinking skills when compared with the traditional teaching and learning. Knowledge Review Volume 31 No.2,December,2014 1
1 BRIDGING THE GAPS IN LEARNING: THE ROLE OF MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TOOLS Chiazoka K. Inyamah Abstract Educational systems throughout the world are transformed to meet the challenges and the standards set for the 21st century developments. Schools and colleges, corporate training centres and other educational institutions are now providing all sorts of facilities to support the central mission of facilitating learning. Governments come up with policies that enable the achievement of educational goals. Educational Technology principles and practices facilitate the achievement of educational goals through the utilization of its processes and products. In the teaching and learning situation, where gaps exist as a result of individual and environmental differences, application of Educational Technology remains the best option for bridging the gaps in learning. This paper looks at the meaning of educational technology; Educational technology and the National Policy on Education; Some modern educational technology tools that help to bridge the gaps in learning; The role of educational technology in bridging gaps in learning. It also suggests how to incorporate educational technology tools into Nigerian classrooms. Acquisition of education all over the world is being influenced by the processes and practice of Educational Technology. The modern day educational policies and their implementation are products of Educational Technology. Educational Technology has to do with ethical practices of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating managing appropriate technological processes and resources (Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT 2004). By this, it means creating an enabling environment on which education can effectively take place (a kind of organized education). According to Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) (2004), the history of organized educational and training can be viewed as long arduous struggle to extend opportunities to more people and to devise means of helping those people learn better through the serendipitous events of everyday life. It is important to note here, that organized education takes place in institutions of learning where instructional activities are fashioned out to guide the achievement of educational goals. It is equally the role/duty of educational institutions and designated authorities to provide different kinds of resources to support the central mission of facilitating learning. i.e supporting both the learners and the instructors or educators by exposing them to the use of appropriate principles and strategies as well as technologies necessary for optimal learning. These technologies expand the possibilities of supporting learning both individually or in groups in the classroom or at a distance especially as learning resources have now become digitalized. In support of the above, Rosen and Wolf (2011) opined that Educational Technology can play a significant role in the enhancement of educational systems, to address knowledge and skills needed in the 21st century; that technologically-rich environments can more effectively promote educational goals, such as learning motivation, team work and higher order thinking skills when compared with the traditional teaching and learning. Knowledge Review Volume 31 No. 2, December, 2014

Chiazoka K.Inyamah To make education learner-oriented,there came the need to fashion out policies and practices that would bridge the gaps in learning in the society.Although educational goals are stated in the National Policy on Education(2004),they can become futile ventures if proper implementation is not effectively carried out. In Nigeria,policies in Education have continued to be amended and revised since the 1969 Curriculum Conference that gave birth to that NPE in 1977,revised in 1981,1998 and 2004 respectively.Referring to the NPE (2004)Section 1,Article 99,"Policy on Educational Services", Educational Technology is spelt out.The policy emphasizes to need to develop and improve upon educational programmes.Educational technology being a process-product which helps in facilitating learning has great role to play in providing more effective and sufficient means of achieving of the objectives of teaching and learning(Ogunlade,1999). If Educational Technology has potentials for helping to enhance the achievement of educational goals,then proper application will no doubt,help in bridging the gaps in learning especially when it enables students to make choices about how to learn and take on a much more active role in learning process while utilizing the various technologies provided for education in the digital age.What then is Educational Technology? The Meaning of Educational Technology Many have explained Educational Technology in different ways.For instance,Aziz (2010) defined it as the implementation of appropriate tools/techniques and processes that facilitate the application of senses,memory and cognition to enhance teaching practices and improve learning outcomes Association for Educational and Communication Technology (AECT)(2004)saw it as a study of ethical practice for facilitating learning and improving performance by creating,designing and managing appropriate technological process and resources. Luppicini(2005)described it as a field concerned with the design,development,utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning From the definition above,Educational Technology answers the following questions in education:What is the educational problem to be solved?How can it be solved?What resources can be used solve it?How can the Educational outcomes be measured?In other words.Educational Technology is a systematic approach to solving educational problems. For the goal of Educational Technology,in the Edutech Wiki,(2014)it is explained that Educational Technology sometimes aims at increased efficiency or effectiveness of current practice, but frequently,at pedagogical change.It addresses fundamental issues of learning and social organization etc. Educational Technology and the National Policy on Education The idea of making policies in education is to provide a guideline as to what is to be done and how it is to be done in order to promote the effective running of the education system.In the NPE (2004),emphasis is given to the process and practice of Educational Technology under the section 11 that deals with Educational Services.There,it is stated that educational services facilitates the implementation of educational policy,the attainment of policy goals and the promotion of effectiveness of educational system.It is further stated that the goals shall be to (i)develop and improve educational programmes,(ii)enhance teaching and improve competence of teachers (iii) make learning experiences more meaningful for children as well as develop and promote effective use of innovative materials in schools. 2
