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《高级Web技术》参考资料:XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop Contributions

《高级Web技术》参考资料:XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop Contributions

XMSF Technical Challenges workshop Contributions The initial XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop was organized to examine the following proposal: whether Web-based technologies might be applied for all forms of Modeling simulation The workshop was held 19-20 August 2002 at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey California, just prior to the NPS MOVES Open House The following briefings and white papers were presented Web/XML Internet/networking Modeling simulation Speakers Point paper contributions Don Brutzman, NPS Workshop welcome. plan of action Web/ML Group Don brutzman NPs Moderator Group discussion report like ba TECOM/MCMSMO Marine Corps Modeling Simulation Issues Erik Chaum, NUWC NATO Trilogy: Shared Operational Context brief and Transformation Cornerstone: Operational Context paper Rob Glidden, Sun Microsystems Web Services David Kwak, MITRE IT/Web Technologies integration to dod m&S and Its Future Direction Francisco Loaiza. IDA Web-Based Simulation Chenghui luo Fraunhofer CRCG XMSF Security: XML and DRM Issues Humanoid animation, SEDRIS. ADL SCORM, and Speech Ed Sims. VCom3D Application Programmer&apos s Interface XML (SAPI- ⅹ ML) Markup Andreas Tolk. ODU Avoiding another Green Elephant- A Proposal for the Next Generation hla based on the model driven architecture Phil Zimmerman, DMSo Game Boy Composability

XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop Contributions The initial XMSF Technical Challenges Workshop was organized to examine the following proposal: whether Web-based technologies might be applied for all forms of Modeling & Simulation. The workshop was held 19-20 August 2002 at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey California, just prior to the NPS MOVES Open House. The following briefings and white papers were presented. • Web/XML • Internet/networking • Modeling & Simulation Speakers Point paper contributions Don Brutzman, NPS Workshop welcome, plan of action Web/XML Group Don Brutzman, NPS Moderator: Group discussion report Mike Bailey, TECOM/MCMSMO Marine Corps Modeling & Simulation Issues Erik Chaum, NUWC NATO Trilogy: Shared Operational Context brief and Transformation Cornerstone: Operational Context paper Rob Glidden, Sun Microsystems Web Services David Kwak, MITRE IT/Web Technologies integration to DOD M&S, and Its Future Direction Francisco Loaiza, IDA Web-Based Simulation Chenghui Luo, Fraunhofer CRCG XMSF Security: XML and DRM Issues Ed Sims, VCom3D Humanoid animation, SEDRIS, ADL SCORM, and Speech Application Programmer's Interface XML (SAPI￾XML) Markup, Andreas Tolk, ODU Avoiding another Green Elephant – A Proposal for the Next Generation HLA based on the Model Driven Architecture Phil Zimmerman, DMSO GameBoy Composability

Internet/networking Group ark Pullen. GMu Moderator: Group discussion report Rusty Baldwin, AFIT/ENG Communication systems modeling Scott Bradner, Harvard TRansport Suleyman Guleyupoglu, NRL Collaborative Engin Enterprise AAJ Dave Laflam USA, AMSo Networking needs for Army knowledge portal Sue Numrich dmso arge-scale M&s network strategies Norbert Schiffer, Fraunhofer CRCG Communication Framework for XMSF Marcello Zuffo, University of XML Opportunities in Real Time Immersive Sao paulo. brazil Simulation visualization based on clusters of Commodity Computers Modeling Simulation(M&s) Group Katherine L. Morse, SAIC Moderator: Group discussion report Steve Carson, GSC Associates ISO. SEDRIS position paper on key challenges Paul Diefenbach, Open Worlds Advanced 3D graphics rendering Niki Delman Goerge, TRAC/ERDC Terrain and land environmental databases Alan Hudson and Justin Couch, Yumetech Interoperable Media Player Toolkit(IMP) Cristina russo dos santos Eurecom and University of Toulon, Supporting Web-based Modeling and Simulation Kalyan S Perumalla, Georgia Tech Time mechanisms and services Mikel D. Petty, ODU (unable to Semantic Composability and XMSF attend) Slides: Two Aspects of Composability: Lexicon and Theory Dick Puk, Intelligraphics Inc. Expanding the Role of Simulation Sanjeev Trika, Intel Key Opportunities for Web-based Modeling and Simulation

