Cognitive load issues in teaching and learning mathematics

UNSW Cognitive load issues in teaching and learning mathematics Slava Kalyuga
Cognitive load issues in teaching and learning mathematics Slava Kalyuga

Outline u Review of CLT principles o Reducing cognitive load in mathematics instruction Learner prior knowledge and instructional guidance o Responding to alternative approaches 口 Implications
❑ Review of CLT principles ❑ Reducing cognitive load in mathematics instruction ❑ Learner prior knowledge and instructional guidance ❑ Responding to alternative approaches ❑ Implications Outline

Working Memory Constructing mental representations of a situation or task Long-Term Memory Knowledge base Sensory Memory: Incoming information
Constructing mental representations of a situation or task Long-Term Memory Knowledge base Working Memory Sensory Memory: Incoming information

Working memory 385674+938475=? How many windows are in your house?
385674 + 938475 = ? How many windows are in your house? Working memory


WM and ltm Role of knowledge in cognition a Why chess grandmasters always beat weekend players?(De Groot, 1946/1965, Chase simon, 1973) a Knowledge of large numbers of different game configurations held in Ltm dramatically altered the characteristics of WM Similar mechanisms for all high-level cognitive skills(e. g reading) LTM: not a passive store it is actively used in most of cognitive processes (learning, problem solving thinking) O WM is very limited when dealing with novel information, but has no known limits when dea been organized and stored in 出R with information that has as schemas
❑ Why chess grandmasters always beat weekend players? (De Groot, 1946/1965, Chase & Simon, 1973) ❑ Knowledge of large numbers of different game configurations held in LTM dramatically altered the characteristics of WM. Similar mechanisms for all high-level cognitive skills (e.g., reading) ❑ LTM: not a passive store, it is actively used in most of cognitive processes (learning, problem solving, thinking) ❑ WM is very limited when dealing with novel information, but has no known limits when dealing with information that has been organized and stored in LTM as schemas WM and LTM: Role of knowledge in cognition

Why learning could be difficult? O High element interactivity = high intrinsic/relevant cognitive load b is larger than c, a is larger than b. Which is the largest? o Instructional design = high extraneous/ wasteful cognitive load unnecessary search processes redundant information unnecessary inferences when information is not provided explicitly
Why learning could be difficult? ❑ High element interactivity => high intrinsic/relevant cognitive load ▪ b is larger than c, a is larger than b. Which is the largest? ❑ Instructional design => high extraneous/ wasteful cognitive load ▪ unnecessary search processes ▪ redundant information ▪ unnecessary inferences when information is not provided explicitly

Managing intrinsic load O Appropriately segmenting and sequencing tasks from simple to complex a Simplifying tasks by omitting some of the interacting elements initially Getting familiar with separated elements (e. g variables) first pre-training Rote learning O initially presenting complex material as isolated elements allows to process them serially rather than simultaneously(isolated interactive elements effect pollock et al, 2002
Managing intrinsic load ❑ Appropriately segmenting and sequencing tasks from simple to complex ❑ Simplifying tasks by omitting some of the interacting elements initially ▪ Getting familiar with separated elements (e.g., variables) first – pre-training ▪ Rote learning ❑ Initially presenting complex material as isolated elements allows to process them serially, rather than simultaneously (isolatedinteractive elements effect - Pollock et al., 2002)

Imagination effect Cooper, Tindall-Ford, Chandler, and sweller (2001) Instruction on how to use a spreadsheet application Imagining procedures and concepts(mental practice) simple study of procedures
Cooper, Tindall-Ford, Chandler, and Sweller (2001): Instruction on how to use a spreadsheet application Imagining procedures and concepts (mental practice) vs simple study of procedures Imagination effect

w File Edit Format CalculateOptionsUiew 2的 Constructing C8)c5+c6+c7 Formulas for addition Medals wor by_ Australia 1996 Olympics Gold Bronze 10 To calculate the total number of medals won 12]se 13 Click in the cell where the total will go 多r8移8,eC线C1sC器 16 Step. 18 l ype the formula for calculating the total 1222 For example, here the formula for calculating the total is C5+C6+C7 23 Click on NEXT NERT 100网回四画
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