2 To make education learner-oriented, there came the need to fashion out policies and practices that would bridge the gaps in learning in the society. Although educational goals are stated in the National Policy on Education (2004), they can become futile ventures if proper implementation is not effectively carried out. In Nigeria, policies in Education have continued to be amended and revised since the 1969 Curriculum Conference that gave birth to that NPE in 1977, revised in 1981, 1998 and 2004 respectively. Referring to the NPE (2004) Section 1, Article 99, “Policy on Educational Services”, Educational Technology is spelt out. The policy emphasizes to need to develop and improve upon educational programmes. Educational technology being a process-product which helps in facilitating learning has great role to play in providing more effective and sufficient means of achieving of the objectives of teaching and learning (Ogunlade, 1999). If Educational Technology has potentials for helping to enhance the achievement of educational goals, then proper application will no doubt, help in bridging the gaps in learning especially when it enables students to make choices about how to learn and take on a much more active role in learning process while utilizing the various technologies provided for education in the digital age. What then is Educational Technology? The Meaning of Educational Technology Many have explained Educational Technology in different ways. For instance, Aziz (2010) defined it as the implementation of appropriate tools/techniques and processes that facilitate the application of senses, memory and cognition to enhance teaching practices and improve learning outcomes. Association for Educational and Communication Technology (AECT) (2004) saw it as a study of ethical practice for facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, designing and managing appropriate technological process and resources. Luppicini (2005) described it as a field concerned with the design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. From the definition above, Educational Technology answers the following questions in education: What is the educational problem to be solved? How can it be solved? What resources can be used solve it? How can the Educational outcomes be measured? In other words, Educational Technology is a systematic approach to solving educational problems. For the goal of Educational Technology, in the Edutech Wiki, (2014) it is explained that Educational Technology sometimes aims at increased efficiency or effectiveness of current practice, but frequently, at pedagogical change. It addresses fundamental issues of learning and social organization etc. Educational Technology and the National Policy on Education The idea of making policies in education is to provide a guideline as to what is to be done and how it is to be done in order to promote the effective running of the education system. In the NPE (2004), emphasis is given to the process and practice of Educational Technology under the section 11 that deals with Educational Services. There, it is stated that educational services facilitates the implementation of educational policy, the attainment of policy goals and the promotion of effectiveness of educational system. It is further stated that the goals shall be to (i) develop and improve educational programmes, (ii) enhance teaching and improve competence of teachers (iii) make learning experiences more meaningful for children as well as develop and promote effective use of innovative materials in schools. Chiazoka K. Inyamah

Bridging the Gaps in Learning:The Role of Modern Educational Technology Tools Going by this policy stance,Educational Technology has great role to play in transforming educational policies to practices through its systematic approach to solving educational problems. This is because,according to Luppicini(2005),it utilizes tools,techniques,theories and methods from multiple knowledge domains to design,develop and evaluate human and mechanical resources efficiently and effectively in order to facilitate and leverage all aspects of learning,guide change agencies and transformation of educational systems and practices in order to contribute to influencing change in the society. Provisions for Educational Services in the National Policy on Education call for the establishment of resources centres;use of Educational Broadcasting as a feature of educational support service system;provision of Distance Education;development and use of innovative materials as well as provision of necessary infrastructure for the promotion of ICT at all levels of education among others The whole idea of Educational Technology application in an educational system is to improve the lots of education,enhance effective teaching and learning etc.With the array of innovative materials for education in this digital age,the inclusion of the practice of Educational Technology in the National Policy on Education is well justified,especially considering the many benefits and roles utilization of Educational Technology play in bridging the gaps in learning. Some Modern Educational Technology Tools that help to bridge gaps in learning. People today live in the digital age,an age where several technological tools introduced into Education are helping learning.The following Educational Technology tools come in handy for classroom learning: (a)Mobile devices e.g.Smart phones,These enable teachers get immediate response from students, (b) Interactive White Board which shows anything that can be on the computer screen.It is interactive and aids visual