《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L08-WASv6_Service Integration and JMS

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 6: Proof of Technology Lab 05 - Service Integration Technologies NOTE: This lAB is optional What You should be able to do In this lab exercise, you will become familiar with WebSphere Application Server Version 6 administration support for Service Integration, JMS and Message Driven Beans(MDB). You will investigate the Message Driven Beans application that is part of the WebSphere Samples Gallery and use the Administrative Console to explore the resources that have been configured for support of application processing. Several resources are required for support of the sample MDB application including Service Integration Resources and JMS Resources. You will see how the Service Integration Resources map to JMS resources, and also also see how these esources are bound in the Web Sphere Application namespace, using the dumpName Space utility. The intent of this exercise is to provide you with basic administration skills for support of messaging applications Exercise Instructions This lab is divided into four parts, with an optional exercise Part One: Install MDB Sample Part Two: Explore the Service Integration and JMS Resources Part Three: Configure and Run the MDB Sample Part Four: Using dumpNamespace Proof of Technology ab 08- Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 1 of 18
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 1 of 18 IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 6: Proof of Technology Lab 05 - Service Integration Technologies NOTE: This LAB is optional What You Should Be Able to Do In this lab exercise, you will become familiar with WebSphere Application Server Version 6 administration support for Service Integration, JMS and Message Driven Beans (MDB). You will investigate the Message Driven Beans application that is part of the WebSphere Samples Gallery and use the Administrative Console to explore the resources that have been configured for support of application processing. Several resources are required for support of the sample MDB application including Service Integration Resources and JMS Resources. You will see how the Service Integration Resources map to JMS resources, and also also see how these resources are bound in the WebSphere Application namespace, using the dumpNameSpace utility. The intent of this exercise is to provide you with basic administration skills for support of messaging applications. Exercise Instructions This lab is divided into four parts, with an optional exercise: Part One: Install MDB Sample Part Two: Explore the Service Integration and JMS Resources. Part Three: Configure and Run the MDB Sample Part Four: Using dumpNamespace

Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Part 1: Install the MDB Sample NOTE: If you have not completed the Systems Administration and Management lab you will need to install ND, start the Deployment Manager and federate the node using the addNode command, prior to proceeding with this lab 1. Stop the Deployment Manager. Check the status of the Deployment Manager(dmgr) process. If the Deployment Manger has a status of Stopped, then skip to the next step a. Open a command prompt and navigate to C: WebSphere\AppServerlprofilesldmgrlbin b Issue the stopManager command to stop the Deployment Manager stopManager. bat C. Wait for the Deployment Manager to stop. A successful stop will result in the message being display ADMU4000 Server dmgr stop completed 2. Stop the Node Agent Check the status of the Node Agent (nodeagent) process. If the Node Agent has a status of Stopped, then skip to the next step a. Open a command prompt and navigate to C: WebSpherelAppServerlprofileslprofile 1\bin b Issue the stopNode command to stop the Node Agent and application servers stopNode. bat- stopservers C. Wait for the Node Agent to stop. A successful stop will result in the following ge being displaye ADMU4000: Server nodeagent stop completed. 3. Install the MDB Sample a. Open a command window and navigate to C: WebSpherelAppServerlprofilesldmgrbin b. Issue the command setupCmdLine. bat C. Navigate to C: IWebSpherelAppServerISamples\bin d. Issue the command install-cell dmgrCell -node node1-server server1 samples Message Driven Beans
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Page 2 of 18 Part 1: Install the MDB Sample NOTE: If you have not completed the Systems Administration and Management lab you will need to install ND, start the Deployment Manager and federate the node using the addNode command, prior to proceeding with this lab. ___ 1. Stop the Deployment Manager. Check the status of the Deployment Manager (dmgr) process. If the Deployment Manger has a status of Stopped, then skip to the next step. ___ a. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\dmgr\bin. ___ b. Issue the stopManager command to stop the Deployment Manager. stopManager.bat ___ c. Wait for the Deployment Manager to stop. A successful stop will result in the following message being displayed: ADMU4000I: Server dmgr stop completed. ___ 2. Stop the Node Agent. Check the status of the Node Agent (nodeagent) process. If the Node Agent has a status of Stopped, then skip to the next step. ___ a. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile1\bin ___ b. Issue the stopNode command to stop the Node Agent and application servers stopNode.bat -stopservers ___ c. Wait for the Node Agent to stop. A successful stop will result in the following message being displayed: ADMU4000I: Server nodeagent stop completed. ___ 3. Install the MDB Sample. ___ a. Open a command window and navigate to C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\dmgr\bin ___ b. Issue the command setupCmdLine.bat ___ c. Navigate to C:\WebSphere\AppServer\Samples\bin. ___ d. Issue the command install -cell dmgrCell -node node1 -server server1 - samples MessageDrivenBeans

