北京师范大学:《教育研究方法》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Lecture 7 Approach to Comparative-Historical Method(4)Deconstructionism in Historical Perspective

北京师范大学 教育研究方法讲座系列 Lecture 7 Approach to Comparative-Historical Method (4) Deconstructionism in Historical Perspective
北京师范大学 教育研究方法讲座系列 Lecture 7 Approach to Comparative-Historical Method (4): Deconstructionism in Historical Perspective

The Emergence of the Texts The linguistic Turn in historiography 1. Hayden white 's challenge: "The historical Text as Literary artifact(1978) a."I there is an element of the historical in all poetry, there is an element of poetry in every historical account of the world.. And this because history has no stipulatable subject matter uniquely its own; it is always written as part of a contest between contending poetic figurations of what the past might consist of (White, 1978, P.98)
2 The Emergence of the Text: The Linguistic Turn in Historiography 1. Hayden White’s challenge: “The Historical Text as Literary Artifact” (1978) a. “If there is an element of the historical in all poetry, there is an element of poetry in every historical account of the world. …And this because history has no stipulatable subject matter uniquely its own; it is always written as part of a contest between contending poetic figurations of what the past might consist of.” (White, 1978, P. 98)

Hayden White Tr topIcs of Discourse Essays in Cultu Criticism

The Emergence of the Text: The Linguistic Turn in Historiography 1. Hayden White's challenge b. "History as a discipline is in bad shape today because it has lost sight of its origins in the literary imagination. In the interest of appearing scientific and objective, it has repressed and denied to itself its own greater source of strength and renewal. By drawing historiography back once more to an intimate connection with its literary basis we should not only be putting ourselves on guard against merely ideological distortion; we should by way of arriving at the theory of history without which it cannot pass for a 'discipline at all. (White, 1978,P.99)
4 The Emergence of the Text: The Linguistic Turn in Historiography 1. Hayden White’s challenge: … b. “History as a discipline is in bad shape today because it has lost sight of its origins in the literary imagination. In the interest of appearing scientific and objective, it has repressed and denied to itself its own greater source of strength and renewal. By drawing historiography back once more to an intimate connection with its literary basis, we should not only be putting ourselves on guard against merely ideological distortion; we should by way of arriving at the “theory” of history without which it cannot pass for a ‘discipline’ at all.” (White, 1978, P. 99)

The Emergence of the Text: The Linguistic Turn in Historiography 2. Lawrence stone's challenge: "Nothing besides the text a."During the last twenty-five years, the subject matter of history.have.. been brought seriously into question. The first threat comes from linguistics. according to which there is nothing besides the text. Texts thus become a mere hall of mirrors reflecting nothing but each other, and throwing no light upon the ' truth, which does not exist ( Stone,1991,P217 b. According, Stone asserts that such the linguistic turn ana the movement to narrative. marks the end of an era: the end of the attempt to produce a coherent scientific explanation of change in the past. (Stone, 1979, P.19)5
5 The Emergence of the Text: The Linguistic Turn in Historiography 2. Lawrence Stone’s challenge: “Nothing besides the text” a. “During the last twenty-five years, the subject matter of history…have …been brought seriously into question. …The first threat comes from linguistics…according to which there is nothing besides the text. Texts thus become a mere hall of mirrors reflecting nothing but each other, and throwing no light upon the ‘truth’, which does not exist.” (Stone, 1991, P 217) b. According, Stone asserts that such the linguistic turn and “the movement to narrative …marks the end of an era: the end of the attempt to produce a coherent scientific explanation of change in the past.” (Stone, 1979, P. 19)

Paul ricoeur Text and Interpretation 1. What is a text? a."A text is any discourse fixed in writing. "Ricoeur, 1981a, p145) b. Fixation enables the speech to be conserved, i.e. durability ofter c. A text"divides the act of writing and the act of reading into two sides, between which there is no communication. The text thus produces a double eclipse of the reader and the writer."(Ricoeur, 1981a, p 146-47
6 Paul Ricoeur’s Text and Interpretation 1. What is a text? a. “A text is any discourse fixed in writing.” (Ricoeur, 1981a, p.145) b. Fixation enables the speech to be conserved, i.e. durability of text c. A text “divides the act of writing and the act of reading into two sides, between which there is no communication. … The text thus produces a double eclipse of the reader and the writer.” (Ricoeur, 1981a, p.146-47)

From Text to Action Essays in Hermeneutics, Il PAUL RICOEUR

Paul ricoeur's Text and Interpretation 2. Distanciations in the text a. Text as language event/speech act o Distanciation between language event(i.e. discourse) and meaning 2 Articulation of meaning in language event is"the core of the whole hermeneutic problem. ( Ricoeur, 198la, p 134)
8 Paul Ricoeur’s Text and Interpretation 2. Distanciations in the text: a. Text as language event/speech act Distanciation between language event (i.e. discourse) and meaning Articulation of meaning in language event is “the core of the whole hermeneutic problem.” (Ricoeur, 1981a, p. 134)

Paul ricoeur's Text and Interpretation 2. Distanciations in the tert b. Text as work o Distanciation between text as"work and its authors'intention e "Hermeneutics remains the art of discerning the discourse in the work; but this discourse is only given in and through the structures of the work. Thus interpretation is the reply to the fundamental distanciation constituted by the objectification of man in work of discourse, an objectification comparable to that expressed in the products ofhis labourand his art. (Ricoeur, 198la, P. 138)
9 Paul Ricoeur’s Text and Interpretation 2. Distanciations in the text: b. Text as work Distanciation between text as “work” and its authors’ intention “Hermeneutics remains the art of discerning the discourse in the work; but this discourse is only given in and through the structures of the work. Thus interpretation is the reply to the fundamental distanciation constituted by the objectification of man in work of discourse, an objectification comparable to that expressed in the products of his labour and his art.” (Ricoeur, 1981a, P. 138)

Paul ricoeur's Text and Interpretation 2. Distanciations in the text c. Distanciation between the act of writing and the act of reading o Distanciation between the intention ofthe author and the interpretation of the reader @"The text must be able to..'decontextualise'itselfin such a way that it can be recontextualise in a new situation-as accomplished. by the act ofreading. Ricoeur, 198la, p. 139)
10 Paul Ricoeur’s Text and Interpretation 2. Distanciations in the text: c. Distanciation between the act of writing and the act of reading Distanciation between the intention of the author and the interpretation of the reader “The text must be able to… ‘ decontextualise’ itself in such a way that it can be ‘recontextualise’ in a new situation – as accomplished…by the act of reading.” (Ricoeur, 1981a, p. 139)
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