learning.With it,students can interact and manipulate images. (c) Digital videos on demand which are now replacing DVD,VHS.It can be accessed from central server.It helps to eliminates the need for classroom hardware(video players)and allow teachers and students access to video clips immediately by not utilizing public internet. (d) Online-media i.e streamed video website used to enhance classroom lessons. (e) Other modern educational technology tools that are used to bridge gaps in learning include: LCD Projectors,document cameras,digital cameras,video camera,class blogs and wikis, computers and many more to be mentioned in this write-up. The Role of Educational Technology in Bridging the Gaps in Learning in the 21s Century There are several benefits and roles of Educational Technology in an educational system.It is intended to improve education for the 21s century learner.Its impact on schooling has been tremendous;advancing how students learn,how teachers teach and how efficiently and effectively educational services can be delivered.In the present dispensation,emphasis is on student-centred learning;a situation where all learning activities are centred on the learner who in turn,constructs his own learning using every available human and materials resources at his disposal.In this age also, Educational Technology no doubt plays important roles in education especially in the enhancement of educational systems to address knowledge and skills required for the 21 century.In Rosen and Wolf (2011),it is pointed and that past researches show that if appropriately implemented especially in student-centred approach,technology-rich environments can more effectively promote educational goals such as:learning motivation,teamwork and higher order thinking skills in comparison with traditional teaching and learning.In other words,Educational Technology enables learners to construct learning,make decisions concerning learning using the array of technologies at his disposal for effective learning. 3
3 Going by this policy stance, Educational Technology has great role to play in transforming educational policies to practices through its systematic approach to solving educational problems. This is because, according to Luppicini (2005), it utilizes tools, techniques, theories and methods from multiple knowledge domains to design, develop and evaluate human and mechanical resources efficiently and effectively in order to facilitate and leverage all aspects of learning; guide change agencies and transformation of educational systems and practices in order to contribute to influencing change in the society. Provisions for Educational Services in the National Policy on Education call for the establishment of resources centres; use of Educational Broadcasting as a feature of educational support service system; provision of Distance Education; development and use of innovative materials as well as provision of necessary infrastructure for the promotion of ICT at all levels of education among others. The whole idea of Educational Technology application in an educational system is to improve the lots of education, enhance effective teaching and learning etc. With the array of innovative materials for education in this digital age, the inclusion of the practice of Educational Technology in the National Policy on Education is well justified, especially considering the many benefits and roles utilization of Educational Technology play in bridging the gaps in learning. Some Modern Educational Technology Tools that help to bridge gaps in learning. People today live in the digital age, an age where several technological tools introduced into Education are helping learning. The following Educational Technology tools come in handy for classroom learning: (a) Mobile devices e.g. Smart phones, These enable teachers get immediate response from students, (b) Interactive White Board which shows anything that can be on the computer screen. It is interactive and aids visual learning. With it, students can interact and manipulate images. (c) Digital videos on demand which are now replacing DVD, VHS. It can be accessed from central server. It helps to eliminates the need for classroom hardware (video players) and allow teachers and students access to video clips immediately by not utilizing public internet. (d) Online-media i.e streamed video website used to enhance classroom lessons, (e) Other modern educational technology tools that are used to bridge gaps in learning include: LCD Projectors, document cameras, digital cameras, video camera, class blogs and wikis, computers and many more to be mentioned in this write-up. The Role of Educational Technology in Bridging the Gaps in Learning in the 21st Century There are several benefits and roles of Educational Technology in an educational system. It is intended to improve education for the 21st century learner. Its impact on schooling has been tremendous; advancing how students learn, how teachers teach and how efficiently and effectively educational services can be delivered. In the present dispensation, emphasis is on student-centred learning; a situation where all learning activities are centred on the learner who in turn, constructs his own learning using every available human and materials resources at his disposal. In this age also, Educational Technology no doubt plays important roles in education especially in the enhancement of educational systems to address knowledge and skills required for the 21st century. In Rosen and Wolf (2011), it is pointed and that past researches show that if appropriately implemented especially in student-centred approach, technology-rich environments can more effectively promote educational goals such as: learning motivation, teamwork and higher order thinking skills in comparison with traditional teaching and learning. In other words, Educational Technology enables learners to construct learning, make decisions concerning learning using the array of technologies at his disposal for effective learning. Bridging the Gaps in Learning: The Role of Modern Educational Technology Tools

