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《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P11-WASv6_WLM

《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P11-WASv6_WLM

I IBM Software Group IBM Web Sphere Application Server v6 Workload Management and High Availability 叫 ND: DBI%删E IBM Proof of Technology O2005 3M Corporasan IBM Product Introduction Exploration IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Session Objectives Workload Management(WLM)Overview New WLM Features Changes to the Data Replication Service(DRS) Websphere Application Server vo

1 ® IBM Software Group © 2005 IBM Corporation IBM Proof of Technology IBM Product Introduction + Exploration IBM WebSphere Application Server v6 Workload Management and High Availability IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 2 Session Objectives ƒ Workload Management (WLM) Overview ƒ New WLM Features ƒ Changes to the Data Replication Service (DRS) ƒ High Availability

Section Workload Management(WLM) Overview WebSphere Appficadron Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software WorkLoad Management(WLM) WLM is the distribution of requests across multiple application servers WLM provides s serve more users resources ability to tolerate server failures

2 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 3 Workload Management (WLM) Overview Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 4 WorkLoad Management (WLM) ƒ WLM is the distribution of requests across multiple application servers ƒ WLM provides: Scalability ƒ serve more users Load balancing ƒ allocate workload proportionately among available resources Availability ƒ ability to tolerate server failures

BM Software Group WebSphere software What can be workload managed? HTT Http Requests Servlet Http Requests TP(s/ Spp Serve App Server EJB App server Requests Clent Websphere Appfication Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software WLM Mechanism Servlet Requests > Primary/backup server lists for Http server plug-in Improves Http session failover routing , plugin-cfg. xml provides routing table for the Http ServEr EJB Requests Location Service Daemon provides routing table to the ORB Located on the Node Agent Websphere Application Server vo

3 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 5 EJB Requests Servlet Requests App Server App Server Web Container Web Container App Server EJB Container App Server EJB Container App Server Web Container Java Client HTTP Requests HTTP Server Plugin Edge Load Balancer HTTP Server Plugin HTTP Server Plugin HTTP(s) HTTP(s) IIOP What can be workload managed? IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 6 WLM Mechanism ƒ Servlet Requests Primary/Backup server lists for HTTP server plug-in ƒ Improves HTTP session failover routing plugin-cfg.xml provides routing table for the HTTP server ƒ EJB Requests Location Service Daemon provides routing table to the ORB ƒ Located on the Node Agent

BM Software Group WebSphere software Section orkload Management (WLM) Features WebSphere Appficadron Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software WLM Features u Cluster A set of application servers with the same applications installed b Clusters may span physical machines / nodes Clusters cannot span cells A cell can contain multiple clusters b Multiple Application Servers per cluster Horizontal Server-weighted round robin distribution Websphere Application Server vo

4 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 7 Workload Management (WLM) Features Workload Management (WLM) Features Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 8 WLM Features ƒ Cluster A set of application servers with the same applications installed Clusters may span physical machines / nodes Clusters cannot span cells A cell can contain multiple clusters Multiple Application Servers per cluster ƒ Horizontal ƒ Vertical Server-weighted round robin distribution

Session failover Http Session Affinity and Failover Supported Stateful session EJBs buses the Data replication Service similar to Http session Can be enabled on a per-application basis WLM will fail beans over to a server that already has a copy of the session data in memory if possible Abilitytocollocatestatefulsessionbeanreplicaswithhttp session replicas with hot failover WebSphere Appficadron Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software luster Confiquration t Custer ne Prefer Local-routes EjB client request to local EJBs, if possible Enable HA for persistent services( for transaction log recovery) Backup Cluster b If the entire cluster fails, the backup cluster supplies failover routing information Cluster member weights Enable high availa bility for persistent

5 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 9 Session Failover ƒ HTTP Session Affinity and Failover Supported ƒ Stateful Session EJBs Uses the Data Replication Service, similar to HTTP session failover Can be enabled on a per-application basis WLM will fail beans over to a server that already has a copy of the session data in memory if possible Ability to collocate stateful session bean replicas with http session replicas with hot failover IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 10 Cluster Configuration ƒ Prefer Local – routes EJB client request to local EJBs, if possible ƒ Enable HA for persistent services (for transaction log recovery) ƒ Backup Cluster If the entire cluster fails, the backup cluster supplies failover routing information ƒ Cluster member weights

