上海交通大学:《管理心理学(通识)Managerial Psychology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第9章 态度、情绪和工作

农急大等 第9章态度、情绪和工作 上海充通大 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY
1 第9章 态度、情绪和工作

上海通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Page.2 关于态度的一个实验 ·你愿意购买这样一把剃须刀吗?
Page .2 ▪ 你愿意购买这样一把剃须刀吗? 关于态度的一个实验

上海疚通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 高卷入 ·您可以选择特定品牌的一次性剃须刀作为免费礼物。在广 告页面上,您会看到剃须刀产品及其广告很快将在该国东部 进行测试销售,包括他们自己的城市。 You would be allowed to choose a particular brand of disposable razor as a free gift.On advertisement page,you read that the shaver product and its advertisement would soon be test- marketed in East of the country,including their own city
▪ 您可以选择特定品牌的一次性剃须刀作为免费礼物。 在广 告页面上,您会看到剃须刀产品及其广告很快将在该国东部 进行测试销售,包括他们自己的城市。 ▪ You would be allowed to choose a particular brand of disposable razor as a free gift. On advertisement page, you read that the shaver product and its advertisement would soon be test- marketed in East of the country, including their own city. 高卷入

上海通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 低卷入 ·你将被允许选择一个特定品牌的牙膏作为免费礼物。在广 告页面上,您会看到剃须刀产品及其广告很快将在该国北部 进行测试销售。 You would be allowed to choose a particular brand of toothpaste as a free gift.On advertisement page,you read that the shaver product and its advertisement would soon be test-marketed in North of the country
▪ 你将被允许选择一个特定品牌的牙膏作为免费礼物。 在广 告页面上,您会看到剃须刀产品及其广告很快将在该国北部 进行测试销售。 ▪ You would be allowed to choose a particular brand of toothpaste as a free gift. On advertisement page, you read that the shaver product and its advertisement would soon be test-marketed in North of the country. 低卷入

上海通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Argument quality (Strong) Conditionl:the razor was characterized as"scientifically designed' New advanced honing method creates unsurpassed sharpness .Special chemically formulated coating eliminates nicks and cuts and prevents rusting Handle is tapered and ribbed to prevent slipping In direct comparison tests,the Edge blade gave twice as many close shaves as its nearest competitor Unique angle placement of the blade provides the smoothest shave possible
▪ Condition1: the razor was characterized as “scientifically designed” ▪ New advanced honing method creates unsurpassed sharpness ▪ Special chemically formulated coating eliminates nicks and cuts and prevents rusting ▪ Handle is tapered and ribbed to prevent slipping ▪ In direct comparison tests, the Edge blade gave twice as many close shaves as its nearest competitor ▪ Unique angle placement of the blade provides the smoothest shave possible Argument quality (Strong)

上海充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 强证据质量 剃刀的特点是"设计科学” The razor was characterized as "scientifically designed" ·先进打磨技术打造无以伦比 New advanced honing method 的锐度 creates unsurpassed sharpness ·特殊涂层避免割伤和生锈 Special chemically formulated ·锥形手柄防滑 coating eliminates nicks and cuts and prevents rusting 对比研究表明刀片刮须效果 Handle is tapered and ribbed to 好于同类产品两倍 prevent slipping ·独特的刀片安置角度保证剃 In direct comparison tests,the Edge 须光滑 blade gave twice as many close shaves as its nearest competitor Unique angle placement of the blade provides the smoothest shave possible
▪ 剃刀的特点是“设计科学” ▪ 先进打磨技术打造无以伦比 的锐度 ▪ 特殊涂层避免割伤和生锈 ▪ 锥形手柄防滑 ▪ 对比研究表明刀片刮须效果 好于同类产品两倍 ▪ 独特的刀片安置角度保证剃 须光滑 ▪ The razor was characterized as “scientifically designed” ▪ New advanced honing method creates unsurpassed sharpness ▪ Special chemically formulated coating eliminates nicks and cuts and prevents rusting ▪ Handle is tapered and ribbed to prevent slipping ▪ In direct comparison tests, the Edge blade gave twice as many close shaves as its nearest competitor ▪ Unique angle placement of the blade provides the smoothest shave possible 强证据质量

上海充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 低证据质量 ·剃刀的特点是“设计美观” The razor was characterized as “designed for beauty' ·浮在水里不易生锈 Floats in water with a minimum of ·多种形状颜色尺寸 rust ·考虑到浴室的设计 .Comes in various sizes,shapes, and colors ·对比实验中,刀片不会比同 Designed with the bathroom in 类产品有更多缺口 mind ·一次使用终生记忆 In direct comparison tests,the Edge blade gave no more nicks or cuts than its competition Can only be used once but will be memorable
▪ 剃刀的特点是“设计美观” ▪ 浮在水里不易生锈 ▪ 多种形状颜色尺寸 ▪ 考虑到浴室的设计 ▪ 对比实验中,刀片不会比同 类产品有更多缺口 ▪ 一次使用终生记忆 ▪ The razor was characterized as “designed for beauty” ▪ Floats in water with a minimum of rust ▪ Comes in various sizes,shapes, and colors ▪ Designed with the bathroom in mind ▪ In direct comparison tests, the Edge blade gave no more nicks or cuts than its competition ▪ Can only be used once but will be memorable 低证据质量

上海家通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 边缘证据:代言人 条件1:著名影星李易峰表 示:“直到你尝试新的一次 性剃须刀,你永远不会知 道真正的剃须是什么。” 条件2:白领表示:“除非你 尝试新的一次性剃须刀, 否侧你永远不会知道真正 的剃须是什么。” 中国影星:李易峰先生。 他在大学生中有很多粉丝
▪ 条件1:著名影星李易峰表 示:“直到你尝试新的一次 性剃须刀,你永远不会知 道真正的剃须是什么。 ” ▪ 条件2:白领表示:“除非你 尝试新的一次性剃须刀, 否则你永远不会知道真正 的剃须是什么。 ” 边缘证据:代言人 中国影星:李易峰先生。 他在大学生中有很多粉丝

上海通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Famous endorser Condition 1:Famous movie star Yifeng LI agree:"Until you try new Edge disposable razors,you will never know what a really close shave is." Condition 2:A white-collar agree:"Until you try new Edge disposable razors,you will never know what a Chinese movie star:Mr.Yifeng Li. really close shave is." He has a lot of fans among undergraduates
▪ Condition 1: Famous movie star Yifeng LI agree: “Until you try new Edge disposable razors, you will never know what a really close shave is.” ▪ Condition 2: A white-collar agree: “Until you try new Edge disposable razors, you will never know what a really close shave is.” Famous endorser Chinese movie star: Mr. Yifeng Li. He has a lot of fans among undergraduates

上海疚通大鼻 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES AGREE U加tl you try new EDGE disposable razor you'll Bevar know what a "raally cloeo shave" 修 clestiBcally Designed lew sdvanced honing method creates unsurpassed sharpness pecal chemcally formulated coating elminates ncks and cuts and prevents usting landle is tapered and rbbed to prevent shpping n duect companson tests the EDGE blade gave twice as many close shaves s its nearest competitor Inque angle placemert of the blade provdes the smoothest shave possible
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