Open Access:Threats and Promises of Scholarly Communication

SWIN SWINBURNE Open Access: Threats and Promises of BUR TECHNOLOGY new Scholarly Communication CRICOS provider 00111D Derek whitehead April 2009
Open Access: Threats and Promises of Scholarly Communication Derek Whitehead April 2009

Outline Introduction -Swinburne australia Open access -many kinds 3Open access and libraries 4)Repositories-what they are 5)Repositories and open access 6)What else can a repository do? 7) Making repositories work
2 Outline 1) Introduction – Swinburne, Australia 2) Open access – many kinds 3) Open access and libraries 4) Repositories - what they are 5) Repositories and open access 6) What else can a repository do? 7) Making repositories work

1 Swinburne Dual sector university-in Australia 13.000 higher education students (EFTSU), 13,000 TAFE (technical and further education(FTE) Rapid growth based on international students Five campuses in Melbourne, one in Malaysia Technological university engineering, Information and communications technology, design, life and social sciences business Strong research focus
3 1 Swinburne > Dual sector university – in Australia 13,000 higher education students (EFTSU), 13,000 TAFE (technical and further education) (FTE) > Rapid growth based on international students > Five campuses in Melbourne, one in Malaysia > Technological university – engineering, Information and communications technology, design, life and social sciences, business. > Strong research focus

1 Swinburne
4 1 Swinburne

1 Swinburne Library, Swinburne circus
5 1 Swinburne Library, Swinburne Circus

Mission and values a focus on the customer collaboration and partnership a commitment to staff learning, growing and being creative the importance of information and knowledge in human society an equitable approach to accessing information, *open processes, and a commitment to be open and responsive to change a commitment to the library as an intrinsic part of and partner in the teaching learning and research mission of the university
6 Mission and values > a focus on the customer > collaboration and partnership > a commitment to staff learning, growing and being creative > the importance of information and knowledge in human society > an equitable approach to accessing information, *open processes, and > a commitment to be open and responsive to change. > a commitment to the library as an intrinsic part of and partner in the teaching, learning and research mission of the university

ARRoW and Swinburne' s Repository Partner in the aRRoW project from 2004 to 2008 Funding from australian government -about $8 million Led by monash University, with three other partners-Swinburne University of NSW, National Library of Australia Developed repository software-VITAL-with VTLS, a US library soTtware company Swinburne repository is Swinburne Research Bank at Two other repositories using DSpace and Equella
7 ARROW and Swinburne’s Repository > Partner in the ARROW project from 2004 to 2008 > Funding from Australian Government – about $8 million > Led by Monash University, with three other partners – Swinburne, University of NSW, National Library of Australia > Developed repository software – VITAL – with VTLS, a US library software company > Swinburne repository is Swinburne Research Bank at > Two other repositories using DSpace and Equella

Repositories in Australia All universities must have a research repository Repository provides access to the institutions research for the research evaluation scheme ERA(EXcellence in Research australia There is australian Government funding to assist-the ASHER program of over AS20 million There is a strong preference for open access content Multiple software-VITAL, ePrints, DSpace, Equella, Fez Digitool, more >I will refer to the swinburne model in this seminar
8 Repositories in Australia > All universities must have a research repository > Repository provides access to the institution’s research for the research evaluation scheme ERA (Excellence in Research Australia) > There is Australian Government funding to assist – the ASHER program of over A$20 million > There is a strong preference for open access content > Multiple software – VITAL, ePrints, DSpace, Equella, Fez, Digitool, more > I will refer to the Swinburne Model in this seminar

2 Open access and publishing
9 2 Open access and publishing

2 Open access and publishing Scholarly publishing is in a dramatic transition phase The scholarly journal,000 or more of them-has mainly moved from print to online in the past 10-15 years. The body of material is still growing though The scholarly monograph is becoming less viable financially as print runs fall. Why? (a) affordability pressure as journals cost more, and b)demand factors, c)rise of ebooks. But still just as important. Scholarly reference material is also moving online
10 2 Open access and publishing ▪ Scholarly publishing is in a dramatic transition phase ▪ The scholarly journal – 24,000 or more of them – has mainly moved from print to online in the past 10-15 years. The body of material is still growing though. ▪ The scholarly monograph is becoming less viable financially as print runs fall. Why? (a) affordability pressure as journals cost more, and (b) demand factors, (c) rise of ebooks. But still just as important. ▪ Scholarly reference material is also moving online
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