Chiazoka K.Inyamah Educational Technology makes it possible for learners to be exposed to variety of ways to learning.In the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia(2014),it is stated that Educational Technology offers more opportunities for extended learning with the internet.For instance,students can access course materials at home and engage with numerous online resources available to them using the computer. With the internet,they can conduct researches,play educational games etc.In a situation where one has to work as well as go to school,this option becomes effective in granting access to education even while working. The world is now a global village.A learner may not really need a teacher to stand in front of him or her to give instruction.Through utilization of modern educational resources that are provided in this age,the learner keys into the learning system unlike in the traditional setting.In the (2014).it is explained that learning resources are available globally and without any restriction unlike the traditional courses classes which held at particular time in a particular venue.What this means,is that with Educational Technology,learners need not be in the classrooms to acquire learning;they can access materials even from their bedrooms.They make the choice of what,where and how to learn thus,controlling the pace of the learning process which now is no longer determined by the instructor or teacher as is the case with the traditional classes.This is typical of the Open and Distance learning system world-wide.Again,in situations where opportunity to attend school have been lost, Educational Technology offers to people so affected in this way,another opportunity to acquire education at all levels through the Open and Distance learning programmes thus,bridging gaps in learning. Learning goals in this age have shifted from surface to deep learning.Learning environments have become more immersive (involving)and more authentic.As a result,learning has to be active. To achieve this,AECT (2004)explained that Educational Technology helps to support learning instead of controlling it as it designs learning tasks or opportunities that enable students find out answers to questions.In,it is explained that Educational Technology makes the process of learning very active than in the traditional educational setting.Since the learner is engaged in the process and he learns through experience e.g use of Computer-Based Assessment to get instant feedbacks and for self diagnosis.In other words,activities are created to keep the learner actively engaged throughout the learning processes.It is a fact that practice makes perfect and so, whatever is knowledge and skills learnt through this means,remains permanent. One of the ways of bridging the gaps in learning is by providing differentiated instrument.In the Wikipedia free Encyclopedia(2014),it is pointed out that Educational Technology doesn't only provide the means to focus on active student participation and to present differentiated questioning strategies,it helps to broaden individualizing of instruction and promoting the development of personalized learning plans.For instance,Smith and Thorne (2004)in the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia pointed out that with the use of multimedia instructional materials.students incorporate the knowledge gained in creative ways.This allows student to individually progress from using lower- order skills gained from Drills and practice to higher-order thinking through applying concepts creatively and creating simulations. One thing which the digital age has brought into the society is the use of multimedia technological devices such as mobile phones,video and audio conferencing (Teleconference)etc used for social networking.A study carried out by the National School Boards Association (2007)in Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014)indicated that Social Networking by students encourage collaboration and engagement while it is helping the teachers who are meaningfully trying to find ways to involve every student in something that is personally engaging.For the teachers,social network provides professional development by introducing students to discovery of the learning potentials for themselves,finding other educators who are using such technologies in the classroom 4
4 Educational Technology makes it possible for learners to be exposed to variety of ways to learning. In the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014), it is stated that Educational Technology offers more opportunities for extended learning with the internet. For instance, students can access course materials at home and engage with numerous online resources available to them using the computer. With the internet, they can conduct researches, play educational games etc. In a situation where one has to work as well as go to school, this option becomes effective in granting access to education even while working. The world is now a global village. A learner may not really need a teacher to stand in front of him or her to give instruction. Through utilization of modern educational resources that are provided in this age, the learner keys into the learning system unlike in the traditional setting. In the (2014), it is explained that learning resources are available globally and without any restriction unlike the traditional courses classes which held at particular time in a particular venue. What this means, is that with Educational Technology, learners need not be in the classrooms to acquire learning; they can access materials even from their bedrooms. They make the choice of what, where and how to learn thus, controlling the pace of the learning process which now is no longer determined by the instructor or teacher as is the case with the traditional classes. This is typical of the Open and Distance learning system world-wide. Again, in situations where opportunity to attend school have been lost, Educational Technology offers to people so affected in this way, another opportunity to acquire education at all levels through the Open and Distance learning programmes thus, bridging gaps in learning. Learning goals in this age have shifted from surface to deep learning. Learning environments have become more immersive (involving) and more authentic. As a result, learning has to be active. To achieve this, AECT (2004) explained that Educational Technology helps to support learning instead of controlling it as it designs learning tasks or opportunities that enable students find out