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. NOTE: This command is running a script through the wSAdmin interface and thus is case sensitive. Please enter the command exactly as shown e. A successful install results in the following message being displayed ADMA5013/: Application MDB Sample installed successfully 4. Start the Deployment Manager a. Open a command prompt and navigate to C: WebSpherelAppServerlprofilesldmgrbin b. Issue the startManager command to start the Deployment Manager startManager bat C. Wait for the Deployment Manager to start. A successful start will result in the ollowing message being displayed ADMU3000/ Server dmgr open for e-business process id is nnn 5. Start the Node Agent a. Open a command prompt and navigate to C: WebSpherelAppServerlprofileslprofile 1\bin b. Issue the startNode command to start the Node Agent and application servers startNode bat C. Wait for the Node Agent to start. A successful start will result in the following message being displayed ADMU3000. Server nodeagent open for e-business, process id is nnn 6. Start the Administrative Console a.openabrowserwindowandnavigatetohttp://localhost:9060/ibm/console b. Login with wsdemo 7. Start server1 a. Access the(Administrative Console)Navigation tree and locate the /- Servers tasks b. Click the Application Servers link Proof of Technology Lab 08-Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 3 of 18
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 3 of 18 NOTE: This command is running a script through the WSAdmin interface and thus is case sensitive. Please enter the command exactly as shown. ___ e. A successful install results in the following message being displayed ADMA5013I: Application MDBSample installed successfully. ___ 4. Start the Deployment Manager. ___ a. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\dmgr\bin. ___ b. Issue the startManager command to start the Deployment Manager. startManager.bat ___ c. Wait for the Deployment Manager to start. A successful start will result in the following message being displayed: ADMU3000I: Server dmgr open for e-business; process id is nnn. ___ 5. Start the Node Agent ___ a. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile1\bin ___ b. Issue the startNode command to start the Node Agent and application servers startNode.bat ___ c. Wait for the Node Agent to start. A successful start will result in the following message being displayed: ADMU3000I: Server nodeagent open for e-business; process id is nnn. ___ 6. Start the Administrative Console ___ a. Open a browser window and navigate to http://localhost:9060/ibm/console ___ b. Login with wsdemo ___ 7. Start server1 ___ a. Access the (Administrative Console) Navigation tree and locate the [-] Servers tasks. ___ b. Click the Application Servers link

Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. c. Click to enable the checkbox for server1 An application server is a server which provides services required to run enterprise applications. 团 Preferences Templates.( Start)stop ImmediateStopTerminate 同曾 Select Name c NodeC Version C Status (2 v serverl node1 8 TdSelect: cells: wasv6potCellol: nodes: node1:servers:server1 d. Click the Start button to start the server1 process 8. Ensure the MDB Sample is started a. Access the navigation tree in the Administrative Console and click on Applications Enterprise Applications Lists installed applications, A single application can be deployed onto multiple servers. Start Stop Install Uninstall Update Rollout Update F Remove File SelectName Status cy MDBSample b. If the MDBSample application is not started, select the check box and click Start
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Page 4 of 18 ___ c. Click to enable the checkbox for server1 ___ d. Click the Start button to start the server1 process. ___ 8. Ensure the MDB Sample is started ___ a. Access the navigation tree in the Administrative Console and click on Applications ÆEnterprise Applications ___ b. If the MDBSample application is not started, select the check box and click Start

