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《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L02-WASv6_Sys_Admin

《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L02-WASv6_Sys_Admin

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 6: Proof of Technology Lab 02- system Administration What You should be able to do In this lab, you will become familiar with facilities for system administration of Web Sphere Application Server Version 6. In particular, you will use the Administrative Console, several command line tools and the wsadmin scripting program to perform basic system administration tasks. The lab is divided into 4 parts: Part 1: Establish the WebSphere Environment Part 2: Introduction to the administration console art 3: Introduction to the Samples Gallery Part 4: Administration with wsadmin Each part is designed to introduce you to different aspects of system administration for Veb Sphere Application Server on Windows Part 1: Establish the WebSphere Environment In this part of the exercise you will use command line tools to perform a number of tasks. You will check the status of the WebSphere environment, stop any active servers, create standalone Application Server profile, start the Deployment Manager, and finally federate the standalone Application Server into an existing Deployment Manager cell 1)Check the status of your current WebSphere environment. Determine if any web. a)Open a Windows command prompt For convenience, a Command Prompt icon is located on your Windows task bar 奥叫色(回 b)Navigate to the Web Sphere installation tbin directory and execute the serverStatus command. The serverStatus command will retrieve the server status (i.e., STOPPED, STARTED) for all servers in the default profile(dmgr in this case) serverStatus -all c) Check the output of the serverStatus command and note any servers that have a status of sTarTed oof of Technology Lab 02-System Administration Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E Page 1 of 28

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 02 – System Administration Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 1 of 28 IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 6: Proof of Technology Lab 02 - System Administration What You Should Be Able to Do In this lab, you will become familiar with facilities for system administration of WebSphere Application Server Version 6. In particular, you will use the Administrative Console, several command line tools and the wsadmin scripting program to perform basic system administration tasks. The lab is divided into 4 parts: Part 1: Establish the WebSphere Environment Part 2: Introduction to the Administration Console Part 3: Introduction to the Samples Gallery Part 4: Administration with wsadmin Each part is designed to introduce you to different aspects of system administration for WebSphere Application Server on Windows. Part 1: Establish the WebSphere Environment In this part of the exercise you will use command line tools to perform a number of tasks. You will check the status of the WebSphere environment, stop any active servers, create a standalone Application Server profile, start the Deployment Manager, and finally federate the standalone Application Server into an existing Deployment Manager cell. 1) Check the status of your current WebSphere environment. Determine if any WebSphere server processes are active and stop any active server processes. __a) Open a Windows command prompt. __ For convenience, a Command Prompt icon is located on your Windows task bar. __b) Navigate to the WebSphere installation \bin directory and execute the serverStatus command. The serverStatus command will retrieve the server status (i.e., STOPPED, STARTED) for all servers in the default profile (dmgr in this case). serverStatus –all __c) Check the output of the serverStatus command and note any servers that have a status of STARTED

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Stop any server processes that have a status of StaRtEd by executing the stop Server command for each server Syntax to stop the default Application Server(server1) C: IWeb\App Server\bin>stop Server server1-profile Name profile Syntax to stop the Node Agent(nodeagent) C: Web Sphere \App Server bin>stop Server nodeagent-profileName profile Syntax to stop the Deployment Manager(dmgr) C: IWeb Sphere\AppServer bin> stopServer dmgr Note: Since the Deployment Manager is default profile, you do not need to specify the profile Name as an optional parameter on the stop Server command 2)Create a standalone Application Server profile a) Issue the wasprofile command to create a standalone Application Server node C: WWebSphereApp Server\bin>wasprofile-create-profileName samplesProfile profile Path C: Web App Server profiles samplesProfile template P ath C: Web Sphere App Server profile Templates default -cellName samples cell-hostName wasv6pot-node Name samplesNode command prompt. It will take several minutes for completion of the comman a Note: The above command should be entered as a single line in your Windows b)a successful completion of the wasprofile command will result in message INSTCONFSUCCESS. Success: The profile now exists 3)Install additional sample applications for the standalone Application Server(samplesProfile) profile that you just created Note: By default, only the DefaultApplication and PlantsByWeb Sphere samples are deployed on a standalone Application Server. In order to deploy additional applications from the Samples Gallery, you will need to run an install command. Although individual sample applications can be installed using the install command you will install all samples in the Samples Gallery during this exercise. This is achieved by running the install command without parameters a) Initialize the windows command line environment to execute commands for the Navigate to the tbin directory of the samples profile cd WWebSpherelAppServerlprofileslsamplesProfilelbin Run the setup CmdLine command to initialize the environment b)Navigate to the samples installation directory cd WWebSpherelAppServerlsampleslbin Lab 02-System Administration

