兰州大学:数字图书馆技术的渊源进展和反思(PPT讲稿)Digital Libraries and the Future of Library Professions

Digital Libraries and the Future of Library professions 数字图书信术的渊源,进展和反思 蔡国瑞 College of Information Sciences and Technology Penn State University
Digital Libraries and the Future of Library Professions 数字图书馆技术的渊源,进展,和反思 蔡 国 瑞 College of Information Sciences and Technology Penn State University

ist Penn State and i-school movement o宾州州立大学是 iSchool团体的发起者。 o Refocus on information as core construct versus computing or computers o Multidisciplinary approach # Work with and directly incorporate, many disciplinary perspectives # Cognitive Science, Communication Studies Computer Science, design, Economics, Information Management, law library science organizational Science, Policy, Software Engineering, System Assurance, globalization Lanzhou University 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 2 Penn State and i-school movement 宾州州立大学是 iSchool团体的发起者。 Refocus on information as core construct, versus computing or computers Multidisciplinary approach Work with, and directly incorporate, many disciplinary perspectives Cognitive Science, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Design, Economics, Information Management, Law, Library Science, Organizational Science, Policy, Software Engineering, System Assurance, … globalization

sSt i-school community University of California, Berkeley University of California, Irvine University of California, Los angeles Drexel University Florida State University Georgia Institute of Technology University of Illinois Indiana University University of maryland University of michigan University of North Carolina The Pennsylvania State University University of Pittsburgh Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey Syracuse university University of Texas University of Toronto University of washington Wuhan university Lanzhou university 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 3 i -school community University of California, Berkeley University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles Drexel University Florida State University Georgia Institute of Technology University of Illinois Indiana University University of Maryland University of Michigan University of North Carolina The Pennsylvania State University University of Pittsburgh Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey Syracuse University University of Texas University of Toronto University of Washington Wuhan University

sSt 美国“大科学的先巫范内瓦布什 Vannevar bush 科学家、教育家和政府官员 罗斯福总统的科学顾问 信息时代的教父 曼哈顿计划NSF,ARPA 」 Internet、硅谷,都与他密切 相关。 o相当于中国的钱学森 Lanzhou university 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 4 美国“大科学的先驱”范内瓦·布什 Vannevar Bush 科学家、教育家和政府官员 罗斯福总统的科学顾问 信息时代的教父 曼哈顿计划,NSF, ARPA, Internet、硅谷,都与他密切 相关。 相当于中国的 钱学森

sSt 信息的代的教父 Vannevar bush 1945年,布什发表著名的论文《如我们所想》(AsWe May Think Q Bush argued that the sheer volume of information would overwhelm traditional methods of acquisition, storage, and analysis C He argued that science and technology could help in the task of organizing knowledge Lanzhou university 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 5 信息时代的教父 Vannevar Bush 1945年,布什发表著名的论文《如我们所想》(As We May Think) ◆Bush argued that the sheer volume of information would overwhelm traditional methods of acquisition, storage, and analysis. ◆He argued that science and technology could help in the task of organizing knowledge

IST Our Minds need tools to help The Abacus fhe Compass The Pencil. The Harness The Scythe The The RiFl Y The Watch The The Needle The Condle The Scale What about tools The Pot The The Level The Fish Heok The chisel for our mind? alesco We have tools for hands, eyes, clothing food Shelters Lanzhou university 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 6 Our Minds need tools to help We have tools for hands, eyes, clothing, food, Shelters What about tools for our mind?

sSt MEMEX 种?.)》AsD Bush(1945)设想了一种能够存储大量信息,并能在相 关信息之间建立联系的机器 MEMEX。这个想象正 是现在的 Digital libraty和 Internet Lanzhou University 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 7 MEMEX Bush (1945) 设想了一种能够存储大量信息,并能在相 关信息之间建立联系的机器 MEMEX。这个想象正 是现在的Digital Libraty 和Internet

F Memex(memory index)之设计构思 o Memex为一个人以机器判读资料之资料库系统, 透过建立联结路径,搜寻,处理及整合等技术,供 研究人员蒐集,分析各类资料并加以应用 Bush distinguish between two kinds or modes of thought Routine or repetitive: logical processes of thought (can be automated) # Mature and creative: the real work of deep and original thinking. (there is no mechanical substitute Lanzhou University 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 8 Memex(memory & index)之设计构思 Memex为一个人以机器判读资料之资料库系统, 透过建立联结路径,搜寻,处理及整合等技术,供 研究人员蒐集,分析各类资料并加以应用 Bush distinguish between two kinds or modes of thought. Routine or repetitive: ‘‘logical processes of thought’’ (can be automated). ‘‘Mature’’ and ‘‘creative’’: the real work of deep and original thinking. (there is no mechanical substitute)

sSt 数字图书信术 Communities DL applications Digital repository electronic scholarly joumal content management access systems Collection Delivery Information /Content svstems services Infrastructure/organization: Information. Technologies. Business environment People, Policies/strategies, etc Lanzhou University 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 9 数字图书馆技术

iST Common lis professional practices o Experimental information retrieval (Ir); o Citation analysis o Practical retrieval o Bibliometrics o General library systems theory (including library automation) o Science communication o User studies and theory o Indexing theory o Citation theory; and Communication theory Lanzhou university 2010
Lanzhou University 2010 10 Common LIS professional practices Experimental information retrieval (IR); Citation analysis; Practical retrieval; Bibliometrics; General library systems theory (including library automation); Science communication; User studies and theory; Indexing theory; Citation theory; and Communication theory
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