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Part 2: Explore the Service Integration and JMS Resources. 1. Explore the Resources for the Service Integration Bus JNDI Namespace JMS ConnectionFactory Bus Application JMS Destination Code Server a. Access the navigation tree in the Administrative Console and click on Service Integration Buses b. Review the description for Buses a group of i pplica tegration bus supports riented stall New Appl bus at one of the messaging engines associated vith its bus members, e curity E Enviro DNewDelete 回的 囝 Description Messaging bus for samples 日 Service integration NOTE: that the node 1 Samples Bus has been created for all the samples installed on node1 that require the use of an SIBus C. Click on the node 1SamplesBus link d. The name of the Bus under General Properties is unique within the cell e. Under Additional Properties, Click on Bus members f. Review the description of a bus member. g. Notice there is one bus member, server1 in the current bus h. Click on the link Node=node1, server=server1 Proof of Technology Lab 08-Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 5 of 18
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 5 of 18 Part 2: Explore the Service Integration and JMS Resources. ___ 1. Explore the Resources for the Service Integration Bus ___ a. Access the navigation tree in the Administrative Console and click on Service Integration Æ Buses ___ b. Review the description for Buses. NOTE: that the node1SamplesBus has been created for all the samples installed on node1 that require the use of an SIBus. ___ c. Click on the node1SamplesBus link ___ d. The name of the Bus under General Properties is unique within the cell ___ e. Under Additional Properties, Click on Bus members. ___ f. Review the description of a bus member. ___ g. Notice there is one bus member, server1 in the current bus ___ h. Click on the link Node=node1, Server=server1 JNDI Namespace JMS Destination JMS ConnectionFactory Application Code Bus Server ME

Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. . This screen shows the messaging engine(s)running within this bus member j. Review the description for messaging engines 团serv a Applications Buses >node 1 SamplesBus Bus members Messaging engines R●ourQ a Environment 田 Preference a System administration Start stop mode:Immediate st Pp integration 就atus氵中 nodel serverl- node1samplesBus Total k. Notice there is one messaging engine created and running in this bus member I. Click on Buses in the Admininistrative Console Navigation pane m. Click on node 1Samples Bus in the workspace n. Click on Destinations, under Additional Properties Servers Enterprise Applications Install New Application both o exchange wice integration bus, to which applications attach as B JMS Providers NevlDelete Mediate Unmediated a Resource Adapters 日 Asynchronous beans Select Identifier C Schedulers Default Topic Space opIc pace E Cache instant a object pool managers Mail provide URL Providers T-SYsTEM. Exception, Destination, node l server: Queue node1SamplesBus Resource Environment Providers Total 3 o. Review the description for Destinations p. Notice that three different destinations are active on this bus g. Notice the different types Topic space for Pub/Sub messaging and Queue for to point messaging. There are three other types of destination, Alias bus-for necting to other destinations on the same bus, Foreign bus-for connecting to destinations on a foreign bus and Exception bus destination -for handling messages that cannot be delivered to their intended destinations Lab 08- Service Integration and JMS
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Page 6 of 18 ___ i. This screen shows the messaging engine(s) running within this bus member. ___ j. Review the description for messaging engines. ___ k. Notice there is one messaging engine created and running in this bus member. ___ l. Click on Buses in the Admininistrative Console Navigation pane ___ m. Click on node1SamplesBus in the workspace ___ n. Click on Destinations, under Additional Properties. ___ o. Review the description for Destinations. ___ p. Notice that three different destinations are active on this bus. ___ q. Notice the different types Topic space for Pub/Sub messaging and Queue for point to point messaging. There are three other types of destination, Alias bus – for connecting to other destinations on the same bus, Foreign bus – for connecting to destinations on a foreign bus and Exception bus destination – for handling messages that cannot be delivered to their intended destinations