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 02 – System Administration Page 2 of 28 Stop any server processes that have a status of STARTED by executing the stopServer command for each server. __ Syntax to stop the default Application Server (server1). C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>stopServer server1 –profileName profile1 __ Syntax to stop the Node Agent (nodeagent). C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>stopServer nodeagent –profileName profile1 __ Syntax to stop the Deployment Manager (dmgr). C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin> stopServer dmgr Note: Since the Deployment Manager is default profile, you do not need to specify the – profileName as an optional parameter on the stopServer command. 2) Create a standalone Application Server profile. __a) Issue the wasprofile command to create a standalone Application Server node. Note: The above command should be entered as a single line in your Windows command prompt. It will take several minutes for completion of the command. __b) A successful completion of the wasprofile command will result in message: INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: The profile now exists. 3) Install additional sample applications for the standalone Application Server (samplesProfile) profile that you just created. Note: By default, only the DefaultApplication and PlantsByWebSphere samples are deployed on a standalone Application Server. In order to deploy additional applications from the Samples Gallery, you will need to run an install command. Although individual sample applications can be installed using the install command, you will install all samples in the Samples Gallery during this exercise. This is achieved by running the install command without parameters. __a) Initialize the Windows command line environment to execute commands for the samplesProfile. __ Navigate to the \bin directory of the samples profile. cd \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\samplesProfile\bin __ Run the setupCmdLine command to initialize the environment. setupCmdLine __b) Navigate to the samples installation directory. cd \WebSphere\AppServer\samples\bin

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. c)Run the install command to deploy additional Samples Gallery applications and configure the required resources (i.e, JDBC, JMS, JCA install Note: The install command will run for several minutes d)After successful execution of the install command, you will see summary information indicating that the samples were configured and installed successfully. You will also see a list of the samples that were deployed Summary The following samples were configured and installed success fully activitysessions Adventure Albuncatalog AppProfile ynchBeans GreenhouseByebSphere JTAExtensions samples PlantsByweb Sphere Scheduler VebServicesSamples Web Bank WorkArea 4)Install Administrative Console Cheat Sheets WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 includes several cheat sheets, which provide you with a new supportive option for working with the administrative console Cheat sheets must be downloaded from the IBM support site and installed on Websphere Application Server. The download package is available from Cheat sheets are packaged in the form of a Java archive(JAR)file. For purposes of this exercise, the Cheat sheets JAR is located in the LabFiles60 directory a)Using a Windows command prompt, navigate to the following directory C:\LabFiles 60\SMLab b)run the following command to start the installation java -jar cheatsheetInstall,jar c: \WebSphere\Appserver oof of Technology Lab 02-System Administration Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E Page 3 of 28

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 02 – System Administration Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 3 of 28 __c) Run the install command to deploy additional Samples Gallery applications and configure the required resources (i.e., JDBC, JMS, JCA). install Note: The install command will run for several minutes. __d) After successful execution of the install command, you will see summary information indicating that the samples were configured and installed successfully. You will also see a list of the samples that were deployed. 4) Install Administrative Console Cheat Sheets. WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 includes several cheat sheets, which provide you with a new supportive option for working with the administrative console. Cheat sheets must be downloaded from the IBM support site and installed on WebSphere Application Server. The download package is available from: Cheat sheets are packaged in the form of a Java archive (JAR) file. For purposes of this exercise, the Cheat sheets JAR is located in the LabFiles60 directory: __a) Using a Windows command prompt, navigate to the following directory: c:\LabFiles60\SMLab __b) Run the following command to start the installation: java –jar cheatSheetInstall.jar c:\WebSphere\AppServer

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. c)You should see several messages, including an INFO message INFO: There were 0 problems found during installation. 5)Start the samplesProfile server1 process a)Navigate to the lbin directory of the samplesProfile cd WWebSpherelAppServerprofilesIsamplesProfilelbin b) Use the start Server command to start the server 1 process startServer server1 c)Ensure that the server1 process started by checking for the open for e-business message C: WebSphere \App Server\profiles\samples Profile\bin>startserver servert ADMUO116l: Tool information is being logged in file c: WebSphere\App Server\profilessamplesProfile\ogs\server1\start Server log ADMU0128: Starting tool with the samples profile profile ADMU3100: Reading configuration for server: server1 ADMU3200 Server launched. Waiting for initialization status ADMU3OOOL: Server server1 open for e-business; process id is nnnn C: Web Sphere\AppServer\profiles\samples Profile\bin> 6)Close or exit all Windows command prompts Part 2: Introduction to the administration Console The Administrative Console provides an HTML interface that allows you to configure and manage a WebSphere Application Server environment. The URL address and configuration of the console differs depending upon whether you have a standalone server or a distributed server environment 1)Access the Administrative Console You can access the Administrative Console by entering the URL in a browser or by using the Windows Start dialogue a)Launch an instance of the Microsoft Internet Browser Click the Internet Explore icon on the Windows taskbar or desktop b)Wait until the Internet Explorer has been launched c)Enter the URL for the Administrative Console in the address bar and press Enter. http://localhost:9060/ibm/console Lab 02-System Administration

