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北京师范大学:《教育科学研究方法》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Lecture 3 The Design and Logics of Comparative-Historical Method in the Social Sciences

北京师范大学:《教育科学研究方法》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Lecture 3 The Design and Logics of Comparative-Historical Method in the Social Sciences

北京师范大学 教育研究方法讲座系列 Lecture 3 The Design and Logics of Comparative-Historical Method in the social sciences

北京师范大学 教育研究方法讲座系列 Lecture 3 The Design and Logics of Comparative-Historical Method in the Social Sciences

The essentials of comparative studies We have only one means of demonstrating that one phenomenon is the cause of another: it is to compare case to cases where they are simultaneously present or absent. When the phenomenoncan be artificially produced by the observer, the method is experimentation in its proper sense. When, on the contrary, the product of fact is out of reach, when we can thus only bring them together as they are spontaneously produced, the method we use is that of indirect experimentation, or comparative method. (Durkhiem, Quoted in Dogan and Pela,1990,P.15-16)

The Essentials of Comparative Studies “We have only one means of demonstrating that one phenomenon is the cause of another: it is to compare case to cases where they are simultaneously present or absent. When the phenomenon can be artificially produced by the observer, the method is experimentation in its proper sense. When, on the contrary, the product of fact is out of reach, when we can thus only bring them together as they are spontaneously produced, the method we use is that of indirect experimentation, or comparative method.” (Durkhiem; Quoted in Dogan and Pelassy, 1990, P. 15-16)


The essentials of comparative studies "Comparison is a universal method in the social sciences; it is worthwhile not only to those who study in international field... t is not surprise that the historical method is so often combined with comparative method. Dogan and pelassy, 1990, P 16 "Comparative sociology is not a special branch of sociology, it is sociology itself, in so far as it cease to be purely descriptive and aspires to account for fact. (urkhiem, P. 157; Quoted in Schriewer, 2003, P 5)

The Essentials of Comparative Studies “Comparison is a universal method in the social sciences; it is worthwhile not only to those who study in international field. ….It is not surprise that the historical method is so often combined with comparative method.” (Dogan and Pelassy, 1990, P. 16) “Comparative sociology is not a special branch of sociology, it is sociology itself, in so far as it cease to be purely descriptive and aspires to account for fact.” (Durkhiem, P. 157; Quoted in Schriewer, 2003, P. 5)

The Basic Principles of research design of comparative research Morris Zelditch(197)) specifies that the design of comparative research is conditioned largely by four rules Comparability: Two or more instances of a phenomenon may be compared if and only if there exists some variable, say V, common to each instance J.S. Mill's 1st Canon Method of agreement: No second variable, say U, is the cause or effect of v, if it is not found when v is found. J.S. Mill's 2nd Canon(Method of Difference No second variables v is the cause or effect ofy if it is found when v is not

The Basic Principles of Research Design of Comparative Research Morris Zelditch (1971) specifies that the design of comparative research is conditioned largely by four rules: Comparability : Two or more instances of a phenomenon may be compared if and only if there exists some variable, say V, common to each instance. J.S. Mill's 1st Canon (Method of Agreement) : No second variable, say U, is the cause or effect of V, if it is not found when V is found. J.S. Mill's 2nd Canon (Method of Difference): No second variables U is the cause or effect of V if it is found when V is not

The Basic Principles of research design of comparative research Morris zelditch(1971) specifies that the design of comparative research is conditioned largely by four rules Rule of one variable: No second variable u is definitely the cause or effect of v if there exists a third variable, w, that is present or absent in the same circumstances as U. In order to verify that U and v are correlated in the design where there are other 2 variables, say w and x, we need at least eight cases(2x2 a x2 )of the following nature

The Basic Principles of Research Design of Comparative Research Morris Zelditch (1971) specifies that the design of comparative research is conditioned largely by four rules: Rule of One Variable : No second variable U is definitely the cause or effect of V if there exists a third variable, w, that is present or absent in the same circumstances as U. In order to verify that U and V are correlated in the design where there are other 2 variables, say W and X, we need at least eight cases (2x2x2) of the following nature

The Basic Principles of research design of comparative research e Effect Results 丿WX Method ofagreement VWX 2110 VWX UUU VWX Method of Di∥ erence WWX 5678 010 0000 VWX U 011

The Basic Principles of Research Design of Comparative Research Case Causes Effect Results V W X U (Method of Agreement) 1 1 1 1 1 VWX U 2 1 1 0 1 VWX U 3 1 0 1 1 VWX U 4 1 0 0 1 VWX U (Method of Difference) 5 0 0 0 0 VWX U 6 0 0 1 0 VWX U 7 0 1 0 0 VWX U 8 0 1 1 0 VWX U

Charles ragins Boolean approach to Comparative analysis Comparative Method MOVING BEYOND QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE STRATEGIES Charles C. ragin Winner of the intemational Social Science Council STEIN ROKKAN PRIZE in Comparative Research

Charles Ragin’s Boolean Approach to Comparative Analysis

Charles ragins Boolean approach to Comparative analysis The operation of the Boolean algebra consist of the following features Binary data and truth table

Charles Ragin’s Boolean Approach to Comparative Analysis The operation of the Boolean Algebra consist of the following features Binary data and truth table

Table 3 resentative Truth Table with Four Causal Conditions C NI ondition Outcome umber XI [a es 0000000011111111 X00001111000011 X0011001100110011 X0101010101010101 Y0010101111000101 8605371593235586 11
