《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L06-WASv6_WLM_HA

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. WebSphere Application Server V6.0: Proof-of-Technology L06-Workload Management and High Availability What this lab exercise is about The purpose of this lab is to configure workload management (i.e. clusters)and failover You will configure the Been There sample. You will use the Web Sphere Administrative Console for this lab exercise to configure a Web cluster and an EJB cluster, each consisting of two application servers. This is an exercise showing workload management for both Http and ejb requests and should not be considered a best practice User Requirements This document has the following prerequisites and assumptions: Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment version 6.0 installed and configured with one federated node What you should be able to do Upon completion of this lab, users will be able to deploy an application to a Web Sphere cluster and configure all three services that use the Data Replication Service Distributed Http Session with Memory-to-memory Replication Stateful Session EJB Failover · Dynamic Caching Table of contents Part One: Create a Cluster and Install the Been There Application Part Two: coNfigure Distributed Http Sessions with Memory-to-memory Replication Part Three: Configure Stateful Session EJB Failover Part Four: Configure Dynamic Caching with a Servlet Cache Instance Proof of Technology Lab 06-WLM and HA Product Introduction+ Exploration(PI+E Page 1 of 56
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 06 – WLM and HA Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 1 of 56 WebSphere Application Server v6.0: Proof-of-Technology L06 - Workload Management and High Availability What this Lab exercise is about The purpose of this lab is to configure workload management (i.e. clusters) and failover. You will configure the BeenThere sample. You will use the WebSphere Administrative Console for this lab exercise to configure a Web cluster and an EJB cluster, each consisting of two application servers. This is an exercise showing workload management for both HTTP and EJB requests and should not be considered a best practice. User Requirements This document has the following prerequisites and assumptions: • WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment version 6.0 installed and configured with one federated node What you should be able to do Upon completion of this lab, users will be able to deploy an application to a WebSphere cluster and configure all three services that use the Data Replication Service: • Distributed HTTP Session with Memory-to-Memory Replication • Stateful Session EJB Failover • Dynamic Caching Table of Contents Part One: Create a Cluster and Install the BeenThere Application Part Two: Configure Distributed HTTP Sessions with Memory-to-Memory Replication Part Three: Configure Stateful Session EJB Failover Part Four: Configure Dynamic Caching with a Servlet Cache Instance

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Part 1: Create a cluster and Install the been There application 1)Start the Deployment Manager, if necessary a) From a dOs command prompt, execute the following cd c: WebSphere\App Serverlprofilesldmgrlbin serverStatus dmgr b) If the Deployment Manager has not been started, you will see the following message and should proceed to step 1 c) ADMU0509I: The Deplo yment Manager "dmgr"cannot be reached. It appears to be stopped If the Deployment Manager has been started, you will see the following message and should proceed to step 2) ADMUg500I: Retrieving server status for dmgr ADMU0508I: The Deployment Manager "dmgr STARTED c)From the same DOs command prompt, execute the following startManager 2)Start the Node Agent, if necessary a) From a dOs command prompt, execute the following cd c: WebSpherelAppServerlprofileslprofile 1\bin serverStatus nodeagent b) If the Node Agent has not been started, you will see the following message and should proceed to step 2 c) ADMU0500I rieving server status for nodeagent ADMU05091 e Node Agent nodeagent cannot be reac hed. It appears to be If the Node Agent has been started, you will see the following message and should proceed to step 3) ADMUGSOGI: Retriev ADMU0508I: The Node Agent " nodeagent is STARTED Lab 06-wLM and Ha
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 06 – WLM and HA Page 2 of 56 Part 1: Create a Cluster and Install the BeenThere Application 1) Start the Deployment Manager, if necessary. a) From a DOS command prompt, execute the following: cd c:\ WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\dmgr\bin serverStatus dmgr b) If the Deployment Manager has not been started, you will see the following message and should proceed to step 1 c). If the Deployment Manager has been started, you will see the following message and should proceed to step 2). c) From the same DOS command prompt, execute the following: startManager 2) Start the Node Agent, if necessary. a) From a DOS command prompt, execute the following: cd c:\ WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile1\bin serverStatus nodeagent b) If the Node Agent has not been started, you will see the following message and should proceed to step 2 c). If the Node Agent has been started, you will see the following message and should proceed to step 3)

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. c)From the same DOS command prompt, execute the following startNode 3)Log into the Administrative Console a) Enter the following URL in a Web browser http://wasv6pot:9060/ibm/console/ b)Log in with a User ID of wsdemo 4)Create the application server cluster )Click Servers > Clusters Application servers Generic servers B JMs Servers Web servers Clusters b)Click New Server cluster A server cluster consists of a group of application servers. If one of the member servers fails, requests 田 Preferences New DeleteStart Stop Ripplestart Immediate Stop 回回半 cnAme Status c) None Total o Proof of Technology ab 06-WLM and HA Product Introduction+ Exploration(PI+E Page 3 of 56
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 06 – WLM and HA Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 3 of 56 c) From the same DOS command prompt, execute the following: startNode 3) Log into the Administrative Console. a) Enter the following URL in a Web browser: http://wasv6pot:9060/ibm/console/ b) Log in with a User ID of wsdemo 4) Create the application server cluster a) Click Servers > Clusters b) Click New