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 02 – System Administration Page 4 of 28 __c) You should see several messages, including an INFO message: INFO: There were 0 problems found during installation. 5) Start the samplesProfile server1 process. __a) Navigate to the \bin directory of the samplesProfile. cd \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\samplesProfile\bin __b) Use the startServer command to start the server1 process. startServer server1 __c) Ensure that the server1 process started by checking for the open for e-business message. 6) Close or exit all Windows command prompts. Part 2: Introduction to the Administration Console The Administrative Console provides an HTML interface that allows you to configure and manage a WebSphere Application Server environment. The URL address and configuration of the console differs depending upon whether you have a standalone server or a distributed server environment. 1) Access the Administrative Console. You can access the Administrative Console by entering the URL in a browser or by using the Windows Start dialogue. __a) Launch an instance of the Microsoft Internet Browser __ Click the Internet Explore icon on the Windows taskbar or desktop. __b) Wait until the Internet Explorer has been launched. __c) Enter the URL for the Administrative Console in the address bar and press Enter. http://localhost:9060/ibm/console

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. e about: blank-Microsoft Internet Explorer File Edit View Favorites Tools Help 中B,,③团备③5eh图 i Favorites5Md刍 Addresshttp://localhost:9060/ibm/consolel d)The Administrative Console login page will be displayed aIBM WebSphere Application Server Administrative Login-Microsoft Internet Explorer File Edit View Favorites Tools Help Addressjahttp:/localhost:9060)/bm/consolejsecurelogon.jspzokaction=ok 3 oGo Links 2 Welcome, please enter your information User ID word, and does no User ID of a user in the local user registry. It is only used to track user-specific changes to configuration data. Security is NOT enabled Done □□圈Loc al intranet e)Login with a User ID of wsdemo Note: Since Global Security is not enabled the User id does not require a password and does not need to be a valid user id. for convention enter a user id of wsdemo oof of Technology ab 02- System Administration Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E Page 5 of 28

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 02 – System Administration Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 5 of 28 __d) The Administrative Console login page will be displayed. __e) Login with a User ID of wsdemo. Note: Since Global Security is not enabled the User ID does not require a password, and does not need to be a valid User ID. For convention enter a User ID of wsdemo

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. 2) The Administrative Console Welcome Page is displayed Websphere Administrative Console- Microsoft Internet Explore File Edit ols Help oGoLink Logout I Support Servers e。e● Common About your WebSphere 田田田田田 Administrative Tasks Application Server Applicatior IBM Resources Websphere Application Server Cheat Sheets guide you through common Server.ND. administrative tasks. visit Websphere Buid Number: o044508 Application Server Support to browse Buld Date 11/10/04 and download the available Cheat System administration Monitoring and Tuning Connecting to a database Enabling global security 由 Troubleshooting Routing requests from a web server to an application s ●● WebSphere Application Server on For documentation, including articles and PDF files, visit the online e Local intranet 3)Overview of the Administrative Console areas The administrative console is a Web-based tool that you use to manage the IBM WebSphere Application Server product as well as the Network Deployment product. The administrative console supports a full range of product administrative activities a)Administrative Console Areas. The Administrative Console has(4)main areas Taskbar The taskbar offers options for logging out of the console, accessing support, and access product information Welcome wsdemo Logout I Support Navigation tree The navigation tree on the left side of the console offers links to console pages that to create and manage components in a Web Sphere Application Server administrative cell, such as Servers, Applications, Resources, Security, Environment, System administration etc Click links in the navigation tree to view the different types of configured objects Lab 02-System Administration

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 02 – System Administration Page 6 of 28 2) The Administrative Console Welcome Page is displayed. 3) Overview of the Administrative Console areas. The administrative console is a Web-based tool that you use to manage the IBM WebSphere Application Server product as well as the Network Deployment product. The administrative console supports a full range of product administrative activities. __a) Administrative Console Areas. The Administrative Console has (4) main areas: __ Taskbar The taskbar offers options for logging out of the console, accessing support, and access product information. __ Navigation tree The navigation tree on the left side of the console offers links to console pages that you use to create and manage components in a WebSphere Application Server administrative cell, such as Servers, Applications, Resources, Security, Environment, System administration, etc.. Click links in the navigation tree to view the different types of configured objects

opyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Welcome 由 Appli Security ironment E Monitoring and Tuning Workspace p The workspace on the right side of the console contains pages that you use to create and manage configuration objects such as servers and resources Click configured objects in the Workspace area to view their configurations, run-time status, and options e●● Common ④ About your WebSphere Administrative Tasks Application Server Web Sphere Application Server Cheat IBM Web Sphere Application图 heets guide you through common Server-ND. 6. 0.0.1 administrative tasks. Visit Websphere Build Number: 00445.0 Application Server Support to browse Build Date: 11M0/04 and download the available Cheat Connecting to a database Enabling global security server to an application server Cheat sheets Notice that the workspace area contains Cheat sheets for (3)different administrative tasks: Connecting to a database, Enabling global security, and Routing requests from a Web server to an application server b) Access the Cheat sheet for Connecting to a database Click the link for Connecting to a database oof of Technology Lab 02-System Administration Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E Page 7 of 28