answers to questions. In (2014) also, it is explained that Educational Technology makes the process of learning very active than in the traditional educational setting. Since the learner is engaged in the process and he learns through experience e.g use of Computer-Based Assessment to get instant feedbacks and for self diagnosis. In other words, activities are created to keep the learner actively engaged throughout the learning processes. It is a fact that practice makes perfect and so, whatever is knowledge and skills learnt through this means, remains permanent. One of the ways of bridging the gaps in learning is by providing differentiated instrument. In the Wikipedia free Encyclopedia (2014), it is pointed out that Educational Technology doesn’t only provide the means to focus on active student participation and to present differentiated questioning strategies, it helps to broaden individualizing of instruction and promoting the development of personalized learning plans. For instance, Smith and Thorne (2004) in the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia pointed out that with the use of multimedia instructional materials, students incorporate the knowledge gained in creative ways. This allows student to individually progress from using lowerorder skills gained from Drills and practice to higher-order thinking through applying concepts creatively and creating simulations. One thing which the digital age has brought into the society is the use of multimedia technological devices such as mobile phones, video and audio conferencing (Teleconference) etc used for social networking. A study carried out by the National School Boards Association (2007) in Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014) indicated that Social Networking by students encourage collaboration and engagement while it is helping the teachers who are meaningfully trying to find ways to involve every student in something that is personally engaging. For the teachers, social network provides professional development by introducing students to discovery of the learning potentials for themselves, finding other educators who are using such technologies in the classroom Chiazoka K. Inyamah

Bridging the Gaps in Learning:The Role of Modern Educational Technology Tools and then connecting with those who automatically provide a virtual support.This helps to bridge the gaps in learning. According to Coiro and Dobler (2007)in Wikipedia(2014),we live in an age of digital technology where information is available any time.The rationale behind the use of social networks as tools for professional learning includes the idea that the internet is this generation's defining technology for literacy.It is believed that these media are beneficial to pre-service and in-service teachers who utilize the Face book.This provides a link where professional information can be posted through feeds or face book.Group members interact with one another with respect to educational matters. With respect to social networks also,it is equally explained in the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia(2014),that student interaction is core of constructivist learning environment as social Networking site provide the plat form for building collaborative communities.They promote shared experiences;there is also user-generated content.It must be noted though,that every student has his or her own learning requirement and framework that provides enough resources,learning styles, communication tools and flexibility to accommodate this diversity.These,no doubt,are ways of closing gaps in learning. Educational Technology has made possible online real-time application.Websites are equally used in learning process as assignments and home work,test and examination are posted in websites. This no doubt will even help to curb examination malpractice.When everybody stays glued to own computer during tests and examination,there will be no time to copy on pieces of paper or laps. Conclusion Educational Technology has been described as a systematic process of solving educational problems through the use of both human and materials resources for effectiveness of education and lesson delivery.In this digitalized age,many Educational Technology tools and techniques are now at the disposal of educators and learners for optimal learning.Provisions have been made in National Policy on Education for utilization of innovative materials as well as the provision of necessary infrastructures for promotion of education.If these are properly utilized in Nigerian educational system,it will go a long way in helping to bridge the gaps in learning created by educational inequalities Suggestions on How to Incorporate Educational Technology Tools into Nigerian Classrooms Given the position of Educational Technology in achieving the goals of education in the society,the following are suggested as ways of quickening the use of technology in schools and colleges. 1. Government as well as school authorities should initiate programmes for training and re- training of teachers and instructors on utilization of modern technologies in the classroom. As a matter of urgency,Courses on utilization of modern Educational Technology resources in learning should be introduced into the school curriculum to teach the rudiments of application of resources materials in classroom learning. 3. The world lives in a computer age,Government should stop paying lip services to education and implement the policy of providing computers in the classrooms in every school and not only in some selected schools or some private schools.This would enable the use of new programmes. 4. To take teaching and learning to the next level,more technologists should be trained to assist schools and colleges in utilizing the digital educational technology devices where necessary.At least.there should be more than one in a school. Special funds must be set aside for the provision of modern teaching and learning tools which are expected will help to bridge the learning gaps such as mentioned in this discourse. 5
