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SSAGE 携手科研一流服务 SAGE(世-与众不同的出版者 Discover the Outstanding sage Los Angeles I London I New Delhi Singapore Washington DC

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC 携手科研 一流服务 SAGE(世哲)-与众不同的出版者 Discover the Outstanding SAGE

SSAGE What will we discover? ●国际出版现状与亚太学术发表 SAGE公司-享誉全球,专注学术 SAGE数据库学科广泛,品质卓著 SJO平台-馆员友好,易于操作 ●SAGE服务-立足需求,独特设计 LOs Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC What will we discover? ● 国际出版现状与亚太学术发表 ● SAGE公司-享誉全球,专注学术 ● SAGE数据库-学科广泛,品质卓著 ● SJO平台-馆员友好,易于操作 ● SAGE服务-立足需求,独特设计

SSAGE Publication output: US, EU, Asia 1981-2004 Thomson-2004 National Indicators -Standard-Graph of Results Onions Number of papers for Overall Country in 5 year overlapping periods World up 80% Asia 230% 1200,000 1,000,0 1,00,000 200,000v60.000 40,00 40,00 EU107% 290,000v140,000 5 Year Period US 50 ASIA PACIFC-all fields EUROPEAIl UIllOll-all fields USAall fields 260,000V170,000 Print Graph nother Analysis Show table Copy Graph LOs Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC Publication output: US, EU, Asia 1981-2004 World up 80% Asia 230% 200,000 v 60,000 EU 107% 290,000 v 140,000 US 50% 260,000 v 170,000

SSAGE Overall Citations in five-year periods 1981-2004 Thomson-2004 National Indicators -Standard-Graph of Results Onions Asia 380% Total citations for Overall Country in 5 year overlapping periods 3,000,000 3,00,0 EU240% 5,000,000 Us130% ASIA PACIFC-all fields EUROPEAIl UIllOll-all fields USAall fields Print Graph nother Analysis Show table Copy Graph Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC Overall Citations in five-year periods, 1981-2004 Asia 380% EU 240% US 130%

SSAGE Researchers in Asian Countries raise their Scientific profiles worldwide- New York Times( Sept 2010) e Published science articles Global share % the United States 40%(1980S ) ,28%(2009) Asa- Pacific13%(1980s)>30%(2009) o China0.4%(1980s)11%(2009) o Japan67%(2009) onda34%(2009) o Singapore:200(1981)8,500(2009) Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC Researchers in Asian Countries raise their Scientific profiles worldwide— New York Times (Sept 2010) ● Published science articles Global share %: ➢ the United States 40%(1980s)→28%(2009) ➢ Asia-Pacific 13%(1980s)→30%(2009) o China 0.4%(1980s)→11%(2009) o Japan 6.7%(2009) o India 3.4%(2009) o Sinapore: 200(1981)→8,500(2009)

SSAGE 照 RSS Feed Set PART I HOME POLITICS LEGAL AFFAIRS BUSINESS ECONOMICS SCIENCE ENVIRONMENT OUR STAFF OUR EDITORIAL ADVISORS OUR WRITERS BE A FELLOW WRITE FOR US ADVERTISE WITH US FAO SAGE出版公司 SARA MILLER MCCUNE C EACK TO WRITE 与众不同的出版者 sara Miller Mc Cune is the publisher and chairman of SAGE Publications, Inc. (the Newbury Park, California based book and journal publishing house), as well as president of the McCune Foundation 全球化的卓越出版 based in Montecito. Calif. In 1965. she founded sAGe Publications in New york City, and moved the company to Califomia in mid-1966, serving as its president for 18 助力国内科研教育 years, pnor to becoming SAGE's chairman n1984 McCune, a graduate of Queens College of the City University of New York is a member of the board of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. She has served as a trustee of the Fielding Graduate University, which is headquartered in Santa Barbara, Calf, and she served as Fielding's interim president in 1999-2000. She is currently a member of the University of Califomia. Santa Barbara Foundation Board of Trustees and the UCSB Chancellor's LOs Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC PART I: SAGE出版公司 - 与众不同的出版者 - 全球化的卓越出版 - 助力国内科研教育

SSAGE SAGE- an Outstanding publisher 与众不同的出版者 1965年成立于美国,全球五大地区出版中心 ●100%专注于学术和教育出版 ●全球排名第五位的学术出版商 ●提供国际化的人文社科及科技医药出版物 ●超过250家知名学协会及研究机构合作出版 LOs Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC ● 1965年成立于美国,全球五大地区出版中心 ● 100%专注于学术和教育出版 ● 全球排名第五位的学术出版商 ● 提供国际化的人文社科及科技医药出版物 ● 超过250家知名学协会及研究机构合作出版 SAGE – an Outstanding Publisher 与众不同的出版者

SSAGE CIET PRIO American Educational Research Association International Peace Research Institute. Oslo Institutt for fredsforskning 1985 ASA貫 Society for Cross-Cultural research AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION SMA 器 SOUTHERN 组丿 MANAGEMENT ASSDOATON ICH PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION ED A Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC

SSAGE 2010-New SBs journals at SAGE 2010年社会科学及行为科学新期刊 Studies in SOCIOLOGY Social AMERICAN LOGICAL Capital& cla Religion Psych EDUCATION Quarterly Religieuses Australian TEACHING transfer Journal of POLITICAL SCIENCE acs PUBLIO 2009 LOs Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC 2010 - New SBS journals at SAGE 2010年社会科学及行为科学新期刊

SSAGE SAGE-Global Publishing Excellence 全球化的卓越出版 ●超过570种的高品质学术期刊 388种社会科学和人文期刊 >165种健康科学期刊 >34种工程及材料科学期刊 超过期刊总数的50%为学协会和研究机构官方刊物 ●100%全文 100%同行评审 Angeles London New Delhi

Los Angeles | London | New Delhi Singapore | Washington DC SAGE – Global Publishing Excellence 全球化的卓越出版 ● 超过570种的高品质学术期刊 ➢388种社会科学和人文期刊 ➢165种健康科学期刊 ➢34种工程及材料科学期刊 ➢超过期刊总数的50%为学协会和研究机构官方刊物 ● 100%全文 ● 100%同行评审