Internet/networking Group Mark Pullen, GMU Moderator: Group discussion report Rusty Baldwin, AFIT/ENG Communication systems modeling Scott Bradner, Harvard IP transport Suleyman Guleyupoglu, NRL Collaborative Engineering Enterprise MAJ Dave Laflam USA, AMSO Networking needs for Army knowledge portal Sue Numrich, DMSO Large-scale M&S network strategies Norbert Schiffner, Fraunhofer CRCG Communication Framework for XMSF Marcello Zuffo, University of São Paulo, Brazil XML Opportunities in Real Time Immersive Simulation & Visualization Based on Clusters of Commodity Computers Modeling & Simulation (M&S) Group Katherine L. Morse, SAIC Moderator: Group discussion report Steve Carson, GSC Associates ISO, SEDRIS position paper on key challenges Paul Diefenbach, OpenWorlds Advanced 3D graphics rendering Niki Deliman Goerger, TRAC/ERDC Terrain and land environmental databases Alan Hudson and Justin Couch, Yumetech Interoperable Media Player Toolkit (IMP) Cristina Russo Dos Santos, Eurecom and University of Toulon, France Supporting Web-based Modeling and Simulation Kalyan S. Perumalla, Georgia Tech Time mechanisms and services Mikel D. Petty, ODU (unable to attend) Semantic Composability and XMSF. Slides: Two Aspects of Composability: Lexicon and Theory Dick Puk, Intelligraphics Inc. Expanding the Role of Simulation Sanjeev Trika, Intel Key Opportunities for Web-based Modeling and Simulation

SA, 19-20 August 2002 Technical Challenges Workshop XMSF Technical Workshop Extensible Modeling and XMSF executive summary Simulation Framework(XMSF) man and Workshop organization and details son Universily(GMU) Administrative stuff Further technical discussion Gear Mason SAF S Executive summary Problems extensible wi h effective eneration of interoperable applicate. to support a new Veb litary modeling & simulat has little Dar imulation supp or operational warfighter impact on warfighter dail ily tactical opet XML-based architecture d Diverse simulations do not scalably interoperate with vide a ity/replay requirements and ercial Global systems are not yet possi ion to commo eroperable framework Web= best tech strategy best business case physical and logical"'stovepipes" prevent th Motivation Planning for change/quick start Transformational t on to meet faed to scale up Technical opportunities workshop word needs NPS, August 19-20-wele Can we useWeb technologies comon framework? MOVES Open House, August 20-22 George Mason University, September 6 Immediately precedes sIw for good participation a Easy Broader feedback: right track? what else is needed? atio Bring defense modeling/simuationlartial I MITSEC demos, Orlando Florida mainstream of usiness practice

1 Technical Challenges Workshop, Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) Don Brutzman and Michael Zyda Naval Postgraduate School Mark Pullen, George Mason University (GMU) Katherine L. Morse, SAIC Science Applications International Corporation An Employee-Owned Company Monterey California USA, 19-20 August 2002 19-20 August 2002 2 XMSF Technical Workshop XMSF executive summary n Problems, motivation, strategy Workshop organization and details Administrative stuff Further technical discussion 19-20 August 2002 3 Executive summary Web-based technologies can provide an extensible modeling and simulation architecture, to support a new generation of interoperable applications Simulation support is needed for operational warfighting capabilities XML-based architecture can provide a bridge between emerging rehearsal/reality/replay requirements and open/commercial Web standards Web = best tech strategy + best business case 19-20 August 2002 4 Problems Current approaches are not compatible with effective use of emerging Web technologies Military modeling & simulation has little or no apparent impact on warfighters’ daily tactical operations Diverse simulations do not scalably interoperate with warfighting systems Global systems are not yet possible without connection to common interoperable framework ß physical and logical “stovepipes” prevent this 19-20 August 2002 5 Motivation Transformational technologies are needed to scale up defense modeling/simulation to meet real-world needs Can we use Web technologies as common framework? n Dynamic capabilities, open standards, Web business model provide lift to support government and commercial success n Easy use and open extensibility for developers and users, fueling rapid growth of interoperable simulations n Bring defense modeling/simulation/tactical support into mainstream of enterprise-wide best-business practices 19-20 August 2002 6 Planning for change/quick start Technical opportunities workshop n NPS, August 19-20 – welcome! n MOVES Open House, August 20-22 Strategic opportunities symposium nGeorge Mason University, September 6 n Immediately precedes SIW for good participation n Broader feedback: right track? what else is needed? Exemplar demonstration n I/ITSEC demos, Orlando Florida December 2-5

