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《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P03-WASv6_ND_Install

《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P03-WASv6_ND_Install

I IBM Software Group IBM Web Sphere Application Server v6 Installation- Distributed latform 叫 ND: DBI%删E IBM Proof of Technology O2005 3M Corporasan IBM Product Introduction Exploration IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Agenda "Web Sphere Application Server v6 Network Deployment installation Veb Sphere Profiles Ibm Http Server installation Web Server plug-in installation Web server Definition Managing Web Server Definitions and Plug-ins Managed and Unmanaged node

1 ® IBM Software Group © 2005 IBM Corporation IBM Proof of Technology IBM Product Introduction + Exploration IBM WebSphere Application Server v6 Installation – Distributed Platform IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Agenda ƒ “WebSphere Application Server v6 Network Deployment” installation ƒ WebSphere Profiles ƒ IBM HTTP Server installation ƒ Web Server plug-in installation ƒ Web Server Definition ƒ Managing Web Server Definitions and Plug-ins ƒ Managed and Unmanaged node

Section nsta∥ ation IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Installation Overview Distinction between WebSphere product binaries and configuration data(Web Sphere profiles Profile Creation Wizard can be launched as part of install Web Sphere Network Deployment has 3 profile types Custom IbM Http Server and Web server plug-in are They are launched separately from the launch pad b Can be installed on a separate system

2 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Installation Installation Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Installation Overview ƒ Distinction between WebSphere product binaries and configuration data (WebSphere profiles) Profile Creation Wizard can be launched as part of install ƒ WebSphere Network Deployment has 3 profile types Deployment Manager Application Server Custom ƒ IBM HTTP Server and Web Server plug-in are installed separately They are launched separately from the launch pad Can be installed on a separate system

Installation: Options n GUI Install b Install Shield TM Multi-Platform(ISMP) Launched from the Launch pad or from the Install executable in the install root> directory b Install checks for other Web Sphere installs and provides hints Cell and Node name to allow post migratio Silent Install Uses a response file as an input Use the provided sample response file as a starting point nstall -options"responsefile nd. txt"-silent IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Uninstal Uninstall is dependent on the Install Shield TM Multi-Platform(ISMP) uninstaller b Located in the Web Sphere directory tree under the unist directory Command: Uninstaller. exe ( bin) Always use the uninstaller to remove WebSphere components Silent UnInstall is supported Uninstaller. exe -silent b Responsefile provided Can not custom uninstall parts of Web Sphere installation (like Samples)

3 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Installation: Options ƒ GUI Install: InstallShield™ Multi-Platform (ISMP) Incremental Install Launched from the Launch pad or from the Install executable in the directory Install checks for other WebSphere installs and provides hints on Cell and Node name to allow post migration ƒ Silent Install Uses a response file as an input ƒ Use the provided sample response file as a starting point ƒ install –options “responsefile.nd.txt” -silent IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Uninstall ƒ GUI Uninstall is dependent on the InstallShield™ Multi-Platform (ISMP) uninstaller Located in the WebSphere directory tree under the _uninst directory Command : Uninstaller.exe(.bin) Always use the uninstaller to remove WebSphere components ƒ Silent UnInstall is supported Uninstaller.exe –silent Responsefile provided ƒ Can not custom uninstall parts of WebSphere installation (like Samples) All the components will be removed

BM Software Group WebSphere software Section Profiles IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Web Sphere Profiles WebSphere V6 files are split into 2 categories b Product Files- shared application binaries for Web Sphere Laid down first during install Configuration Files- set of user customizations ncludes WebSphere configuration, installed applications, resource adapters, properties, log files, Defines a profile Each profile defines a Web Sphere runtime configuration Easier than multiple installations b Less disk spac b Product update is simplified

4 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Profiles Profiles Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 WebSphere Profiles ƒ WebSphere V6 files are split into 2 categories Product Files - shared application binaries for WebSphere ƒ Laid down first during install Configuration Files - set of user customizations ƒ Includes WebSphere configuration, installed applications, resource adapters, properties, log files, etc. ƒ Defines a profile ƒ Each profile defines a WebSphere runtime configuration ƒ Easier than multiple installations Less disk space Product update is simplified

BM Software Group WebSphere software Web Sphere Profiles A profile is an instance of a Web Sphere Application Server configuration A profile contains its own set of scripts, its own environment, its own nd its Many profiles can be created off of a single install All profiles on the same system share the same untime binaries Only have to apply maintenance once to update all of the profiles Easily created using the Profile Wizard At least one profile per physical machine / LPAR IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software The Profile wizard Protile type selection A profile dennes a run-time emironment choose the tpe of prone mat is best ployment ermmronment is to step is to create additional profiles ar administrative console or arry servers. The tpical use for a custom profile rs within the not □8 ack Net,L Cance

5 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 WebSphere Profiles ƒ A profile is an ‘instance’ of a WebSphere Application Server configuration A profile contains its own set of scripts, its own environment, its own repository, and its own node agent. ƒ Many profiles can be created off of a single install. ƒ All profiles on the same system share the same runtime binaries Only have to apply maintenance once to update all of the profiles ƒ Easily created using the Profile Wizard ƒ At least one profile per physical machine / LPAR IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 The Profile Wizard

