《高级Web技术》参考资料:Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework(XMSF)Challenges for Web-Based Modeling and Simulation

Extensible Modeling and simulation Framework (Xmsf) Challenges for Web-Based modeling and simulation FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT TECHNICAL CHALLENGES WORKSHOP, STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES SYMPOSIUM 22 OCTOBER 2002 http://www.Movesinstitute.org/xmsf XMSE Don brutzman and michael zyda Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation MOVES) Institute Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Monterey California J. Mark Pullen George Mason University (GMU), Fairfax virginia Katherine l. morse katherinel@saic.com Science applications International Corporation(SAIC), San Diego California Additional Contributors Steven Fouskarinis salc. david Drake saic. dennis moen gmu Curt Blais NPs, Andrzej Kapolka NPS, Don McGregor NPS The moves Institute George Mason c二 University An Employee-Owned Company
Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) Challenges for Web-Based Modeling and Simulation FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT: TECHNICAL CHALLENGES WORKSHOP, STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES SYMPOSIUM 22 OCTOBER 2002 http://www.MovesInstitute.org/xmsf Don Brutzman and Michael Zyda brutzman@nps.navy.mil zyda@MovesInstitute.org Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Monterey California J. Mark Pullen mpullen@gmu.edu George Mason University (GMU), Fairfax Virginia Katherine L. Morse katherine.l.morse@saic.com Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), San Diego California Additional Contributors Steven Fouskarinis SAIC, David Drake SAIC, Dennis Moen GMU Curt Blais NPS, Andrzej Kapolka NPS, Don McGregor NPS

EXTENSIBLE MODELING AND SIMULATION FRAMEWORK (XMSF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT 2002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Department of Defense(DoD)is engaged in warfighting and institutional transformation for the new millennium. In parallel, DoD Modeling Simulation(M&s)needs to identify and adopt transformational technologies providing direct tactical relevance to warfighters. The only software systems that composably scale to worldwide scope utilize World Wide Web technologies Therefore, it is evident that an extensible web-based framework offers great promise to scale up the capabilities of M&S systems to meet the needs of training, analysis, acquisition, and the operational warfighter. By embracing commercial web technologies as a shared-communications platform and a ubiquitous-delivery framework, DoD M&s can fully leverage mainstream practices for enterprise-wide software development In order to carefully consider these Dod transformation challenges for M&s, we are defining an Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework(XMSF)to exploit web-based technologies. An exceptional group of government, academic, and industry experts worked together under the leadership of investigators from the Naval Postgraduate School, George Mason University, and SAIC for an exploratory workshop and a public symposium. This report describes the basis and initial requirements to achieve such transformational interoperability, through community development of the Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) The Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework(XMSF) is defined as a composable set of standards, profiles and recommended practices for web-based modeling simulation(M&s) XML-based markup languages, Internet technologies and Web Services will enable a new generation of distributed M&S applications to emerge, develop and interoperate XMSF integrates several high-level requirements derived from years of experience with M&s frameworks, and the challenges of their effective deployment across diverse networks and systems XMSF must enable simulations to interact directly and scalably over a highly distributed network, achieved through compatibility between a web framework and networking technologies. XMSF must be equally usable by human and software agents. Clearly XMSF must support composable reusable model components. XMSF use must not be constrained by proprietary technology or legally encumbering patents, since such barriers discourage the free, open, ad hoc development of interconnected tactical models and simulations The precepts of XMSf are Web-based technologies applied within an extensible framework will enable a new generation of modeling simulation(M&S)applications to emerge, develop and interoperate Support for operational tactical systems is a missing but essential requirement for such M&s applications frameworks An extensible framework of Extensible Markup Language(XML)-based languages can provide a bridge between forthcoming M&s requirements and open/commercial web standards, while continuing to support existing M&s technologies Compatible and complementary technical approaches are now possible for model definition, simulation execution, network-based education, network scalability, and 2D/3D graphics views Web approaches for technology, software tools, content production and broad use provides best business cases from an enterprise-wide (i.e. world wide) perspective XMSF Workshop Symposium Report, October 2002 page 3
XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 3 EXTENSIBLE MODELING AND SIMULATION FRAMEWORK (XMSF) FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT 2002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Department of Defense (DoD) is engaged in warfighting and institutional transformation for the new millennium. In parallel, DoD Modeling & Simulation (M&S) needs to identify and adopt transformational technologies providing direct tactical relevance to warfighters. The only software systems that composably scale to worldwide scope utilize World Wide Web technologies. Therefore, it is evident that an extensible web-based framework offers great promise to scale up the capabilities of M&S systems to meet the needs of training, analysis, acquisition, and the operational warfighter. By embracing commercial web technologies as a shared-communications platform and a ubiquitous-delivery framework, DoD M&S can fully leverage mainstream practices for enterprise-wide software development. In order to carefully consider these DoD transformation challenges for M&S, we are defining an Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) to exploit web-based technologies. An exceptional group of government, academic, and industry experts worked together under the leadership of investigators from the Naval Postgraduate School, George Mason University, and SAIC for an exploratory workshop and a public symposium. This report describes the basis and initial requirements to achieve such transformational interoperability, through community development of the Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF). The Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) is defined as a composable set of standards, profiles and recommended practices for web-based modeling & simulation (M&S). XML-based markup languages, Internet technologies and Web Services will enable a new generation of distributed M&S applications to emerge, develop and interoperate. XMSF integrates several high-level requirements derived from years of experience with M&S frameworks, and the challenges of their effective deployment across diverse networks and systems. XMSF must enable simulations to interact directly and scalably over a highly distributed network, achieved through compatibility between a web framework and networking technologies. XMSF must be equally usable by human and software agents. Clearly XMSF must support composable, reusable model components. XMSF use must not be constrained by proprietary technology or legally encumbering patents, since such barriers discourage the free, open, ad hoc development of interconnected tactical models and simulations. The precepts of XMSF are: · Web-based technologies applied within an extensible framework will enable a new generation of modeling & simulation (M&S) applications to emerge, develop and interoperate. · Support for operational tactical systems is a missing but essential requirement for such M&S applications frameworks. · An extensible framework of Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based languages can provide a bridge between forthcoming M&S requirements and open/commercial web standards, while continuing to support existing M&S technologies. · Compatible and complementary technical approaches are now possible for model definition, simulation execution, network-based education, network scalability, and 2D/3D graphics views. · Web approaches for technology, software tools, content production and broad use provides best business cases from an enterprise-wide (i.e. world wide) perspective

This final version of the report includes key findings from the XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop conducted at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California on 19-20 August 2002, plus considerations and recommendations from the XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium held at George Mason University, Fairfax Virginia on 6 September 2002. Key points emerging from both the Workshop and the Symposium include the following findings The XMSF concept must continue to be refined from a high-level concept to definitive technical recommendations, practices, and applications tailored for the M&s domain A set of exemplar applications need to be identified and initiated that can collectively and clearly demonstrate the application potential of XMSF concepts. A number of existing and emerging programs are examined as possible exemplars Web Services appear to be a promising application of technology for focusing future work Security concerns are cross-cutting for all areas and must be addressed throughout any design process(i.e. built in from the outset) Frequently asked question #1: what does XMsF look like? Web, internet and XML technologies for open interoperability in M&s Data and metadata standards for semantic consistency among systems Profile specifications, associated with standards, to define common capability levels needed for user requirements and application support o Specification of mandatory(and optional)standards and recommended practices o Recommendations and guidelines for implementation(e. g composability requirement recommended technologies, application guidelines, recommended hardware configuration) o Implementation and evaluation metrics to measure conformance and capabilities Frequently asked question #2: what doesn't XMSF look like? A single, exclusive, tightly coupled architecture Proprietary technologies which require licenses or royalties for use The next major milestone for XMSF is a series of prototype demonstrations at the Interservice /Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference(I/TSEC)in Orlando Florida, 2-5 December 2002 showing prototype XMSF-related applications to the M&s community The foundation for XMSF's future success is based on multiple strategies. Viewed from an enterprise perspective, commitments to open standards processes are the most cost effective important to have common business models for delivering expert services and develop lg o approach over the long-term lifecycle of technology development and deployment. It is al compatible domain-specific applications. Partnerships with commercial industry can leverage technology opportunities to improve interoperability and achieve greater defense capabilities Many incentives exist to begin demonstrating XMSF capabilities immediately as a prelude to transformational ch The primary next-step activities for 2003 are establishing partnerships among implementers sponsors, industry supporters and standards organizations. This report and the numerous accompanying XMSF contributions the technical basis for that next round of activity XMSF Workshop Symposium Report, October 2002 page 4
XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 4 This final version of the report includes key findings from the XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop conducted at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey California on 19-20 August 2002, plus considerations and recommendations from the XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium held at George Mason University, Fairfax Virginia on 6 September 2002. Key points emerging from both the Workshop and the Symposium include the following findings. · The XMSF concept must continue to be refined from a high-level concept to definitive technical recommendations, practices, and applications tailored for the M&S domain. · A set of exemplar applications need to be identified and initiated that can collectively and clearly demonstrate the application potential of XMSF concepts. A number of existing and emerging programs are examined as possible exemplars. · Web Services appear to be a promising application of technology for focusing future work. · Security concerns are cross-cutting for all areas and must be addressed throughout any design process (i.e. built in from the outset). Frequently asked question #1: what does XMSF look like? · Web, internet and XML technologies for open interoperability in M&S · Data and metadata standards for semantic consistency among systems · Profile specifications, associated with standards, to define common capability levels needed for user requirements and application support o Specification of mandatory (and optional) standards and recommended practices o Recommendations and guidelines for implementation (e.g. composability requirements, recommended technologies, application guidelines, recommended hardware configuration) o Implementation and evaluation metrics to measure conformance and capabilities Frequently asked question #2: what doesn’t XMSF look like? · A single, exclusive, tightly coupled architecture · Proprietary technologies which require licenses or royalties for use The next major milestone for XMSF is a series of prototype demonstrations at the Interservice /Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando Florida, 2-5 December 2002 showing prototype XMSF-related applications to the M&S community. The foundation for XMSF’s future success is based on multiple strategies. Viewed from an enterprise perspective, commitments to open standards processes are the most cost effective approach over the long-term lifecycle of technology development and deployment. It is also important to have common business models for delivering expert services and developing compatible domain-specific applications. Partnerships with commercial industry can leverage technology opportunities to improve interoperability and achieve greater defense capabilities. Many incentives exist to begin demonstrating XMSF capabilities immediately as a prelude to transformational change. The primary next-step activities for 2003 are establishing partnerships among implementers, sponsors, industry supporters and standards organizations. This report and the numerous accompanying XMSF contributions serve as the technical basis for that next round of activity

XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 5 XMSF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION: PURPOSE, SCOPE, SHORTCOMINGS AND STATUS .............................................7 1.1 PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................................7 1.2 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................7 1.3 CURRENT SHORTCOMINGS..........................................................................................................................8 1.4 REPORT STATUS .........................................................................................................................................8 2 XMSF POSTULATES, PRECONDITIONS FOR SUCCESS, CHALLENGES AND DEFINITION......... 10 2.1 POSTULATES ............................................................................................................................................ 10 2.2 PRECONDITIONS FOR SUCCESS .................................................................................................................. 10 2.3 KEY CHALLENGES FOR XMSF .................................................................................................................. 11 2.4 XMSF DEFINITION................................................................................................................................... 11 3 WEB AND XML CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................ 12 3.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 WEB SERVICES OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 18 3.4 WEB LANGUAGES .................................................................................................................................... 19 3.5 WORKSHOP FINDINGS AND ISSUES ............................................................................................................ 23 4 INTERNET/NETWORKING ....................................................................................................................... 24 4.1 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS................................................................................................................................ 24 4.2 NETWORK SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 24 4.3 PROTOCOL SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 26 4.4 NETWORK SERVICES AVAILABLE TODAY .................................................................................................. 27 4.5 NETWORK SERVICES ACHIEVABLE IN THREE TO FIVE YEARS..................................................................... 28 4.6 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EARLY-WORK NETWORKING PROJECTS.............................................................. 28 5 MODELING & SIMULATION CONSIDERATIONS................................................................................. 30 5.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................... 30 5.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 30 5.3 ISSUES ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 5.4 WORKSHOP FINDINGS............................................................................................................................... 