Project strategy panem, anguages, ar Demonstrate rapidy how these newe Workshop details :品 Workshop strategy Workshop strategy2 How to solve big problems? Divide conquer sole problems? Divide conquer Three perspectives Triage approach for all three technical areas What do we agree on: determine consensus s What do we Modeling and smu rtial uasc mework disagree on. more work neede at are most important directions hite ocument workshop and symposium results extend. com Most importan Web/XML Intemet/networking group Root 200C conference room Spanagel 254 ence room Moderator Don Brutzman, NPS Mark Puen GMU Rusty Baldwin. AFIT FCh中cC ittner CRCG TRAC Monterey s David Kwak MI Phil zimmerman. DMso ledge

2 19-20 August 2002 7 Project strategy Outline large-scale framework for next-generation Web-compatible simulation interoperability Enumerate technical components, languages, and specifications n Workshop of key researchers to refine requirements n Seek broad feedback for consensus, focus, progress Demonstrate rapidly how these new capabilities might help n Current war effort against terrorism n Homeland defense n Science, commerce, education, etc. Multi-year initiative for simulation using Web technologies? n Workshop and symposium produce strategy and white paper n Conceptual suite of applications demo at I/ITSEC in December n NPS, GMU and SAIC have started, shared strategies welcome n Further workshop in fall among existing programs?? 19-20 August 2002 8 Workshop Details 19-20 August 2002 9 Workshop strategy 1 How to solve big problems? Divide & conquer. Three perspectives nWeb technologies, XML n Networking and Internet n Modeling and simulation (M&S) White paper lays out initial basic framework n please use, extend, correct, disagree 19-20 August 2002 10 Workshop strategy 2 How to solve big problems? Divide & conquer. Triage approach for all three technical areas: nWhat do we agree on: determine consensus nWhat do we disagree on: more work needed nWhat are most important directions for further work Document workshop and symposium results n Most important outcomes may be education, direction 19-20 August 2002 11 Web/XML group: Root 200C conference room n Moderator: Don Brutzman, NPS n Erik Chaum NUWC n Rob Glidden Sun n Jack Jackson, TRAC Monterey n David Kwak, MITRE n Recorders: Steve Fouskarinis SAIC, Curt Blais NPS n Dr. Francisco Loaiza, IDA n Dr. Edward Sims, Vcom3D n Dr. Chenghui Luo, Fraunhofer CRCG n Phil Zimmerman, DMSO 19-20 August 2002 12 Internet/networking group: Spanagel 254 conference room Moderator: n Mark Pullen, GMU n Rusty Baldwin, AFIT n Scott Bradner, IESG, Harvard n Suleyman Guleyupoglu, NRL n Sue Numrich, DMSO Recorders: n Don McGregor, NPS n Dave Laflam, AMSO n Denny Moen n Steve Carson, GSC Assoc. n Norbert Schiffner, CRCG n Marcelo Zuffo, University Sao Paolo n two last-minute drops: Sandeep Singhal Reefedge, Mikel Petty ODU

Modeling simulation group Engineers'auditorium Monday agene s Katherine Morse Joerg sensus on XMSF challenges Perumalla 1030 Break out, present positions 10 minutes each :1200 Lunch break on own. Thai Hut. coffee bar Openworlds ment or r Randy's sandwiches a 1300 Grou 150 Alan Hudson, Y Dr Sanjeev Trika. In 1900 Dinner El Palomar, $18 buffet yahave mAR Tuesday Agenda XMSF website, report me, complete contributions Position papers and slides available at 130s20 Recorders can upload during sessions,or else Lunch break on own. Thai Huf, coffe bar send mail to Don(why not, everyone else does Hermann Hall basement or Randy's(Sandwiches Participants can improve/amend contributions 1300 MOVES Open House (right back here) Report revision dates September and 8 Position paper revisions Feel free to ut little need tions you,'re making lots of references and URLs. ple Administratospheria Do we want consistent formatting template? Will provide position papers with final report. 3