BM Software Group WebSphere software The profile wizard resolves port conflicts Administrate console port (Deault 9060) inlstratwe console secure port Default 3043) or port (DefauM 9080: nnector por (Default 8880) CEN2 ServerA Listener port (Default 9403) Serice Intagranon Pon(Defaut 7278). 7286) ervice integron Mo Interoperability Po Installshield IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software The Profile Wizard Summary The profle that you are creating has the following characteristics ● Host name. MyHosUName See Getting Stared(the InstallGuide_en. html file) in the docs directory for more informaion Click Back to change the characteristics of nls prone: ot

6 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 The Profile Wizard Resolves Port Conflicts IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 The Profile Wizard Summary

BM Software Group WebSphere software Profile Types Three Profile Types Application Server Profile(available in all WAS v6 packages) Creates a new instance of a standalone node with a single application server. Standalone node can have only one application server. b Deployment Manager Profile(available in WAS/ND v6 only) s a new instance of Deployment Manager. Each instance of dMgr is a unique cell Custom Profile(available in WAS/ND v6 only Creates an automatically federated/ managed node with no pre- Managed node can have multiple servers Each Profile Type has a Template that is used when creating that type of profile IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Web Sphere Profiles: Types Profile type lication Servel Create different instances of a standalone node-Each Deployment Manager Network Deployment Create different instances of DMgr-each DMgr is its own cell Custom Nowunrk Donloumont Creates and federates a node containing no pre-defined server

7 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Profile Types ƒ Three Profile Types Application Server Profile (available in all WAS v6 packages) ƒ Creates a new instance of a Standalone node with a single application server. ƒ Standalone node can have only one application server. Deployment Manager Profile (available in WAS/ND v6 only) ƒ Creates a new instance of Deployment Manager. Each instance of DMgr is a unique cell Custom Profile (available in WAS/ND v6 only) ƒ Creates an automatically federated/managed node with no pre￾defined servers ƒ Managed node can have multiple servers. ƒ Each Profile Type has a Template that is used when creating that type of profile. IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 WebSphere Profiles: Types ƒ Profile types: Profile types: Creates and federates a node containing no pre-defined server definitions Custom Network Deployment Deployment Manager Network Deployment Create different instances of DMgr – each DMgr is its own cell Create different instances of a standalone node – Each standalone node has 1 Application Server Application Server All Profile Types v6 packages Functions WebSphere Install Product Binaries WebSphere + Profile 2 Î WebSphere + Profile 1 Î Server OS OR OR v6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Deployment Manager V6 Node Agent OR OR v6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Deployment Manager V6 Node Agent

BM Software Group WebSphere software Section IbM Http Server installation IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Ibm Http Server V6.0 Installer Web Server Http(S 副 Multi-Platform installer Not invoked automatically by the WebSphere Application Server install Available as a download from the external Ibm Http Server site or on Web Sphere Application Server package CD under"IHS"directory IbM Http Server V6.0 is based on Apache 2.0.47

8 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 IBM HTTP Server Installation IBM HTTP Server Installation Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 IBM HTTP Server V6.0 Installer ƒ Multi-Platform installer ƒ Not invoked automatically by the WebSphere Application Server install ƒ Available as a download from the external IBM HTTP Server site or on WebSphere Application Server package CD under “IHS" directory ƒ IBM HTTP Server V6.0 is based on Apache 2.0.47 HTTP(S) HTTP(S) V6 Application Server Web Server S1 OS Plug-in Config XML file Plug-in Module

BM Software Group WebSphere software Section Web Server Plug-in Installation IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Web Server Plug-in Installer Plug-in is a separate installation Typical Creates the Plug-in binaries for the Web Servers Updates the Web Server configuration file Location of the plug-in module Location of plug-in configuration file(plugin-cfg. xml) Multiple Web Server configurations can use the same plug Web server Wob server Web server

9 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Web Server Plug Web Server Plug-in Installation in Installation Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Web Server Plug-in Installer ƒ Plug-in is a separate installation ƒ Typical Plug-in install action  Creates the Plug-in binaries for the Web Servers  Updates the Web Server configuration file ƒ Location of the plug-in module ƒ Location of plug-in configuration file (plugin-cfg.xml)  Multiple Web Server configurations can use the same plug-in Web Server Web Server Configuration file Web Server 1 2 3

BM Software Group WebSphere software Section Web server Definition IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Web server Definition Web Server can now be defined in Web Sphere cell topology as a Web Server node b Managed or unmanaged Managed nodes contain a node age Association of an application to one or more Web Servers Generation of custom plug-in configuration files(plugin- cfg. xml) for a specific Web Server b Web Servers target specific applications running in a cell

10 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Web Server Definition Web Server Definition Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Web Server Definition ƒ Web Server can now be defined in WebSphere cell topology as a Web Server node Managed or unmanaged Managed nodes contain a node agent ƒ Association of an application to one or more Web Servers ƒ Generation of custom plug-in configuration files (plugin￾cfg.xml) for a specific Web Server Web Servers target specific applications running in a cell