31 6 STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................................................. 34 6.1 TECHNICAL CHALLENGES WORKSHOP FINDINGS ....................................................................................... 34 6.2 STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES SYMPOSIUM FINDINGS ................................................................................... 34 6.3 SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS..................................................................................................................... 34 6.4 ADDITIONAL ISSUES ................................................................................................................................. 35 7 EXEMPLAR DEMONSTRATIONS............................................................................................................. 36 7.1 VISION VIGNETTES: DEFENSE SCENARIOS ................................................................................................ 36 7.2 TECHNICAL ATTRIBUTES OF TACTICAL EXEMPLARS .................................................................................. 36 7.3 USE CASES TO DRIVE REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................... 37 8 DETERMINING THE PATH FORWARD .................................................................................................. 38 8.1 BUSINESS MODEL..................................................................................................................................... 38 8.2 PARTNERSHIPS ......................................................................................................................................... 38 8.3 DIVERSE SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES....................................................................................................... 39 8.4 ADVANCED DISTRIBUTED LEARNING (ADL) ............................................................................................. 40 8.5 PARTNERSHIP STRATEGIES FOR 2003......................................................................................................... 40 9 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................................... 41

XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 6 10 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................. 44 APPENDIX A. TECHNICAL CHALLENGES WORKSHOP ATTENDEES...................................................... 46 APPENDIX B. TECHNICAL CHALLENGES WORKSHOP AGENDA............................................................. 48 APPENDIX C. TECHNICAL CHALLENGES WORKSHOP POINT PAPERS ................................................. 49 APPENDIX D. STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES SYMPOSIUM AGENDA ....................................................... 51 APPENDIX E. CONTACT INFORMATION........................................................................................................ 52

Extensible Modeling and simulation Framework (Xmsf) Challenges for Web-Based Modeling and Simulation FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT 2002 1 Introduction: Purpose, Scope, Shortcomings and status 1.1 Purpose As the Department of Defense(DoD)is engaged in both warfighting and institutional transformation for the new millennium, DoD Modeling Simulation(M&S) similarly needs to identify and adopt transformational technologies which provide direct tactical relevance to warfighters. Today the only software systems that can composably scale to worldwide scope utilize World Wide Web technologies. It is evident that an extensible web-based framework shows great promise to scale up the capabilities of M&s systems to meet the needs of training, analysis, system acquisition and tactical preview needed by operational warfighters Defense M&s includes a large and diverse set of applications which individually provide advanced computing capabilities. Embracing commercial web technologies as a shared-communications platform and a ubiquitous-delivery framework will enable current M&s to fully leverage mainstream industry practices for large-scale software development. Similarly, providing web interoperability to general M&s applications can provide broad new classes of capability for commercial, educational and scientific applications 1. 2 Scope Web-based technologies have the capability to support interoperability of the spectrum of doD models and simulations including constructive, virtual, and live systems. Web-based technologies can integrate legacy simulation frameworks, tactical systems and the increasingly important distance-learning technologies. This report describes the basis and initial requirements for such transformational interoperability, through development of the Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework(XMSF The precepts of XMSF are Web-based technologies applied within an extensible framework will enable a new generation of modeling simulation(M&s) applications to emerge, develop and interoperate Support for operational tactical systems is a missing but essential requirement for defense M&s pplication frameworks An extensible framework of XML-based languages can provide a bridge between diverse M&s requirements and open/commercial web standards, while continuing to support existing M&s technologies Compatible and complementary technical approaches are now possible for model definition, simulation execution, network-based education and training, network scalability, and distributed animation of 2D/3D graphics presentations Web-based approaches for technology, software tools, content production and broad usage ovide best business cases from an enterprise-wide(i.e. worldwide) perspective XMSF Workshop Symposium Report, October 2002
XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 7 Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) Challenges for Web-Based Modeling and Simulation FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT 2002 1 Introduction: Purpose, Scope, Shortcomings and Status 1.1 Purpose As the Department of Defense (DoD) is engaged in both warfighting and institutional transformation for the new millennium, DoD Modeling & Simulation (M&S) similarly needs to identify and adopt transformational technologies which provide direct tactical relevance to warfighters. Today the only software systems that can composably scale to worldwide scope utilize World Wide Web technologies. It is evident that an extensible web-based framework shows great promise to scale up the capabilities of M&S systems to meet the needs of training, analysis, system acquisition and tactical preview needed by operational warfighters. Defense M&S includes a large and diverse set of applications which individually provide advanced computing capabilities. Embracing commercial web technologies as a shared-communications platform and a ubiquitous-delivery framework will enable current M&S to fully leverage mainstream industry practices for large-scale software development. Similarly, providing web interoperability to general M&S applications can provide broad new classes of capability for commercial, educational and scientific applications. 1.2 Scope Web-based technologies have the capability to support interoperability of the spectrum of DoD models and simulations including constructive, virtual, and live systems. Web-based technologies can integrate legacy simulation frameworks, tactical systems and the increasingly important distance-learning technologies. This report describes the basis and initial requirements for such transformational interoperability, through development of the Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF). The precepts of XMSF are: · Web-based technologies applied within an extensible framework will enable a new generation of modeling & simulation (M&S) applications to emerge, develop and interoperate. · Support for operational tactical systems is a missing but essential requirement for defense M&S application frameworks. · An extensible framework of XML-based languages can provide a bridge between diverse M&S requirements and open/commercial web standards, while continuing to support existing M&S technologies. · Compatible and complementary technical approaches are now possible for model definition, simulation execution, network-based education and training, network scalability, and distributed animation of 2D/3D graphics presentations. · Web-based approaches for technology, software tools, content production and broad usage provide best business cases from an enterprise-wide (i.e. worldwide) perspective

1.3 Current Shortcomings A number of severe gating problems are evident in the current generation of defense-related modeling and simulation systems. Hundreds of active legacy applications have limited commonality, mixed levels of support and stove-piped interoperability. Despite the best efforts of numerous programs, the difficulties inherent in current M&s strategies have thwarted the deployment of tactically useful systems into the hands of warfighters. Interoperable software, networking and message semantics are needed at all levels of activity This need for scalable interoperability is growing faster than ever before, as nearly all operations become coordinated joint/coalition efforts, and diverse new agencies for homeland defense and become critical partn Current common shortcomings include Few current applications successfully leverage commercial software imperatives. Interoperable reuse is essential for feasibility, life-cycle supportability, fundability and product flexibility Modeling and simulation is not a significant day-to-day asset for U.S. operating forces A spectrum of operational goals needs to be met: direct warfighting, homeland defense and coalition peacekeeping operations. Tactical needs are broad, immediate and interrelated, thus approaches must be scalable and take a global scope Technical limitations are evident in current software. New capabilities are needed that work correctly in small scale but can also grow/aggregate into much larger scales Current DoD software strategies do not leverage commercial-sector investments in interoperable web technology; so planned improvements perpetuate this disconnected state of affairs Distance-learning technologies-e g audio/video/whiteboard/documents/Advanced Distributed Learning(ADL)Sharable Content Object Reference Model(SCORM)etc -are not compatibly augmenting or utilizing available simulation technology Clearly many strong motivations exist for significant progress and transformational change 1.4 Report status Much of the material in this report was presented as an advance whitepaper for the XmsF Technical Challenges Workshop held 19-20 August 2002, in conjunction with the annual NPS MOVES Open House. The initial version provided a detailed backdrop for participants to produce point papers detailing their conclusions, concerns and recommendations over an impressively wide range of experience in three focus areas Web technologies and XML · Internet/networking Modeling and Simulation(M&s) controversy, and highlight any critical actions needed to move these concepts forward Or Each group of experts worked to reach consensus on areas of agreement, identify areas XMSF Workshop Symposium Report, October 2002
XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 8 1.3 Current Shortcomings A number of severe gating problems are evident in the current generation of defense-related modeling and simulation systems. Hundreds of active legacy applications have limited commonality, mixed levels of support and stove-piped interoperability. Despite the best efforts of numerous programs, the difficulties inherent in current M&S strategies have thwarted the deployment of tactically useful systems into the hands of warfighters. Interoperable software, networking and message semantics are needed at all levels of activity. This need for scalable interoperability is growing faster than ever before, as nearly all operations become coordinated joint/coalition efforts, and diverse new agencies for homeland defense and peacekeeping operations become critical partners. Current common shortcomings include: · Few current applications successfully leverage commercial software imperatives. Interoperable reuse is essential for feasibility, life-cycle supportability, fundability and product flexibility. · Modeling and simulation is not a significant day-to-day asset for U.S. operating forces. · A spectrum of operational goals needs to be met: direct warfighting, homeland defense and coalition peacekeeping operations. Tactical needs are broad, immediate and interrelated, thus approaches must be scalable and take a global scope. · Technical limitations are evident in current software. New capabilities are needed that work correctly in small scale but can also grow/aggregate into much larger scales. · Current DoD software strategies do not leverage commercial-sector investments in interoperable web technology; so planned improvements perpetuate this disconnected state of affairs. · Distance-learning technologies - e.g. audio/video/whiteboard/documents/Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL)/Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)/etc. - are not compatibly augmenting or utilizing available simulation technology. Clearly many strong motivations exist for significant progress and transformational change. 1.4 Report Status Much of the material in this report was presented as an advance whitepaper for the XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop held 19–20 August 2002, in conjunction with the annual NPS MOVES Open House. The initial version provided a detailed backdrop for participants to produce point papers detailing their conclusions, concerns and recommendations over an impressively wide range of experience in three focus areas: · Web technologies and XML · Internet/networking · Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Each group of experts worked to reach consensus on areas of agreement, identify areas of controversy, and highlight any critical actions needed to move these concepts forward

The initial version of the XMSF whitepaper was updated to include Workshop results. Specifical each topic-area section gained"triage "findings on each complex subject: areas of consensus agreement, areas of controversy, and recommended issues for future work. The Strategic Considerations section was expanded, to address issues identified by all the subgroups which were later agreed upon in plenary sessions The resulting intermediate version of the whitepaper was then used as the basis for reporting Workshop results at the XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium, held 6 September 2002 George Mason University(GMU)in Fairfax Virginia. The Symposium agenda is included as Appendix d in this document. Symposium presentations and attendee comments were broadly favorable to the concepts put forward at the Xmsf Workshop, and have been integrated to produce this final version of the report considered consensus of the project investigators. The XMSF website further includes ove s the This completed report documents the integrated results of these two major efforts, and reflect 40 detailed contributions to the XMSF Workshop and XMSF Symposium which provide essential amplifying material. Appendices C and d list all of the participating experts We thank our colleagues for their invaluable contributions and sage insight. We also thank staff members and participating doctoral students at NPS and GMU for superlative support. Finally we wish to express our particular appreciation for technical feedback and advice from Dr. Sue Numrich and Ms Phil Zimmerman of the Defense Modeling and Simulation Office(DMSO) XMSF Workshop Symposium Report, October 2002
XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 9 The initial version of the XMSF whitepaper was updated to include Workshop results. Specifically each topic-area section gained “triage” findings on each complex subject: areas of consensus agreement, areas of controversy, and recommended issues for future work. The Strategic Considerations section was expanded, to address issues identified by all the subgroups which were later agreed upon in plenary sessions. The resulting intermediate version of the whitepaper was then used as the basis for reporting Workshop results at the XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium, held 6 September 2002 at George Mason University (GMU) in Fairfax Virginia. The Symposium agenda is included as Appendix D in this document. Symposium presentations and attendee comments were broadly favorable to the concepts put forward at the XMSF Workshop, and have been integrated to produce this final version of the report. This completed report documents the integrated results of these two major efforts, and reflects the considered consensus of the project investigators. The XMSF website further includes over 40 detailed contributions to the XMSF Workshop and XMSF Symposium which provide essential amplifying material. Appendices C and D list all of the participating experts. We thank our colleagues for their invaluable contributions and sage insight. We also thank staff members and participating doctoral students at NPS and GMU for superlative support. Finally we wish to express our particular appreciation for technical feedback and advice from Dr. Sue Numrich and Ms. Phil Zimmerman of the Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO)

