
The Department of Defense(DoD)is engaged in a massive transformation of its warfighting and peacekeeping capabili Project Overview ties. In turn, DoD Modeling and Simulation(M&S)must undergo a similar transformation to provide direct tactical Extensible relevance to warfighters. Today there is only one software Modeling and Simulation application environment that has proven composable and Framework(XMSF) scalable on a global scope --namely, the World Wide Web An extensible Web-based framework shows great promise giving M&S systems the scalability and composability to meet the broad needs of training, analysis, acquisition, and the operational warfighter. By embracing commercial Web tech- nologies as a shared-communications platform and a ubiqui tous-delivery framework, DoD M&s can fully leverage main- stream practices for enterprise-wide software development Web-based technologies can support interoperability for the full spectrum of M&S applications, including constructive, XXMSE virtual, and live environments. Web-based technologies can integrate legacy simulation frameworks and distance-learning technologies, which are becoming increasingly important for The Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework(XMSF is intended to create a basis and initial requirements for trans The mves formational interoperability, founded on the following: Naval rostra Web-based technologies applied within an extensible framework will enable a new generation of M&s The Moves institute applications to emerge, develop and interoperate Support for operational tactical systems is a missing Naval Postgraduate School essential for existing M&s applications frameworks. An extensible XML-based framework can provide a Monterey, CA 93943 bridge between forthcoming M&S requirements and open/commercial Web standards movesinstitute org Compatible, complementary technical approaches are possible for model definition, simulation execution, fax831-656-7599 network-based education and training, network scalability, and 2D/3D graphics voice831-656-2305 A Web approach for technology, software, content, and broad use provides best business cases from an enter prise-wide(meaning DoD-wise) perspective XMSF must enable simulations to interact directly and scalably over a highly distributed network-which can be achieved through compatibility with Web frameworks and technologies-and must be equally usable by humans and software agents. XMSF must therefore support composable
The Moves Institute Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 movesinstitute.org fax 831-656-7599 voice 831-656-2305 Project Overview— Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) The Department of Defense (DoD) is engaged in a massive transformation of its warfighting and peacekeeping capabilities. In turn, DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) must undergo a similar transformation to provide direct tactical relevance to warfighters. Today there is only one software application environment that has proven composable and scalable on a global scope -- namely, the World Wide Web. An extensible Web-based framework shows great promise in giving M&S systems the scalability and composability to meet the broad needs of training, analysis, acquisition, and the operational warfighter. By embracing commercial Web technologies as a shared-communications platform and a ubiquitous-delivery framework, DoD M&S can fully leverage mainstream practices for enterprise-wide software development and deployment. Web-based technologies can support interoperability for the full spectrum of M&S applications, including constructive, virtual, and live environments. Web-based technologies can integrate legacy simulation frameworks and distance-learning technologies, which are becoming increasingly important for reaching warfighters distributed across the globe. The Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework (XMSF) is intended to create a basis and initial requirements for transformational interoperability, founded on the following: • Web-based technologies applied within an extensible framework will enable a new generation of M&S applications to emerge, develop and interoperate. • Support for operational tactical systems is a missing essential for existing M&S applications frameworks. • An extensible XML-based framework can provide a bridge between forthcoming M&S requirements and open/commercial Web standards. • Compatible, complementary technical approaches are possible for model definition, simulation execution, network-based education and training, network scalability, and 2D/3D graphics. • A Web approach for technology, software, content, and broad use provides best business cases from an enterprise-wide (meaning DoD-wise) perspective. XMSF must enable simulations to interact directly and scalably over a highly distributed network—which can be achieved through compatibility with Web frameworks and technologies—and must be equally usable by humans and software agents. XMSF must therefore support composable

reusable model components. The Extensible Markup Lan- guage(XML)is the cross-cutting technology for root data structure representations, with Resource Description Frame- work(rDF)and ontology-tagset support for semantics The following are primary challenges for XMSF Using Web-based technologies for cheap and powerful government-wide networking, serving lient-side rendering, and user interaction Providing open, affordable, extensible M&s capa bilities for tactical scenarios that can be used directly by those engaged in conflict and peace operations Employing mainstream practices of enterprise-wide software development Improving speed of development and use, fueling rapid growth of interoperable simulations Providing support for all types and domains of M&sconstructive, live, virtual, and analytical) Reflecting reality-M&s must match tactical re quirements for rehearsal, reality and replay to meet todays operational needs Three key events will engage government, industry, and academia participation in XMSF A technical-opportunities workshop in August 2002 at NPS, establishing the technical basis and busi- ness case for exploiting Web-based technologies for future M&s systems A strategic-opportunities symposium in September 2002 at George Mason University for government planners and decision makers TheMes XMSF proof-of-concept demonstrations at the Intitute December 20021/ITSEC conference in Orland Naval postgraduate School An ambitious examination of the potential of Web-based technologies will yield not only immediate answers to prob lems in the field but broad strategies for implementing all George Mason manner of interoperable defense M&S solutions University XMSF team- NPS: Professors Don Brutzman and Michael Zyda, Re- 考 search Associate Curtis blais George Mason University: Professor Mark Pullen SAIC. Dr. Katherine morse
reusable model components. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the cross-cutting technology for root data structure representations, with Resource Description Framework (RDF) and ontology-tagset support for semantics. The following are primary challenges for XMSF: • Using Web-based technologies for cheap and powerful government-wide networking, serving, client-side rendering, and user interaction • Providing open, affordable, extensible M&S capabilities for tactical scenarios that can be used directly by those engaged in conflict and peace operations • Employing mainstream practices of enterprise-wide software development • Improving speed of development and use, fueling rapid growth of interoperable simulations • Providing support for all types and domains of M&S (constructive, live, virtual, and analytical) • Reflecting reality—M&S must match tactical requirements for rehearsal, reality and replay to meet today’s operational needs. Three key events will engage government, industry, and academia participation in XMSF: • A technical-opportunities workshop in August 2002 at NPS, establishing the technical basis and business case for exploiting Web-based technologies for future M&S systems • A strategic-opportunities symposium in September 2002 at George Mason University for government planners and decision makers • XMSF proof-of-concept demonstrations at the December 2002 I/ITSEC conference in Orlando. An ambitious examination of the potential of Web-based technologies will yield not only immediate answers to problems in the field, but broad strategies for implementing all manner of interoperable defense M&S solutions. XMSF team— NPS: Professors Don Brutzman and Michael Zyda, Research Associate Curtis Blais George Mason University: Professor Mark Pullen SAIC: Dr. Katherine Morse
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:建设SSH(Struts Hibernate Spring)项目教程.docx
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- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:sitepoint-state-of-web-development-2006.pdf
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- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Spring中文教程(Spring Framework开发参考手册 version 1.1).pdf
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- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:XMSF Strategic Opportunities Symposium Contributions.pdf
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- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework(XMSF)Challenges for Web-Based Modeling and Simulation.pdf
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- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:html5(二).doc
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:html5(三).doc
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- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L01-WASv6_Install_Config.pdf
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