
Advanced web technology Web高级开发与应用技术 Web语义与搜索
deeper Advanced web technology Web高级开发与应用技术 Web语义与搜索

Web Technology Web 3.0 什么是Web30 seen as applications which are pieced togetner o My prediction would be that Web 3.0 will ultimately be Eric schmidt GoogleS CEO distinction between professional, semi-professional and consumers will get blurred, creating a network effect of business and applications.” Jerry Yang Yahoo founder think maybe when you' ve got an overlay of scalable vector graphics everything rippling and folding and looking misty-on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you'l have access to an unbelievable data resource — World wide web创始人蒂姆-伯纳斯李 Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 什么是Web3.0 think maybe when you've got an overlay of scalable vector graphics - everything rippling and folding and looking misty – on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of data, you'll have access to an unbelievable data resource.“ ——World Wide Web 创始人蒂姆-伯纳斯-李 “My prediction would be that Web 3.0 will ultimately be seen as applications which are pieced together.” — Eric Schmidt Google’s CEO “…….distinction between professional, semi-professional and consumers will get blurred, creating a network effect of business and applications.” — Jerry Yang Yahoo founder

Web Technology Web 3.0 什么是Web30 其实很简单Web30将是语义网的天下 ----Qiantu org Referred to as Web 3.0, the effort is in its infancy, and the very idea has given rise to skeptics who have called it an unobtainable vision. 2 --纽约时报 Web 3.0 will be 10 megabits of bandwidth all the time which will be the full video Web, and that will fee/like Web 3.0" -Reed Hastings Netflix founder Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 什么是Web3.0 “Web 3.0 will be 10 megabits of bandwidth all the time, which will be the full video Web, and that will feel like Web 3.0” — Reed Hastings Netflix founder “Referred to as Web 3.0, the effort is in its infancy, and the very idea has given rise to skeptics who have called it an unobtainable vision…” ----纽约时报 其实很简单Web3.0将是语义网的天下 ----Qiantu.org

Web Technology Web 3.0 什么是Web30 从web20到web30则会通过更加个性化的技术革新使得互联网的表 现形式更为丰富。例如3D(三维)、3G等新技术在互联网的运用 阿里巴巴软件经理王涛 “web3.0,就是让个人和机构之间建立一种互为中心而转化 的机制,也就是说个人在一定程度上可以转化为机构,机构 在一定的环境下也可以像个人一样,拟人化的进行他们的商 业行为,而进一步拉近和网民的距离. Mezi. Bulunbulei博士 博客会是搜狐web30中相当重要的一个元素,也是网民的一个主要入口。而这个 全新的“声色”版博客增加了视频功能,将全面支持视频内容的上传和分享,让 用户把视频、音乐、图片、文字随意支配于掌上 搜狐CEO张朝阳 Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 什么是Web3.0 从web2.0到web3.0则会通过更加个性化的技术革新使得互联网的表 现形式更为丰富。例如3D(三维)、 3G等新技术在互联网的运用 ——阿里巴巴软件经理王涛 博客会是搜狐web3.0中相当重要的一个元素,也是网民的一个主要入口。而这个 全新的“声•色”版博客增加了视频功能,将全面支持视频内容的上传和分享,让 用户把视频、音乐、图片、文字随意支配于掌上 ——搜狐CEO张朝阳 “web3.0,就是让个人和机构之间建立一种互为中心而转化 的机制,也就是说个人在一定程度上可以转化为机构,机构 在一定的环境下也可以像个人一样,拟人化的进行他们的商 业行为,而进一步拉近和网民的距离……” ------Mezi.Bulunbulei博士

Web Technology Web 3.0 Web30相关技术 Semantic Web machines can read it and understand it as much as humans can without ambiguousness The first challenge is the effort to link existing content to semantic meaning by using some sort of metadata The second challenge is to develop a set of applications that make use of this newly generated metadata-based knowledge Radar Networks Garlik for personal data management on the Web Yahoo food site Joost Internet Tv Platform Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 Web3.0相关技术 - Semantic Web - machines can read it and understand it as much as humans can, without ambiguousness. - The first challenge is the effort to link existing content to semantic meaning by using some sort of metadata. - The second challenge is to develop a set of applications that make use of this newly generated metadata-based knowledge. Radar Networks Garlik for personal data management on the Web Yahoo Food Site Joost Internet TV Platform “Web 3.0: A Vision for Bridging the Gap between Real and Virtual

