Chapter 7 ENERGY METABOLI SM BODY TEMPERATURE §l.Energy metabolism Introduction definition Substantial metabolism Assimilation metabolism Dissimilation metabolism (catabolism) Energy metabolism
Chapter 7 ENERGY METABOLISM & BODY TEMPERATURE § 1. Energy metabolism • Introduction & definition Substantial metabolism Assimilation metabolism Dissimilation metabolism (catabolism) Energy metabolism

Energy sources utilization Energy sources of living organisms Direct donator of energy:ATP Reserve form of energy:CP Energy sources:food Glucose (1 mol):aerobic glycolysis yields 38 mol ATP;anaerobic glycolysis yields 2 mol ATP Fat:1 mol 6C fatty acid yield 44 mol ATP Protein:rarely used as energy donator
• Energy sources & utilization * Energy sources of living organisms Direct donator of energy: ATP Reserve form of energy: CP Energy sources: food Glucose (1 mol): aerobic glycolysis yields 38 mol ATP; anaerobic glycolysis yields 2 mol ATP Fat: 1 mol 6C fatty acid yield 44 mol ATP Protein: rarely used as energy donator

Energy transfer utilization More than 50%transfer to heat, Less than 50%store in the ATP CP Utilization:synthesis growth never conduction muscular contraction glandular secretion active absorption etc
* Energy transfer & utilization More than 50% transfer to heat, Less than 50% store in the ATP & CP Utilization: synthesis & growth never conduction muscular contraction glandular secretion active absorption etc

食物中的能量(100%) 氧 释 一未利用的能量 056】 放 自由能(95%) 散发热量 化学能(45%) (50%) 转移储存 Pi ADP+ ATP C-P c Energy source, 能 利 完成机体各种功能活动 同时散发热量 reserve, 合成代谢 (20%~45%) 传导 肌肉收缩 酰外沙的势量 transfer 其他 utilization
Energy source, reserve, transfer & utilization

Measuring the metabolic rate Direct calorimetry Indirect calorimetry Principle:The law of constant proportions Several related concepts Thermal equivalent of food Thermal equivalent of oxygen Respiratory quotient (RQ) Classical simple measurement O2 consumption CO2 production measuring Closed opened measurement
• Measuring the metabolic rate * Direct calorimetry * Indirect calorimetry Principle: The law of constant proportions Several related concepts Thermal equivalent of food Thermal equivalent of oxygen Respiratory quotient (RQ) Classical & simple measurement O2 consumption & CO2 production measuring Closed & opened measurement

Thermal equivalent,Thermal equivalent of oxygen Respiratory quotient (RQ)of 3 main nutritional substances TE TEO RQ Glucose 16.7 21.0 1.00 Protein 16.7 18.8 0.80 Fat 37.7 19.7 0.71
TE TEO RQ Glucose 16.7 21.0 1.00 Protein 16.7 18.8 0.80 Fat 37.7 19.7 0.71 Thermal equivalent, Thermal equivalent of oxygen & Respiratory quotient (RQ) of 3 main nutritional substances

绝热壁 2auaiaeauaaaaauiaida 水 2 -水槽 检压计 气量计 硫酸 」钠 石灰 0 Direct calorimetry
Direct calorimetry

呼吸察 氧气 记纹鼓 收 呼吸活瓣 时间 Indirect calorimetry
Indirect calorimetry

Factors affecting energy metabolism Exercises Concept of oxygen debt Nervous Thinking peacefully anxious Food specific dynamic effect Environmental temperature Others:age,sex,circadian rhythm, hormones,diseases,etc
• Factors affecting energy metabolism Exercises Concept of oxygen debt Nervous Thinking peacefully & anxious Food specific dynamic effect Environmental temperature Others: age, sex, circadian rhythm, hormones, diseases, etc

Basal metabolism Basal metabolic Rate (BMR) Definition Law of body surface area Under what condition BMR can be measured? In the Early morning Arousal condition Lie down peacefully with no exercises No nervous Have a good sleep last night Fasting for over 12 h Room temperature at 20~25 'C
• Basal metabolism & Basal metabolic Rate (BMR) * Definition & Law of body surface area * Under what condition BMR can be measured? In the Early morning Arousal condition Lie down peacefully with no exercises No nervous Have a good sleep last night Fasting for over 12 h Room temperature at 20~25 ℃
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