Doing researching and experimentation

Doing researching and experimentation
Doing researching and experimentation

Cycles in writing and publication Doing research Shaping a research projects Finding and reading literature Research planning Hypotheses Evidence Experiment Writing
Cycles in writing and publication • Doing research – Shaping a research projects – Finding and reading literature – Research planning – Hypotheses – Evidence • Experiment • Writing

Cycles in writing and publication Experiment Designing experiments Measurements and coding Describing experiments Statistics Hypothesis tests
Cycles in writing and publication • Experiment – Designing experiments – Measurements and coding – Describing experiments – Statistics – Hypothesis tests

Beginnings The origin in of a research investigation is" m typically a moment of insight Research ideas often come to mind when the brain is idling when separate topics coincidentally arise at the same time Tea-room arguments are a rich source of seed ideas
Beginnings • The origin of a research investigation is typically a moment of insight – Research ideas often come to mind when the brain is idling – when separate topics coincidentally arise at the same time. – Tea-room arguments are a rich source of seed ideas

I WA5 JUST RUBBING 5TCY5 TOGETHER FOR FUN I DIDN'T REALIZE I WAS DOING BASIC RESEARCH Beginnings the first step roos to choose to explore ideas that seem likely to succeed or are intriguing or have the potential to lead to something new Or contradict received wisdom At this stage, it isn 't possible to know whether the work can lead to valuable results otherwise there would be no scope for research
Beginnings • the first step – to choose to explore ideas that seem likely – to succeed – or are intriguing – or have the potential to lead to something new, – Or contradict received wisdom. • At this stage, it isn't possible to know whether the work can lead to valuable results • otherwise there would be no scope for research

Shaping a research project How a potential research topic is shaped into a concrete project depends on context Experienced scientists aiming to write a paper on a subject of mutual interest tend to be fairly focused they quickly design a series of experiment or theoretical goals investigate the relevant literature, and set deadlines
Shaping a research project • How a potential research topic is shaped into a concrete project depends on context. • Experienced scientists aiming to write a paper on a subject of mutual interest tend to be fairly focused: • they quickly design a series of experiment • or theoretical goals, investigate the relevant literature, and set deadlines

Finding research literature Each research project builds on a body of prior work The doing and describing of research requires a thorough knowledge of the work of others Google obvious search terms Visit the web sites of research groups and researchers working in the area Follow up references in research papers Browse the recent issues of the journals and conferences in the area
Finding research Literature • Each research project builds on a body of prior work • The doing and describing of research requires a thorough knowledge of the work of Others. – Google obvious search terms – Visit the web sites of research groups and researchers working in the area – Follow up references in research papers – Browse the recent issues of the journals and conferences in the area

Finding research Literature Search other journals and conferences that might carry relevant papers Search the publisher-specific digital libraries Check the program in a conference web site to find relevant papers Use the citation indexes
Finding research Literature • Search other journals and conferences that might carry relevant papers • Search the publisher-specific digital libraries. • Check the program in a conference web site to find relevant papers • Use the citation indexes

Reading What is the main result? How precise are the claims? How could the outcomes be used? · What is the evidence? How was the evidence gathered? How were measurements taken? How carefully are the algorithms and experiments described? Why is the paper trustworthy? Has the right background literature been discussed? What would reproduction of the results involve?
Reading • What is the main result? • How precise are the claims? • How could the outcomes be used? • What is the evidence? • How was the evidence gathered? • How were measurements taken? • How carefully are the algorithms and experiments described? • Why is the paper trustworthy? • Has the right background literature been discussed? • What would reproduction of the results involve?

Research planning Project Milestones ypical steps: download some code or implement something then experiment, then write up Each stage takes longer than anticipated the time for write-up is compressed It is a mistake to implement a complete system rather than ask what code is needed to explore the research questions
Research planning • Project Milestones • Typical steps: download some code or implement something, then experiment, then write up. – Each stage takes longer than anticipated, the time for write-up is compressed – It is a mistake to implement a complete system rather than ask what code is needed to explore the research questions
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