香港城市大学:Research Philosophy and Research Methodology

Research philosophy and Research methodology F EXCE R Prof. Rudolf wu Ea+g Biology Chemistry Department City University of Hong Kong
Research Philosophy and Research Methodology Prof. Rudolf Wu Biology & Chemistry Department City University of Hong Kong

Outline 1. What is research and what is good research? 2. Different types of research 3. Key processes in conducting research 4. General principles in experimental design
Outline 1. What is research and what is good research? 2. Different types of research 3. Key processes in conducting research 4. General principles in experimental design

Quiz What is"philosophy?
Quiz: What is “philosophy?

Philosophy Study of the truths and principles of the universe. life. and morals, and of human understanding of these (Oxford dictionary)
Philosophy “Study of the truths and principles of the universe, life, and morals, and of human understanding of these” (Oxford dictionary)

Q uIZ What is research?
Quiz: What is research?

o What is research? 1. Collection of data 2. Analysis of data 3. Interpretation of data
What is research? 1. Collection of data 2. Analysis of data 3. Interpretation of data

o What is research? A Is the conduct of polling survey researc h 950
What is research? Is the conduct of polling survey “research”?

Quiz What is GOOD research?
Quiz: What is GOOD research?

o Good research: Novelty and Originality ◆Neⅴ er done before o Advance our knowledge and understanding Enough? Anything else?
Good research: Novelty and Originality Never done before Advance our knowledge and understanding Enough? Anything else?

O Good research: Generalization DNA Structure (James Watson Francis Crick, Nobel Laureate 1962) Genetic code for all living organisms Explain replication and protein synthesis lENcEphetoLIBRARY
Good research: Generalization DNA structure (James Watson & Francis Crick, Nobel Laureate 1962) – Genetic code for all living organisms – Explain replication and protein synthesis
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