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. c)Enter the following Cluster name My Cluster Check "Create a replication domain for this cluster Create a new cluste →step1: Enter Enter basic cluster information Step 2: Create Mycluster cluster members M Create a replication domain for this cluster o not include an existing server in this cluster C select an existing server to add to this cluster d)Click Next ab 06-wLM and Ha
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 06 – WLM and HA Page 4 of 56 c) Enter the following: Cluster name: MyCluster Check “Create a replication domain for this cluster”. d) Click Next

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. e)Enter the following values for the first cluster member Member name AppServer1 Select node node 1 Weight Http Ports Check "generate unIque htTp Ports Create a new cluster Step 1: Enter Create cluster members basic cluste information Enter information about this new cluster member, and click Apply Step 2: Create function to ber that are cluster already incl in this list, Use the Delete function to remov st step 3: 来 Member name Select node node1( y Generate Unique Http Ports Select template: c Default application server template hoose a server template from this list C Existing application server choose a server from this list: dmgrCell/node1( Edit Delete Select Application servers odes Version Weight Next」 Cance fLick Apply Proof of Technology Lab 06-WLM and HA Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 5 of 56
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 06 – WLM and HA Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 5 of 56 e) Enter the following values for the first cluster member: Member name: AppServer1 Select node: node1 Weight: 2 HTTP Ports: Check “Generate Unique Http Ports” f) Click Apply

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. g) Enter the following values for the second cluster member Member name App Server2 Select node node 1 ig Http Ports Check "generate unIque htTp Ports Step 1: Enter Create cluster members basic cluster inform ation information about this new cluster member, and click Apply d this cluster member to the →step2: Create on to edit the properties of a cluster member that are dy included in this list. Use the delete function to re cluster member from this list Select node Select Application servers Version Lab 06-wLM and Ha
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 06 – WLM and HA Page 6 of 56 g) Enter the following values for the second cluster member: Member name: AppServer2 Select node: node1 Weight: 3 HTTP Ports: Check “Generate Unique Http Ports” h) Click Apply

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. re 1Click Next Create a new cluster Create a new cluster Create cluster members basic cluste nformation Enter information about this new cluster member, and click Appl to add this cluster member to the member list. Use the Edit →step2: Create function to edit the properties of a cluster member that are cluster members already included in this list. Use the Delete function to remove a clust ember from this list step 3 Member name Select nod node1(6.0.0, y Generate Unique hTtp ports A Select Application servers NodesVersionWeight ADDServer1 node16.0.0.12 厂| AppServer2 node16.0.0,13 5」N丈canc Proof of Technology ab 06-WLM and HA Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 7 of 56
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 06 – WLM and HA Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 7 of 56 i) Click Next

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. D Click Finish Create a new cluster Create a new cluste summary basic cluster Summary of actions Step 2: Create Name Mycluste cluster members Core Group=DefaultCoreGroup →step3: Summary Node node1(6.0 0.1) e Template default Clone Type= default enerate Unique Http ports = true ode group= DefaultNode Group Server name Appserver2 Node node1( eight: ne Template = default FinishCance k) Click Save at the top of the main panel A changes have been made to your local configuration. click save to B The server may need to be restarted for these changes to take effect. )Check Synchronize changes with Nodes, and then click Save Server Cluster> Save Click save to update the master repository with your changes, Click Discard to discard your changes and begin work again using the master repository configuration. click Cancel to continue working with your B Total changed documents: 31 Lab 06-wLM and Ha
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 06 – WLM and HA Page 8 of 56 j) Click Finish. k) Click Save at the top of the main panel. l) Check Synchronize changes with Nodes, and then click Save

WebSphere software- opyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. m)Review step 4)selecting Servers Cluster topology, and then expanding My cluster down to the cluster members U CLUster 日@ Nodes 日的node16.00.1 日@ Cluster members AppServer1 AppServer2 5)Update the virtual host configuration a)Click Servers Application servers 日 Servers Application server Generic servers JMS Servers Web servers Clusters Cluster topology E Core groups b) Select App 1 Application servers An application server is a server which provides services required to run enterprise New Delete Templates.Start Stop ImmediateStop Terminate 同回 Select Name Status c) AppServer1 node1 AppServer2 node1 6,0.0.1 厂| server1 el 6,0,0.1 Total 3 Proof of Technology Lab 06-WLM and HA Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 9 of 56
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 06 – WLM and HA Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 9 of 56 m) Review step 4) selecting Servers > Cluster topology, and then expanding MyCluster down to the cluster members. 5) Update the virtual host configuration. a) Click Servers > Application servers. b) Select AppServer1

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. c)Under the Communications section on right, expand Ports 日pots port name BOOTSTRAP ADDRESS 9811 SOAP CONNECTOR ADD SAS_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS9407 CSIV2_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS9408 CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS9409 NC adminhost 9062 9081 DCS UNICAST ADDRESS 9355 wc adminhost secure 9045 secure 9444 SIB ENDPOINT ADDRESS 7278 SIB ENDPOINT SECURE ADDRESS 287 SIB MQ ENDPOINT ADDRESS 5559 SIB_MQENDPOINT SECURE__ ADDRESS 5579 ORB LISTENER ADDRESS d)Take note of the port value for wc-defaulthost(i.e. for this case, 9081). e) Click Environment> Virtual Hosts Environment Websphere Variables shared Libraries Replication domains 田 Naming ab 06-wLM and Ha Page 10 of 56
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 06 – WLM and HA Page 10 of 56 c) Under the Communications section on right, expand Ports. d) Take note of the port value for WC_defaulthost (i.e. for this case, 9081). e) Click Environment > Virtual Hosts
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