BM Software Group WebSphere software Application Update on a cluster in v6 Rollout Update option for application updates on clusters For each cluster member in turn, rollout update distribute update start the application Plug-in detects outages during update and can then select another cluster member WebSphere Appficadron Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software ectIon Data Replication Service(DRS) Websphere Application Server vo

6 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 11 Application Update on a Cluster in v6 ƒ ‘Rollout Update’ option for application updates on clusters For each cluster member in turn, rollout update will: ƒ stop the application ƒ distribute update ƒ start the application ƒ Plug-in detects outages during update and can then select another cluster member IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 12 Data Replication Service (DRS) Data Replication Service (DRS) Section

BM Software Group WebSphere software Overview DRS is a mechanism for replicating data within a cluster DRS is used by multiple WebSphere Application Http Session memory to memory replication Dynamic cache replication Stateful session EJB state replication Coordinates with Workload management WebSphere Appficadron Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Features Integration with Workload Management(WLm)to provide hot failover"in peer to peer mode Ability to collocate Stateful session EJB replicas with Http session replicas for hot failover Faster underlying transport Allows for the use of both multicast and unicast iP

7 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 13 Overview ƒ DRS is a mechanism for replicating data within a cluster. ƒ DRS is used by multiple WebSphere Application Server components: HTTP Session memory to memory replication Dynamic cache replication Stateful session EJB state replication ƒ Coordinates with Workload Management IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 14 Features ƒ Integration with Workload Management (WLM) to provide "hot failover" in peer to peer mode ƒ Ability to collocate Stateful session EJB replicas with HTTP session replicas for hot failover ƒ Faster underlying transport Allows for the use of both multicast and unicast IP

DRS: V6 Topology -Examples 自程 幽喜 Single Replicas 4 (Default) WebSphere Appficadron Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Best practices Create distinct replication domains for distinct data b One domain for each Dynamic Cache instance, another for Http Sessions Putstatefulsessionbeanandhttpsessiondata in the same domain Set number of replicas to small values Balance resource use with failover 'comfort level

8 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 15 DRS: v6 Topology - Examples V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member V6 Cluster Cluster Member Single Replica (Default) Replicas = 4 Data is replicated to other 4 processes Maybe an overkill for Http Session replication, but may be useful for cache replications IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 16 Best Practices ƒ Create distinct replication domains for distinct data One domain for each Dynamic Cache instance, another for HTTP Sessions ƒ Put Stateful Session Bean and HTTP Session data in the same domain Typically developers stash a stateful bean reference in session ƒ Set number of replicas to small values Balance resource use with failover ‘comfort level’

BM Software Group WebSphere software Section High Availability WebSphere Appficadron Server v6 BM Software Group I Web Sphere software V6: HA Confiquration No external clustering software Application Server Network Clustered or databas Websphere Application Server vo

9 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 17 High Availability High Availability Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 18 v6: HA Configuration Servers Active/Active Clustered NAS or database Network V6 Cluster Member V6 Cluster Member V6 Cluster Member V6 Cluster Member V6 Cluster Member No external clustering software on blades, just install WebSphere Application Server

BM Software Group WebSphere software HA Overview Web Sphere HA framework eliminates single points of failure in the Application Server setup Hot standby and peer failover for critical singleton services WLM routing, Java Message Service(JMS)messaging, Transaction Manager, and others Failed singleton starts up on an already running Java Virtual Machine(JVM) Planned failover takes very little time(2-3 seconds vs 5-6 minutes) WebSphere Appficadron Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software HA Overview High Availability Manager is responsible for running key services on any available servers Can take advantage of fault-tolerant storage technologies such as Network Attached Storage (NAS) Significantly lowers the cost and complexity of HA configurations The configuration of highly available systems is mple Works out of the box in most cases Websphere Application Server vo

10 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 19 HA Overview ƒ WebSphere HA framework eliminates single points of failure in the Application Server setup ƒ Hot standby and peer failover for critical singleton services WLM routing, Java Message Service (JMS) messaging, Transaction Manager, and others Failed singleton starts up on an already running Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Planned failover takes very little time (2-3 seconds vs 5-6 minutes) IBM Software Group | WebSphere software PI+E WebSphere Application Server v6 20 HA Overview ƒ High Availability Manager is responsible for running key services on any available servers ƒ Can take advantage of fault-tolerant storage technologies such as Network Attached Storage (NAS)  Significantly lowers the cost and complexity of HA configurations ƒ The configuration of highly available systems is simple Works out of the box in most cases