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. r. Click on the sIB MDb qUEUE link S. Notice the Queue Point and Mediation Point, under Message Points. The Queue point is used to hold messages pending delivery to receiving applications. The Mediation points are the points at which mediations are applied t. Click on Buses in the Navigation pane u. Click on node Bus in the workspace Notice Inbound services and outbound services under Additional Properties These represent the Web Services enablement of the service integration bus W. Notice Web service gateway instances, under Additional Properties. This allows you to configure end point listeners and deploy services to those listeners NOTE: The Web Services enablement(sIBWS)and Web Service Gateway(WSGw) are covered in more detail in the Web services presentation and lab 2. Explore the JMS Resources a. set the resource configuration scope to node1 i. Access the navigation pane and click on Resources, JMS Providers efault messaging Click Browse Nodes in the workspace iii. Select node1 iv. click OK 日 Applications Default messagingprovider' Select a Node Scope Select a Node from the list that vith e useu tu set the current Version C 5 default messaging 6.0,0.1 a JDBC Providers Cwasv6potcellManagero1 日 Asynchronous bean u Schedulers ok Cancel 团 Cache instances Total a Object pool managers Proof of Technology ab 08- Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 7 of 18
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 7 of 18 ___ r. Click on the SIB_MDB_QUEUE link. ___ s. Notice the Queue Point and Mediation Point, under Message Points. The Queue point is used to hold messages pending delivery to receiving applications. The Mediation points are the points at which mediations are applied ___ t. Click on Buses in the Navigation pane ___ u. Click on node1SamplesBus in the workspace ___ v. Notice Inbound services and Outbound services under Additional Properties. These represent the WebServices enablement of the Service integration bus. ___ w. Notice Web service gateway instances, under Additional Properties. This allows you to configure end point listeners and deploy services to those listeners. NOTE: The Web Services enablement (SIBWS) and Web Service Gateway (WSGW) are covered in more detail in the Web Services presentation and lab ___ 2. Explore the JMS Resources ___ a. Set the resource configuration scope to node1 ___ i. Access the navigation pane and click on Resources Æ JMS Providers Æ Default messaging ___ ii. Click Browse Nodes in the workspace. ___ iii. Select node1 ___ iv. click OK

Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. 日 Resources Default messaging default messaging provider and its Configuration JDBC Providers le d infom ate on what aico th is rand how it workin is ths e ope E Cache URL Providers Browse Nodes Resource Environment Providers D System administration Click Apply b. Explore Resources for JMs connection factory i. Click on JMs connection factory under Connection Factories, in the 日 Applications detailed inform ation on what scope is and how it works, see the scope settings helR aging Websphere M Generic vs default messaging JDBC Providers Resource Adapters Schedule 团 Cache instance Mail Providers URL Providers Resource Environment Providers cope ells:wasv6potcelloi node1 MS connection factory- 团 Environ 田 System administration efault messaging .MS topic connection Page 8 of 18
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Page 8 of 18 ___ v. Click Apply ___ b. Explore Resources for JMS connection factory ___ i. Click on JMS connection factory under Connection Factories, in the workspace