Web Technology Web 3.0 aWeb30相关技术 The 3D Web or web 3D the interactions occurring between avatars are kept in the virtual world A new interaction dimension that can be incorporated with online social virtual worlds is the sense of touch or haptICS Second life IMVU Active Worlds Red Light Center Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 Web3.0相关技术 - The 3D Web or Web 3D - the interactions occurring between avatars are kept in the virtual world - A new interaction dimension that can be incorporated with online social virtual worlds is the sense of touch, or haptics Second Life IMVU Active Worlds Red Light Center

Web Technology Web 3.0 aWeb30相关技术 The Media Centric Web Future search engines should take media as input and be able to search for similar media objects based on its features and not only based on textual metadata. Ojos Riya photo sharing tool or Like. com) Systems should be able to recognize hand gestures, voice, and even people' s faces and moods, and respond in a multimodal fashion as well Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 Web3.0相关技术 - The Media Centric Web - Future search engines should take media as input and be able to search for similar media objects based on its features and not only based on textual metadata.( Ojos Riya photo sharing tool or Like.com) - Systems should be able to recognize hand gestures, voice, and even people’s faces and moods, and respond in a multimodal fashion as well

Web Technology Web 3.0 aWeb30相关技术 The social web The social web components have been put in place since web 2.0, this is a field that will evolve along with the web itself Examples: IMVU The Pervasive and Ubiquitous Web we envision the Web3.0 to go beyond the use of the traditional web by including natural ways of interacting with real-life objects that typically have not been considered as computing entities Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 Web3.0相关技术 - The Social Web - The social web components have been put in place since web 2.0, this is a field that will evolve along with the Web itself - Examples: IMVU - The Pervasive and Ubiquitous Web - we envision the Web3.0 to go beyond the use of the traditional web by including natural ways of interacting with real-life objects that typically have not been considered as computing entities

Web Technology Web 3.0 The Pervasive and Ubiquitous computing My C 40.6 miles. google glass Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 - The Pervasive and Ubiquitous computing google glass

Web Technology Web 3.0 aWeb30相关技术 ■使用基于XML的精确的描述 IRDF(Resource description Framework OWL( Web Ontology languages Facebook和 Yahoo Loca用这种格式捋注释 加到他们的HTML页面 Microformats(微缩格式):将基本的语义学地 ■XFN:反映互联网上人与人之间的关系 hCard可以注释HTML:解决了一个个人信息的问题 hCalendar,它允许页面作者自己去描述事件 Wikipedia定义语义网:" a project that intends to create a universal medium for information exchange by putting documents with computer-processable meaning(semantics)on the World Wide Web Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu
Web Technology Fudan course, by Dai kaiyu Web 3.0 Web3.0相关技术 Wikipedia 定义语义网 :"a project that intends to create a universal medium for information exchange by putting documents with computer-processable meaning (semantics) on the World Wide Web"。 使用基于XML的精确的描述 RDF(Resource Description Framework) OWL(Web Ontology Languages) Microformats(微缩格式) :将基本的语义学埋置入HTML 页面里 XFN:反映互联网上人与人之间的关系 hCard 可以注释HTML : 解决了一个个人信息的问题 hCalendar ,它允许页面作者自己去描述事件 Facebook 和Yahoo! Local 用这种格式将注释 加到他们的HTML页面
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:3-web2.0相关应用与技术.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:2-web服务与云计算.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:1-web核心标准与架构.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse开发基于Restful的Web Service教程.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:html5(三).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:html5(二).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:html5(一).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework(XMSF)Challenges for Web-Based Modeling and Simulation.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop Contributions.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium Contributions.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XmsfBrochure.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:建设SSH(Struts Hibernate Spring)项目教程.docx
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Native-XML Database.ppt
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XML processing in ColdFusion MX.ppt
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:sitepoint-state-of-web-development-2006.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:O'reilly.Enterprise.Javabeans.3rd.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:CORBA程序设计指南(入门).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Architectural Styles and the design of Network-based Software Achitectures.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Building Social Web Applications.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:SSH Step by Step Tutorial.doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML—DTD.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML—Schema.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML(概述与语法).pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L01-WASv6_Install_Config.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L02-WASv6_Sys_Admin.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L03-WASv6_AppManagement.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L04-WASv6_WRD.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L05-WASv6_Security.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L06-WASv6_WLM_HA.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L07-WASv6_Performance.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L08-WASv6_Service Integration and JMS.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P00-WASv6_LabExercisesCoverPage.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P00-PresentationsCoverSheet.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P01-WASv6_PoTIntroduction.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P02-WASv6_TechnicalOverview.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P03-WASv6_ND_Install.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P04-Topology_Review.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P05-WASv6_SystemManagement.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P06-WASv6_AppManagement.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P07-WASv6_WRD.pdf