2 XMSF Postulates, Preconditions for Success, Challenges and Definition 2.1 Postulates XMSF has several high-level requirements for success, derived from years of experience with M&s frameworks and the challenges of their effective deployment across diverse networks and systems XMSF must enable simulations to interact directly and scalably over a highly distributed network chieved through compatibility between a web framework and networking technologies. XMSF must be equally usable by human and software agents. XMSF must support composable, reusable model components. XMSF use cannot be constrained by proprietary technology, restrictive licenses or legally encumbering patents which might discourage the free, open, ad hoc development of interconnected tactical models and simulations For these and other reasons, the Extensible Markup Language(XMl)is the technology of choice for the syntax and representation of root data structures. Similarly, Semantic Web efforts regarding Resource Description Framework(RDF)and ontology tagsets provide corresponding support for semantics. XML also enables equivalent model representations to be described, validated and even autogenerated in a variety of human and programming languages. Thus XML, along with the large family of XML languages for web use, provides a rich and already well-developed set of technologies suitable as an available basis to begin achieving XMSF goal 2.2 Preconditions for Success While working to identify, elaborate and correlate the many required technologies involved in modeling and simulation using web-based technologies, the investigators found that three technical areas can effectively group together a wide variety of related technologies. These three key areas of endeavor are Web technologies and XML Internet and networking Modeling and Simulation(M&s) Tremendous overlaps occur for each area, but workshop participants agreed that this is an effective portioning of both technical topics and human talent. These three topic areas provide the primary reporting structure for technical material in this report Looking ahead, workshop representatives agreed that three such groups will be an effective way to divide diverse challenges across groups of committed participants. Participants and investigators felt strongly that representative leaders and workers from industry, academia and government must work together as coordinated teams for each of the three major technical areas: Web/XML, organization of collaborative efforts just as much as effect use of new technology. These three a Internet/networking, and Modeling Simulation. The biggest challenges likely require effecti groups and the forthcoming XMSF community will need Effective human interfaces among all three areas: Web/XML, Internet/Networking, M&s Avoid"throw it over the wall" from one group to another, rather work on joint strategies Solutions that are end-to-end likely driven by cornerstone exemplar demonstrations XMSF Workshop Symposium Report, October 2002 page 10
XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 10 2 XMSF Postulates, Preconditions for Success, Challenges and Definition 2.1 Postulates XMSF has several high-level requirements for success, derived from years of experience with M&S frameworks and the challenges of their effective deployment across diverse networks and systems. XMSF must enable simulations to interact directly and scalably over a highly distributed network, achieved through compatibility between a web framework and networking technologies. XMSF must be equally usable by human and software agents. XMSF must support composable, reusable model components. XMSF use cannot be constrained by proprietary technology, restrictive licenses or legally encumbering patents which might discourage the free, open, ad hoc development of interconnected tactical models and simulations. For these and other reasons, the Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the technology of choice for the syntax and representation of root data structures. Similarly, Semantic Web efforts regarding Resource Description Framework (RDF) and ontology tagsets provide corresponding support for semantics. XML also enables equivalent model representations to be described, validated and even autogenerated in a variety of human and programming languages. Thus XML, along with the large family of XML languages for web use, provides a rich and already well-developed set of technologies suitable as an available basis to begin achieving XMSF goals. 2.2 Preconditions for Success While working to identify, elaborate and correlate the many required technologies involved in modeling and simulation using web-based technologies, the investigators found that three technical areas can effectively group together a wide variety of related technologies. These three key areas of endeavor are: · Web technologies and XML · Internet and networking · Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Tremendous overlaps occur for each area, but workshop participants agreed that this is an effective portioning of both technical topics and human talent. These three topic areas provide the primary reporting structure for technical material in this report. Looking ahead, workshop representatives agreed that three such groups will be an effective way to divide diverse challenges across groups of committed participants. Participants and investigators felt strongly that representative leaders and workers from industry, academia and government must work together as coordinated teams for each of the three major technical areas: Web/XML, Internet/networking, and Modeling & Simulation. The biggest challenges likely require effective organization of collaborative efforts just as much as effect use of new technology. These three groups and the forthcoming XMSF community will need: · Effective human interfaces among all three areas: Web/XML, Internet/Networking, M&S · Avoid “throw it over the wall” from one group to another, rather work on joint strategies · Solutions that are end-to-end, likely driven by cornerstone exemplar demonstrations

