复旦大学:《心灵哲学 Philosophy of Mind》课程教学资源(PPT课件,英文版)第13讲 大森庄藏与一种维特根斯坦式的“身-心关系”问题解决方案 Omori Shūzō and his Wittgenstein-inspired solution to the mind-body problem

Omori shuzo and his Wittgenstein- inspired solution to the mind-body problem 大森庄藏与一种维特根斯坦式的“身-心关系” 问题解决方案 复旦大学哲学学院徐英瑾 Yingjin Xu, Fudan University
Omori Shūzō and his Wittgenstein-inspired solution to the mind-body problem 大森庄藏与一种维特根斯坦式的“身-心关系” 问题解决方案 复旦大学哲学学院 徐英瑾 Yingjin Xu, Fudan University

The route-map of my talk 1. Nearly all of the currently fashionable solutions to the mind-Body problem, including the physicalist dualist, idealist, etc, appeal to some type of construction metaphorin the sense that some items in the world are viewed as the starting point for building up the rest of the world
The route-map of my talk: • 1. Nearly all of the currently fashionable solutions to the Mind-Body problem, including the physicalist, dualist, idealist, etc., appeal to some type of “construction metaphor ” in the sense that some items in the world are viewed as the starting point for building up the rest of the world

The route- map of my talk: 2. However, Wittgenstein's solution to the same problem cannot be categorized as any of the fashionable solutions to the same problem, since he rejected the "construction metaphor" radically by viewing both the mental and the physical as ordinary objects primarily given to language-game participants
The route-map of my talk: • 2. However, Wittgenstein’s solution to the same problem cannot be categorized as any of the fashionable solutions to the same problem, since he rejected the “construction metaphor” radically by viewing both the mental and the physical as ordinary objects primarily given to language-game participants

The route- map of my talk: 3. As I will argue, Japanese philosopher omo Shuzo offered a systematic re-working of ori Wittgenstein' s proposal which cannot be categorized as any of the fashionable solutions to the mind-body problem either more specifically Omori views the physical language as a tool to re- describe what has been described by our ordina language, and hence precludes the possibility of separating either the physical or the mental from each other as a discrete ontological domain
The route-map of my talk: • 3. As I will argue, Japanese philosopher Omori Shūzō offered a systematic re-working of Wittgenstein’s proposal which cannot be categorized as any of the fashionable solutions to the mind-body problem either. More specifically, Omori views the physical language as a tool to redescribe what has been described by our ordinary language, and hence precludes the possibility of separating either the physical or the mental from each other as a discrete ontological domain

The mind-body problem: how many possible solutions?
The Mind-body problem: how many possible solutions?

The mind-body problem how many possible solutions 1. Physicalism ·1.1 Behaviorism 1.2 Identity theory 1. 3 Eliminative physicalism 1.4 Functionalism or Non -reductive physicalism"in the general sense
The Mind-body problem: how many possible solutions? • 1. Physicalism • 1.1 Behaviorism • 1.2 Identity theory • 1.3 Eliminative physicalism • 1.4 Functionalism or “Non-reductive physicalism” in the general sense

The mind-body problem how many possible solutions 2. Dualism 2. 1 Substance dualism 2.2 Property dualism
The Mind-body problem: how many possible solutions? • 2. Dualism • 2.1 Substance dualism • 2.2 Property dualism

The mind-body problem how many possible solutions 2. Dualism 2. 1 Substance dualism 2.2 Property dualism
The Mind-body problem: how many possible solutions? • 2. Dualism • 2.1 Substance dualism • 2.2 Property dualism

The mind-body problem how many ossible solutions? 3. Idealism Berkeley 4. Panpsychism(Leibniz, Hegel) 5. Neutral monism Ernst Mach)
The Mind-body problem: how many possible solutions? • 3. Idealism (Berkeley) • 4. Panpsychism (Leibniz, Hegel) • 5. Neutral monism (Ernst Mach)

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