华南农业大学兽医学院:如何写作及发表SCI论文?How to Write and Publish SCI Cited Papers? An Overview

How to Write and publish sci Cited Papers? An Overview 如何写作及发表SC论文? 朱兴全博士 教授、博导、广东省特聘教授 华南农业大学兽医学院
朱兴全 博士 教授、博导、广东省特聘教授 How to Write and Publish SCI Cited Papers? An Overview 如何写作及发表SCI论文? 华南农业大学兽医学院

朱兴全教授出版、发表论著情况 在国内出版专著、教材、译 著12部,发表论文170多篇 在国际上参编英文专著2部, 发表SC收录论文74篇 2007年发表14篇SCI论文 2008年已发表3篇SC论文,2篇已录用, 另8篇已投稿
朱兴全教授出版、发表论著情况 在国际上参编英文专著2部, 发表SCI收录论文74篇 2007 年发表14篇SCI论文 在国内出版专著、教材、译 著12部,发表论文170多篇 2008年已发表3篇SCI论文, 2篇已录用, 另8篇已投稿

26 papers with IF higher than 3.0 2 in Lancet Infectious Disease (F 11.8, higher than that of pnas) 3 in Trends in Parasitology (IF 4.9) 12 in Electrophoresis (F 4.1) 1 in Mol Phylogenet Evol (3.5) 8 in Int J Parasitol (IF 3.3)
2 in Lancet Infectious Disease (IF 11.8, higher than that of PNAS) 3 in Trends in Parasitology (IF 4.9) 12 in Electrophoresis (IF 4.1) 1 in Mol Phylogenet Evol (3.5) 8 in Int J Parasitol (IF 3.3) 26 papers with IF higher than 3.0

Total lfs more than 180 and cited more than 660 times b hundreds of other authors and more than 10 magazines
Total IFs more than 180, and cited more than 660 times by hundreds of other authors and more than 10 magazines

国际著名SCI期刊 Trends in Parasitology(IF49)编委 国际SCI期刊 Journal of animal andⅤ eterinary Advances(IF?)编 委 11份国际SCI期刊审稿专家
• 国际著名SCI期刊Trends in Parasitology (IF4.9) 编委 • 国际SCI期刊Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances (IF?) 编 委 • 11份国际SCI期刊审稿专家

Preview of the presentation 1. What is scI? 2. Why do we have to publish sci cited papers? 3. How to write and publish SCI cited papers
Preview of the Presentation 1. What is SCI? 2. Why do we have to publish SCI cited papers? 3. How to write and publish SCI cited papers?

What is sci? SCI stands for science citation ndex Published by the Institute for Scientific Information (sI, websites http://www.isinet.com Web version: Web of Knowledge
What is SCI? SCI: stands for Science Citation Index Published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI, website: http://www.isinet.com) Web version: Web of Knowledge

Why sci papers? a prerequisite for graduation in well- regarded universities research institutions e.g Peking Uni, Zhejiang Uni, Zhongshan Uni, CAS A pre-requisite for being selected as one of the 100 best phd theses (百篇优秀博士论文)
Why SCI Papers? A prerequisite for graduation in wellregarded universities & research institutions e.g., Peking Uni, Zhejiang Uni, Zhongshan Uni, CAS A pre-requisite for being selected as one of the 100 best PhD theses (百篇优秀博士论文)

A prerequisite for promotion in well- regarded universities research institutions e.g Peking Uni, Zhejiang Uni, Zhongshan(Sun-Yat-Sen Uni, CAS Key requirement for applying for some grant programs eg, China National Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists (国家杰出青年基金)
A prerequisite for promotion in wellregarded universities & research institutions e.g., Peking Uni, Zhejiang Uni, Zhongshan (Sun-Yat-Sen Uni, CAS Key requirement for applying for some grant programs eg., China National Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists (国家杰出青年基金)

Key requirement for applying for some specially-engaged positions eg,“长江学者”特聘教授、“珠江学者”特聘 教授、国家“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选 中国科学院院士 For international academic exchanges For making money!
Key requirement for applying for some specially-engaged positions e.g., “长江学者”特聘教授、“珠江学者”特聘 教授、国家“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选 中国科学院院士 For international academic exchanges For making money!
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