3 19-20 August 2002 13 Modeling & simulation group: Engineers’ auditorium Moderator: n Katherine Morse, SAIC n Mike Bailey USMC TECOM n Paul Diefenbach, OpenWorlds n Dr. Niki Deliman Goerger, USA ERDC n Alan Hudson, Yumetech Recorders: n Joerg Wellbrink, NPS n Simon Goerger, NPS n Kalyan S. Perumalla, Georgia Inst. of Technology n Dick Puk, Intelligraphics n Cristina Russo dos Santos, Eurecom, University Toulon n Dr. Andreas Tolk, ODU n Dr. Sanjeev Trika, Intel 19-20 August 2002 14 Monday Agenda n 0830 XMSF Technical Workshop Overview n 0930 Tasks: triage consensus on XMSF challenges n 1000 Break at auditorium n 1030 Break out, present positions 10 minutes each n 1200 Lunch break on own. Thai Hut, coffee bar, Hermann Hall basement or Randy’s Sandwiches n 1300 Group breakouts, discussions, triage n 1500 Break at auditorium n 1700 Plenary progress quicklook: 15 minutes/group n 1900 Dinner El Palomar, $18 buffet, will have maps 19-20 August 2002 15 Tuesday Agenda n 0815 Working groups resume, complete contributions n 1000 Break at auditorium n 1030 Plenary results session: 20-min. group reports n 1130 Final discussion: conclusions and next steps n 1200 Workshop complete! Lunch break on own. Thai Hut, coffee bar, Hermann Hall basement or Randy’s Sandwiches n 1300 MOVES Open House (right back here) 19-20 August 2002 16 XMSF website, report Position papers and slides available at n Recorders can upload during sessions, or else send mail to Don (why not, everyone else does) Participants can improve/amend contributions Report revision dates: September 1 and 8 19-20 August 2002 17 Position paper revisions Feel free to reconsider points you’re making n but little need for duplication n clarity is key n lots of references and URLs, please Do we want consistent formatting template? Will provide position papers with final report. 19-20 August 2002 18 Administratospheria

Registration Travel claim $50 needed for XMSF breaks Thanks to many of you for letting us make $150 needed for MOVES open house breaks reservations, despite SATO ticket hassles Government rates saves us a bunch of money I Rachel Davis is handling registration details Cecelia Childers will provide forms to fill out. Telephone for messages: +1.831.656.1126 Please save your receipts Cecelia is in MOVES lab Spanagel 256.x3818 Thanks one and all for cheerful professionals Wireless networking Handouts 802.11B provided XMSF workshop folder MOVES open-house brochure Web3D Consortium's X3D SDK CD VES open-house DVD Outgoing mail server. mail.nps. navy.-mi MOVES open house highlights MOVES lab Spanagel 286 Dico. if heeded,in settings ors d oeuvres cation domains Discrete-event and constructive Virtual worlds and continuous simulations Multi-agent systerms Further technical discussion Interactive, man-in-the-loop, equipmerit-in-loop systems Live and virtual entities, mixed seamlessly Distance leaming fo ong participants 中p u Teaching and training Ity vIa reach? Be ciear what

4 19-20 August 2002 19 Registration $50 needed for XMSF breaks $150 needed for MOVES open house breaks Rachel Davis is handling registration details. Telephone for messages: +1.831.656.1126 Thanks one and all for cheerful professionalism! 19-20 August 2002 20 Travel claims Thanks to many of you for letting us make reservations, despite SATO ticket hassles. Government rates saves us a bunch of money. Cecelia Childers will provide forms to fill out. Please save your receipts! Cecelia is in MOVES lab Spanagel 256, x3818 n 19-20 August 2002 21 Wireless networking 802.11B provided n SSID: campus n WEP key: hex: cafebabeee $ cafebabeee 0xcafebabeee n DHCP: yes Outgoing mail server: Ethernet connections also available if needed, in MOVES lab Spanagel 286. DHCP settings. 19-20 August 2002 22 Handouts XMSF workshop folder MOVES open-house brochure Web3D Consortium’s X3D SDK CDs MOVES open-house DVD MOVES open house highlights n Tuesday afternoon: our web-based work, reception nWednesday evening: demos in lab, hors d’oeuvres n Thursday morning: 19-20 August 2002 23 Further technical discussion 19-20 August 2002 24 Application Domains Discrete-event and constructive simulations Virtual worlds and continuous simulations Multi-agent systems Interactive, man-in-the-loop, equipment-in-loop systems Live and virtual entities, mixed seamlessly Distance learning for interaction among participants n Audio and video (both needed for WAN testing anyway) n Multiformat whiteboard; recording and playback n Teaching and training compatibility via ADL SCORM n Maybe inclusion is too far a reach? Be clear what is/isn’t