Key Challenges for XMSF Many issues and goals have been identified. Top-level XMSF challenges include Utilize web-based technologies for more powerful and cost-effective government-wide etworking, serving, client-side rendering and user interaction Provide open, affordable, extensible modeling and simulation capabilities for tactical scenarios of direct use to participants engaged in conflict and peace operations Employ mainstream practices of enterprise-wide software Improve ease of use for developers and users, fueling rapid growth of interoperable simulations Provide support for all types and domains of M&S: constructive, analytical, live, virtual playback-driven, agent-based, human-in-the-loop, heterogeneously distributed, logistical, and others Models of interest reflect reality. Both simulations and tactical exercises are the behavior of models over time. Models and simulations need to match tactical requirements for rehearsal reality and replay to meet operational needs Each key challenge will help guide emerging technical and programmatic strategies for XMSF 2. 4 XMSF Definition The Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework(XMSF) is defined as a composable set of standards, profiles and recommended practices for web-based modeling simulation(M&s) XML-based markup languages, Internet technologies and Web Services will enable a new generation of distributed M&s applications to emerge, develop and interoperate An important finding from the workshop and subsequent investigations was that current work in Web Services appears to be an appropriate basis for organizing and composing the many necessary apabilities of Web/XML and Internet/Networking needed for M&s applications Details for each focus area-Web/XML, Internet/Networking and M&s- are presented in the next three report sections XMSF Workshop Symposium Report, October 2002
XMSF Workshop & Symposium Report, October 2002 page 11 2.3 Key Challenges for XMSF Many issues and goals have been identified. Top-level XMSF challenges include: · Utilize web-based technologies for more powerful and cost-effective government-wide networking, serving, client-side rendering and user interaction. · Provide open, affordable, extensible modeling and simulation capabilities for tactical scenarios of direct use to participants engaged in conflict and peace operations. · Employ mainstream practices of enterprise-wide software development. · Improve ease of use for developers and users, fueling rapid growth of interoperable simulations. · Provide support for all types and domains of M&S: constructive, analytical, live, virtual, playback-driven, agent-based, human-in-the-loop, heterogeneously distributed, logistical, and others. · Models of interest reflect reality. Both simulations and tactical exercises are the behavior of models over time. Models and simulations need to match tactical requirements for rehearsal, reality and replay to meet operational needs. Each key challenge will help guide emerging technical and programmatic strategies for XMSF. 2.4 XMSF Definition The Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) is defined as a composable set of standards, profiles and recommended practices for web-based modeling & simulation (M&S). XML-based markup languages, Internet technologies and Web Services will enable a new generation of distributed M&S applications to emerge, develop and interoperate. An important finding from the workshop and subsequent investigations was that current work in Web Services appears to be an appropriate basis for organizing and composing the many necessary capabilities of Web/XML and Internet/Networking needed for M&S applications. Details for each focus area – Web/XML, Internet/Networking and M&S – are presented in the next three report sections
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop Contributions.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium Contributions.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XmsfBrochure.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:建设SSH(Struts Hibernate Spring)项目教程.docx
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Native-XML Database.ppt
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XML processing in ColdFusion MX.ppt
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:sitepoint-state-of-web-development-2006.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:O'reilly.Enterprise.Javabeans.3rd.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:CORBA程序设计指南(入门).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Architectural Styles and the design of Network-based Software Achitectures.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Building Social Web Applications.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:SSH Step by Step Tutorial.doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:深入Spring 2:轻量级J2EE开发框架原理与实践_第五章 面向切面的编程(AOP)及在Spring中的应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十五章 开发XFire Web Service应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十六章 开发EJB应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Spring中文教程(Spring Framework开发参考手册 version 1.1).pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十一章 开发Spring+Struts+Hibernate应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Architectural Styles and the design of Network-based Software Achitectures.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse创建基于X-File的Web service及调用实例详解.pdf
- 复旦大学:《高级Web技术》课程教学大纲(戴开宇).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:html5(一).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:html5(二).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:html5(三).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse开发基于Restful的Web Service教程.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:1-web核心标准与架构.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:2-web服务与云计算.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:3-web2.0相关应用与技术.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:Web语义与搜索.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML—DTD.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML—Schema.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML(概述与语法).pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L01-WASv6_Install_Config.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L02-WASv6_Sys_Admin.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L03-WASv6_AppManagement.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L04-WASv6_WRD.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L05-WASv6_Security.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L06-WASv6_WLM_HA.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L07-WASv6_Performance.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L08-WASv6_Service Integration and JMS.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P00-WASv6_LabExercisesCoverPage.pdf