复旦大学:《心灵哲学 Philosophy of Mind》课程教学资源(PPT课件,英文版)第1讲 笛卡尔与十二个心灵哲学问题 Descartes And 12 Problems In Philosophy Of Mind

PHILOSOPHY OF MIND (心灵哲学) 主讲人:徐英瑾 复旦大学哲学学院
PHILOSOPHY OF MIND (心灵哲学) 主讲人: 徐英瑾 复旦大学哲学学院


For Beginners, Maybe the Following Links Are Helpful *http://en.wikipediaorg/wiki/philosophyofmin This entry gives you a basic idea of what philosophy of mind is Caveat: Wikipedia is a very useful online-tool but due to its lack of academic authority, it cannot be referred in a paper. You just read it but please do not mention it in the paper *http://www.philosophyofmind.info This website is still under construction
For Beginners, Maybe the Following Links Are Helpful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_min d This entry gives you a basic idea of what philosophy of mind is. Caveat: Wikipedia is a very useful online-tool, but due to its lack of academic authority, it cannot be referred in a paper. You just read it, but please do not mention it in the paper. http://www.philosophyofmind.info/ This website is still under construction

For advanced students. These Websites are recommended http://consc.net/mindpapers/ The most comprehensive and systematic collection of papers on philosophy of mind that you can find on web. It consists of 28490 entries now l!!!! http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html The most reliable and trustable on-line dictionary on philosophy(not only philosophy of mind! . That means, you can refer to this resource in a formal paper!
For Advanced Students, These Websites Are Recommended: . http://consc.net/mindpapers/ The most comprehensive and systematic collection of papers on philosophy of mind that you can find on web. It consists of 28490 entries now !!!!! http://plato.stanford.edu/contents.html The most reliable and trustable on-line dictionary on philosophy (not only philosophy of mind!). That means, you can refer to this resource in a formal paper!

For Students Intending to Be Involved into an Overseas PHD Program on Philosophy, Please Open the fo‖ owing Link *http://www.philosophicalgourmet.com/overall.a SO *k This website offers a systematic evaluation of nearly every philosophy department in the English-speaking world Ful of useful information *k But information about universities in europe is not included!!
For Students Intending to Be Involved into an Overseas PHD Program on Philosophy, Please Open the Following Link: http://www.philosophicalgourmet.com/overall.a sp This website offers a systematic evaluation of nearly every philosophy department in the English-speaking world. Full of useful information. But information about universities in Europe is not included!!!

For Students Who Both Speak Chinese and Love Analytical Philosophy, These Websites are Valuable *1.哲学合作社 *https://phil-commune.net/bbs/forum.php * (but you need patience to open it) *2.“豆瓣”的“酒肉臭”小组 *http://www.douban.com/group/292426
For Students Who Both Speak Chinese and Love Analytical Philosophy, These Websites are Valuable: 1. 哲学合作社 https://phil-commune.net/bbs/forum.php (but you need patience to open it) 2. “豆瓣”的“酒肉臭”小组 http://www.douban.com/group/292426/

For chinese students who Want to Know Why To Read old classic Works Is Not Recommended for Beginners of Philosophy, Please Read My Papers 1.徐英瑾:《经典阅读还是论证训练?—对中国的西 方哲学教育的反思》,《学术月刊》,2006年第六 期。 *http://www.douban.com/group/topic/16123206 *2.徐英瑾:《西方哲学进阶路线图》 *http://www.kaixino01.com/repaste/467800025211 954217html
For Chinese Students Who Want to Know Why To Read Old Classic Works Is Not Recommended for Beginners of Philosophy, Please Read My Papers: 1. 徐英瑾:《经典阅读,还是论证训练?——对中国的西 方哲学教育的反思》,《学术月刊》,2006年第六 期。 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/16123206/ 2. 徐英瑾:《西方哲学进阶路线图》 http://www.kaixin001.com/repaste/46780002_5211 954217.html

For Anybody Who Want to Know How to do Philosophical Translation Between English and chinese This is a tool The link of the on-line The cover of the Dictionany Bookstore for Buying it *http://product.dangdang.c ary al Philosophy om/product. aspx?product d=20751028 西方哲学词汇手册 英/都汉语对福数 也人
For Anybody Who Want to Know How to do Philosophical Translation Between English and Chinese, This is a Tool: The Cover of the Dictionary The Link of the On-line Bookstore for Buying it: http://product.dangdang.c om/product.aspx?product_ id=20751028

For Any Chinese Reader Who Want to Know How to Translate Complicated Analytical Texts, please read this one The Cover of the book The Link of Dangdang *http://product.dangdang.c 超越分析哲学 om/product. aspx?product id=20935209 尽显我们所知领域的本相 ]王著 新江大学出激
For Any Chinese Reader Who Want to Know How to Translate Complicated Analytical Texts, please read this one: The Cover of the Book The Link of Dangdang: http://product.dangdang.c om/product.aspx?product_ id=20935209

For Chinese Readers who Want to have a Basic Idea of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Please Read The Dangdang Link for Buying The Cover of the book it: 西方有学通史 世纪英美哲学 *http://product.dangdang.c Brtes at utena Makes Whh cenir 非庆周林东徐O om/product. aspx?product d=9039274
For Chinese Readers Who Want to Have a Basic Idea of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Please Read: The Cover of the Book The Dangdang Link for Buying it: http://product.dangdang.c om/product.aspx?product_ id=9039274
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