Top-Level Requirements 1 Top-Level Requirements 2 Compatible with Web architecture and technologies Modular a Highly distributed Use by humans and software agents equally important Ability to directly Su using XML Integrate with tacti Connection point between syntax and RDFISchema, semantics Iife-cydle pattems, Top-Level Requirements 3 Top-Level Requirements 4 Support for XML and multiple p ically extensible at run Small, fast, computing (distr buted operating systems) redundancy, etc. Expected network performance: Modems through ADSL (0. 05.-1.5 Mbps) far limited participe 10-1Gbps for Public library of w oc3 up through gig Cross-platform capabilitie Backward compatibility with existing architectures and endenng support anc simulations otocols, where if makes ser SP M&S Functional Requirements M ssue Backward abilit Authoritative represent Composability Multi-resolution modeling (TA), htinxllwweLita. ltsidisa.mi Simulation support services Time managemen Discuss approaches for playback capture. Logging and play years), likely (3-5 ye

5 19-20 August 2002 25 Top-Level Requirements 1 Ability to interact directly and scalably over the network Compatible with Web architecture and technologies n Highly distributed Use by humans and software agents equally important Support for composable, reusable model components n Root data-structure representations specified using XML schema n Representations in other languages autogenerated directly n Connection point between syntax and RDF Schema, semantics 19-20 August 2002 26 Top-Level Requirements 2 Simple learning curve and repeatable examples n Support users and developers Modular structure n Ability to directly interact with network layer n Plug-ins connecting into kernel plug-ins at run time Standards-based n IEEE, ISO, W3C, IETF, Web3D Integrate with tactical systems n Augment group shared picture of operations n Producers and consumers n System life-cycle patterns, repeatability 19-20 August 2002 27 Top-Level Requirements 3 Support for XML and multiple programming languages Dynamically extensible at run time: “always on” n software + hardware, diversity includes backwards compatibility n loose coupling, verification/validation, repair, graceful degradation, redundancy, etc. Security levels consistent with current Web technology Public library of useful reusable components Cross-platform capabilities Rendering support and architectural hooks for visual simulations 19-20 August 2002 28 Top-Level Requirements 4 Expected computer performance: n Small, fast, inexpensive computers n Reconnect via GRID computing (distributed operating systems) Expected network performance: n Modems through ADSL (0.05-1.5 Mbps) for limited participation n 10 - 1Gbps for local participation n OC3 up through gigabit wide-area networking Backward compatibility with existing architectures and protocols, where it makes sense n e.g. DIS, HLA/RTI, ALSP, probably many others 19-20 August 2002 29 M&S Functional Requirements Backward compatibility Authoritative representations Composability Multi-resolution modeling Tactical system integration Simulation support services n Time management n Logging and playback 19-20 August 2002 30 M&S Issues Discuss the shared goal of bringing working M&S applications matching real world problems into tactical use. Discuss approaches for backwards compatibility to HLA/RTI and DIS technologies which don’t constrain emergence of new capabilities. Explore specific bridging approaches for HLA/RTI and DIS over web channels. Discuss compatibility with the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA), Explore integration of C4I systems to augment joint common operational picture. Discuss approaches for playback capture. Identify technology availability: immediate, near-term (1-2 years), likely (3-5 years), problematic

Design ldeas 1 Design Ideas ervices support wide-area routing and playback ming metaphors+ XMl tagsets/registries all Language and object-syste -level time ab ing languages and AP bdet anguage bindings Infrastructur da Wire protocols bly defined using XML Run-time extensibity. portability, interoper/ability for bility from Schema Business Model 1 Business Model 2 Roval fee. us able wuthout ahy fee rell Commercial models in partnership with open-source important to ha Int Offer nning ski for a fee and give up ngt a Proprietary softwar Long-term stable business intrastructure. they can use any license they like of this and se r - Someone needs to put together the simulations Even t al the parts 中 中四 Success of the overall endeavor is key to business success DoD Business Model Open Issues Commercial tech is crucial We can't do it alone Special technology requirements harmful anslate into alw g too much for unique, Nothing succeeds like sucdess ndards and industrly best practices makes best sense for industry partners aton. or 3 upporting inherent 6