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. ii. Review the description for JMS Connection Factory Default messaging provider Applications Default messaging provider >JMs queue connection factory > JMS nections to the associated JMS provider of JMS 日 INS Providers to manage JMs connection factories t v5 default messaging Resource Adapters SelectName JNDI name c Category c MDBSampleSIBJMSConnection Factory Sample/JMS/MDB/CF MDB Sample SIB Schedulers a object pool managers URL Providers iL. Notice that a connection factory-- MDB Sample SIBJMSConnectionFactory has been created for the MDB Sample application iv. Click the MDBSample SIBJMSConnection Factory link v. Review the description and properties for MDBSampleSIBJMSConnectionFactory vi. Make a note of the JMS Connection Factory (JCF)JNDI name JNDI Name vil. You have taken a look at resources for a JMS Connection Factory You may also want to review resources for a JMS Queue Connection Factory and JMS Topic Connection Factory( Reference Step iv) above to review properties for the other Connection Factories. C. Explore Resources for Destinations i. Access the navigation tree in the Administrative Console and click on Resources>JMS Providers> Default messagin ii. Click JMS queue link under Destinations, in your workspace i. The JMs queue page is displayed Review the description of JMS Queues Note that a queue has been created for the MDB Sample application Sample JMS. MDBQueue Proof of Technology Lab 08-Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 9 of 18
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 9 of 18 ___ ii. Review the description for JMS Connection Factory. ___ iii. Notice that a connection factory -- MDBSampleSIBJMSConnectionFactory, has been created for the MDBSample application. ___ iv. Click the MDBSampleSIBJMSConnectionFactory link. ___ v. Review the description and properties for MDBSampleSIBJMSConnectionFactory. ___ vi. Make a note of the JMS Connection Factory (JCF) JNDI name: JNDI Name: _____________________________. ___ vii. You have taken a look at resources for a JMS Connection Factory You may also want to review resources for a JMS Queue Connection Factory and JMS Topic Connection Factory (Reference Step iv) above to review properties for the other Connection Factories.) ___ c. Explore Resources for Destinations. ___ i. Access the navigation tree in the Administrative Console and click on Resources Æ JMS Providers Æ Default messaging ___ ii. Click JMS queue link under Destinations, in your workspace. ___ iii. The JMS queue page is displayed. ___ iv. Review the description of JMS Queues. ___ v. Note that a queue has been created for the MDB Sample application: Sample.JMS.MDB.Queue

Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. NoTE: The application client sends a message to the queue(or a topic), each of which have an MDB acting as a JMS message listener. The message includes a temporary reply-to queue. The MDB listening to the queue or topic receives the request message and sends a response to the reply-to destination taken from the request. The client then receives the response from the reply-to queue vi. Click the Sample JMS. MDB Queue link 田 Application Default messaging provider JMS queue SampleJMS. MDB QUEUE 日 Resources s queue is used as a destination for point-to- 日Ms Default messaging u V5 default messaging JDBC Providers Administration Related Items 日"e scope <Ruses MDB, QUEUE object pool managers URL Providers (sample/JMS/MDB/QUEUE Resource Environment Providers 团 Securit nment 日 Monitoring and 回 Service integration E UDDI vil. Review the description and properties of the Queue destination viii. Make a note of the JNDI name for Sample JMS.MDBQueue JNDI Name Click on Buses under related items x. Note that this Queue resides on the node 1 Samples Bus which we reviewed in the Service Integration resources NOTE: JMS Resources and service integration Resources are required for messaging in WebSphere version 6. The two layers of resources are integrally linked. The siBus Destination is invisible to the user. the JMS Destination, which the user sees, acts as a proxy/pointer to the sIBus Destination Lab 08- Service Integration and JMS Page 10 of 18
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Lab 08 – Service Integration and JMS Page 10 of 18 NOTE: The application client sends a message to the queue (or a topic), each of which have an MDB acting as a JMS message listener. The message includes a temporary reply-to queue. The MDB listening to the queue or topic receives the request message and sends a response to the reply-to destination taken from the request. The client then receives the response from the reply-to queue. ___ vi. Click the Sample.JMS.MDB.Queue link. ___ vii. Review the description and properties of the Queue destination. ___ viii. Make a note of the JNDI name for Sample.JMS.MDB.Queue: JNDI Name: ______________________________ ___ ix. Click on Buses under Related Items ___ x. Note that this Queue resides on the node1SamplesBus which we reviewed in the Service Integration resources. NOTE: JMS Resources and Service integration Resources are required for messaging in WebSphere version 6. The two layers of resources are integrally linked. The SIBus Destination is invisible to the user. The JMS Destination, which the user sees, acts as a proxy/pointer to the SIBus Destination
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