5 and then connecting with those who automatically provide a virtual support. This helps to bridge the gaps in learning. According to Coiro and Dobler (2007) in Wikipedia (2014), we live in an age of digital technology where information is available any time. The rationale behind the use of social networks as tools for professional learning includes the idea that the internet is this generation’s defining technology for literacy. It is believed that these media are beneficial to pre-service and in-service teachers who utilize the Face book. This provides a link where professional information can be posted through feeds or face book. Group members interact with one another with respect to educational matters. With respect to social networks also, it is equally explained in the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014), that student interaction is core of constructivist learning environment as social Networking site provide the plat form for building collaborative communities. They promote shared experiences; there is also user-generated content. It must be noted though, that every student has his or her own learning requirement and framework that provides enough resources, learning styles, communication tools and flexibility to accommodate this diversity. These, no doubt, are ways of closing gaps in learning. Educational Technology has made possible online real-time application. Websites are equally used in learning process as assignments and home work, test and examination are posted in websites. This no doubt will even help to curb examination malpractice. When everybody stays glued to own computer during tests and examination, there will be no time to copy on pieces of paper or laps. Conclusion Educational Technology has been described as a systematic process of solving educational problems through the use of both human and materials resources for effectiveness of education and lesson delivery. In this digitalized age, many Educational Technology tools and techniques are now at the disposal of educators and learners for optimal learning. Provisions have been made in National Policy on Education for utilization of innovative materials as well as the provision of necessary infrastructures for promotion of education. If these are properly utilized in Nigerian educational system, it will go a long way in helping to bridge the gaps in learning created by educational inequalities. Suggestions on How to Incorporate Educational Technology Tools into Nigerian Classrooms Given the position of Educational Technology in achieving the goals of education in the society, the following are suggested as ways of quickening the use of technology in schools and colleges. 1. Government as well as school authorities should initiate programmes for training and retraining of teachers and instructors on utilization of modern technologies in the classroom. 2. As a matter of urgency, Courses on utilization of modern Educational Technology resources in learning should be introduced into the school curriculum to teach the rudiments of application of resources materials in classroom learning. 3. The world lives in a computer age, Government should stop paying lip services to education and implement the policy of providing computers in the classrooms in every school and not only in some selected schools or some private schools. This would enable the use of new programmes. 4. To take teaching and learning to the next level, more technologists should be trained to assist schools and colleges in utilizing the digital educational technology devices where necessary. At least, there should be more than one in a school. 5. Special funds must be set aside for the provision of modern teaching and learning tools which are expected will help to bridge the learning gaps such as mentioned in this discourse. Bridging the Gaps in Learning: The Role of Modern Educational Technology Tools

Chiazoka K.Inyamah References Association for Education and Communication Technology (2004).The meaning of educational technology,Washington DC:AECT Definition and terminology document #mm 9.0 Aziz Hap (2010).Five keys to educational technology,Retrieved from http://the 5 keys to educational technology.aspx Lim,C.P,Zhao,Y,Tondeur,J,Chai,S.C.&Tsai C.T.(2013).Bridging the gap:Technology trends and use of technology in schools,Educational Technology and society,16,(2),59-68. Luppicini,R.(2005).A system's definition of educational technology in the society,Education and Society,&,3,103-109. Federal Republic of Nigeria(2004).National Policy on Education,Lagos:NERDC Press. Ogunlade,O.O.(1999).The implication of educational technology for teacher education programmes in Nigeria,African Journal of InformationTechnology,5(1),117-119. (2014).Educational technology,Retrieved 11/02/14 Rosen,Y.Wolf,1.(2011).Bridging the social gap through educational technology:Using the time to know digital teaching platform,EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY,September-October, 2011. Schneider D.K(2014).Educational technology,Retrieved from EduTech Wiki,11/02/14. Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014).Educational Technology.Retrieved from http://en technology 6
6 References Association for Education and Communication Technology (2004). The meaning of educational technology, Washington DC: AECT Definition and terminology document #mm 9.0 Aziz Hap (2010). Five keys to educational technology, Retrieved from http://the 5 keys to educational technology.aspx Lim, C.P, Zhao, Y, Tondeur, J, Chai, S.C.& Tsai C.T. (2013). Bridging the gap: Technology trends and use of technology in schools, Educational Technology and society, 16, (2), 59- 68. Luppicini, R. (2005). A system’s definition of educational technology in the society, Education and Society, 8, (3), 103-109. Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004). National Policy on Education, Lagos: NERDC Press. Ogunlade, O.O. (1999). The implication of educational technology for teacher education programmes in Nigeria, African Journal of InformationTechnology, 5 (1), 117-119. (2014). Educational technology, Retrieved 11/02/14. Rosen, Y. & Wolf, I. (2011). Bridging the social gap through educational technology: Using the time to know digital teaching platform, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, September- October, 2011. Schneider D.K (2014). Educational technology, Retrieved from EduTech Wiki, 11/02/14. Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2014). Educational Technology. Retrieved from http://en technology. Chiazoka K. Inyamah
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