6 19-20 August 2002 31 Design Ideas 1 Object-oriented programs + validatable structured data n Repeatable programming metaphors + XML tagsets/registries Language and object-system independent n e.g. CORBA/IDL, SOAP, RMI/RPC, others Design patterns unambiguously define language bindings n Map representations, component models from root XML schemas to programming languages and API bindings of interest Wire protocols unambiguously, flexibly defined using XML n Run-time extensibility, portability, interoperability for streams n Packet description language -or- direct mappability from Schema 19-20 August 2002 32 Design Ideas 2 Time services support wide-area routing and playback n Participating computer clocks all set correctly(!) via NTP or GPS n RTP for all stream headers n SMIL for stream synchronization n Higher-level time abstractions communicable by system n What about supercomputer batch-mode asynchronous? Infrastructure represented as objects in system n Enable object and service discovery at runtime n Ability to monitor, test, improve systems at local and global scale 19-20 August 2002 33 Business Model 1 Minimal architecture is open source implementation n Royalty free, usable without any fee restrictions whatsoever Important to have two or more interoperable implementations n Commercial implementations profitably augment open source Long-term stable infrastructure enables sustainable business models n Flexible architecture broadens market: not “just” military simulation, also full World Wide Web via open/secure Internets n Web-enabled architecture allows more sponsors to participate, which allows simulations, models, and applications to survive despite intermittent funding profiles n Transferable career-building skills and reusable experience for programmers and managers 19-20 August 2002 34 Business Model 2 Commercial models in partnership with open-source n Support w Offer programming skill for a fee and give up rights to the source if it is infrastructure related. n Proprietary software w A vendor may write a simulator that runs on top of the free infrastructure. They can use any license they like on this and sell it as they see fit. n Consulting w Someone needs to put together the simulations. Even if all the parts are free, this is a salable service. n Maintenance w Numerous success stories exist. Success of the overall endeavor is key to business success. 19-20 August 2002 35 DoD Business Model Commercial technology is crucial nWe can’t do it alone Special technology requirements harmful n Translate into always spending too much for unique, outdated technology Nothing succeeds like success n Slipstreaming standards and industry “best practices” makes best sense for industry partners too 19-20 August 2002 36 Open Issues Source code control n Interoperability test suite and certification shows conformance n Source forking no longer divisive issue, let many flowers bloom n “Actual results” validation through use with tactical systems Architecture n What are good driving exemplar applications? wReality pulls teams through the big design space wMust show significant “value add” to current practices plus current excitement n Can we extend some existing systems (e.g. HLA/RTI capable), show interoperability with legacy systems via good examples? we.g. NSS, OneSAF, ITEM n Multiple inheritance – no; multiple interfaces – yes n Do we need a specified method for distributed synchronization, or is open architecture supporting different models sufficient?

Recent work: workshop software componentization Contact mature and wel defined f building exemplar Slidesets and Contacts Rooms 31.6562305 Jeb/XML Root 200B(by Don's office) 1538 Networking: Spanagel 254(by Mikes office) Katherine Morse 88266728 858-826-4407 M+S: Right here in auditor

7 19-20 August 2002 37 Recent work: workshop on software componentization July 2002, DMSO, DC Consensus seemed to be: n components are a worthwhile approach to consider for improving composability and interoperability of diverse interacting simulations n component technology is sufficiently mature and well defined for building exemplars Slidesets and conclusions available? _____ 19-20 August 2002 38 Contact 19-20 August 2002 39 Contacts Don Brutzman 831.656.2149 Michael Zyda 831.656.2305 Don McGregor 831.656.4090 Andrzej Kapolka 831.656.2253 Mark Pullen 703.993.1538 Katherine Morse 858.826.6728 Steve Fouskarinis 858-826-4407 19-20 August 2002 40 Rooms Web/XML: Root 200B (by Don’s office) Networking: Spanagel 254 (by Mike’s office) M + S: Right here in auditorium

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