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 02 – System Administration Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 7 of 28 __ Workspace The workspace on the right side of the console contains pages that you use to create and manage configuration objects such as servers and resources. Click configured objects in the Workspace area to view their configurations, run-time status, and options. __ Cheat sheets. Notice that the workspace area contains Cheat sheets for (3) different administrative tasks: Connecting to a database, Enabling global security, and Routing requests from a Web server to an application server. __b) Access the Cheat sheet for Connecting to a database. __ Click the link for Connecting to a database

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Logout ≤ Return to navigation Connecting to a database 日 Introducti This cheat sheet guide of configuring database access for an application plication can use a data source to access the data from a database, An application server that hosts the application Assumptions This cheat sheet guides you through the process of configuring database access for an application. You can click the Start link to continue with step by step instructions For additional information, you can also click the link for Creating and configuring a JDBC provider and data source. Using this link will require an internet connection and provide you with online access the Web Sphere information Center Click the link for Return to navigation Welcome wsdemo Logout Support Help ≤ Return to navigation Ing to a database The Administrative Console Welcome Page is displayed 4)Using the Administrative Console to administer Servers. a)Access the Navigation tree, then click to expand the link for Servers Welcome wsdemo I Logout I Support I Help 曰s e●● Common Administrative Tasks Application servers a Web servers Web Sphere Application Server Cheat Sheets guide you through common Lab 02-System Administration

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 02 – System Administration Page 8 of 28 __ This cheat sheet guides you through the process of configuring database access for an application. You can click the Start link to continue with step by step instructions. For additional information, you can also click the link for Creating and configuring a JDBC provider and data source. Using this link will require an internet connection and provide you with online access the WebSphere Information Center. __ Click the link for Return to navigation. __ The Administrative Console Welcome Page is displayed. 4) Using the Administrative Console to administer Servers. __a) Access the Navigation tree, then click to expand the link for Servers

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. b) Click the link for Application servers c)The Workspace area will change, and you will see a single entry for server1 Pertinent information is provided for the Node(samplesNode)and WebSphere Application Server Version ( ct Name Node Version C 厂| server samplesNode 6,0.0,1 Total 1 d) Click the link for server1 e)The Workspace area now has information for Runtime and Configuration On the Configuration tab, you can edit fields. On the Runtime tab, you can look at read-only information. The Runtime tab is available only when the server is running Application servers 7 Application servers serverl ired to Runtime Confiquration Container Settings f click the Runtime tab Pertinent information for the server 1 process will include the Process ld, Cell Name, Node name, and State oof of Technology ab 02- System Administration Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E Page 9 of 28

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 02 – System Administration Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 9 of 28 __b) Click the link for Application servers. __c) The Workspace area will change, and you will see a single entry for server1. __ Pertinent information is provided for the Node (samplesNode) and WebSphere Application Server Version ( __d) Click the link for server1. __e) The Workspace area now has information for Runtime and Configuration. __ On the Configuration tab, you can edit fields. On the Runtime tab, you can look at read-only information. The Runtime tab is available only when the server is running. __f) Click the Runtime tab. __ Pertinent information for the server1 process will include the Process Id, Cell Name, Node Name, and State

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. An application server is a server which provides services required Runtime General Propertie Server messaging rocess Id Cell Name Additional pro Node Name Performance Monitoring Infrastructure(PMI Started Product Information g)Click the link for Messaging engines Note that server 1 has a single messaging engine and its status is Started Start Stop mode: Immediate-Stop Select Name s Description c Status cc) samplesNode, serverl- samplesNode. h) Click the server1 link, as depicted in the following image Application servers( server1 >Messaging engines A messaging engine is a component, running inside a server, that anages messaging resources for a bus member. Applications are connected to a messaging engine when accessing a service 田 Preferences Start Stop mode: Immediate - Stop i The server1 Configuration tab is active Lab 02-System Administration

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 02 – System Administration Page 10 of 28 __g) Click the link for Messaging engines. __ Note that server1 has a single messaging engine and its status is Started. __h) Click the server1 link, as depicted in the following image. __i) The server1 Configuration tab is active
