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《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L07-WASv6_Performance

《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L07-WASv6_Performance

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. wEbsPhere Application Server v6: Proof-of-Technology Lab 07- performance tools What this exercise is about This lab will familiarize you with the Tivoli Performance Viewer that is integrated as part of the b Sphere Application Administrative Console. You will gain hands on experience navigating the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPv interface and working with the performance data that is being collected from your running WebSphere Application Server Lab requirements This lab requires the following software to be installed on the systems Web Sphere Application Server Base v6 Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 Trade 6 application (installed as part of this exercise · OpenSTA V142 or greate Adobe SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)3.0X What you should be able to do You should be able to use Tivoli Performance viewer to perform the basic following tasks Collect and monitor performance data collected from a running application server Modify PMI collection settings Introduction This lab will introduce you to WebSphere's integrated performance monitoring client-Tivoli Performance Viewer. The Tivoli Performance Viewer allows you to visualize performance data collected through Web Sphere's Performance Monitoring Infrastructure(PMI).The Tivoli Performance Viewer provides basic functionality that allows an administrator to closely monitor and analyze the performance of the Web Sphere environment from within Web Sphere's Administrative Console Proof of Technology Lab o7-Performance tools Product Introduction+ Exploration(PI+E Page 1 of 29

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 07 – Performance Tools Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 1 of 29 eWebSphere Application Server v6: Proof-of-Technology Lab 07 – Performance Tools What this exercise is about This lab will familiarize you with the Tivoli Performance Viewer that is integrated as part of the WebSphere Application Administrative Console. You will gain hands on experience navigating the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV) interface and working with the performance data that is being collected from your running WebSphere Application Server. Lab Requirements This lab requires the following software to be installed on the systems: • WebSphere Application Server Base v6 • Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 • Trade 6 application (installed as part of this exercise) • OpenSTA v1.4.2 or greater • Adobe SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 3.0x What you should be able to do You should be able to use Tivoli Performance Viewer to perform the basic following tasks: • Collect and monitor performance data collected from a running application server. • Modify PMI collection settings. Introduction This lab will introduce you to WebSphere’s integrated performance monitoring client – Tivoli Performance Viewer. The Tivoli Performance Viewer allows you to visualize performance data collected through WebSphere’s Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI). The Tivoli Performance Viewer provides basic functionality that allows an administrator to closely monitor and analyze the performance of the WebSphere environment from within WebSphere’s Administrative Console

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. All parts of this lab will need to be completed individually. Also be sure to complete the Environment Setup and Environment Cleanup portions. They are important because they provide a clean starting point for completion of any subsequent exercises Exercise Instructions Instructions in this lab are Windows operating-system specific. When directory locations are passed as parameters to a Java program such as EJBdeploy or wsadmin, it is necessary to replace the backslashes with forward slashes to follow the Java convention For example C: \ LabFiles60\ would be replaced by C: LabFiles60/

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 07 – Performance Tools Page 2 of 29 All parts of this lab will need to be completed individually. Also be sure to complete the Environment Setup and Environment Cleanup portions. They are important because they provide a clean starting point for completion of any subsequent exercises. Exercise Instructions Instructions in this lab are Windows operating-system specific. When directory locations are passed as parameters to a Java program such as EJBdeploy or wsadmin, it is necessary to replace the backslashes with forward slashes to follow the Java convention. For example, C:\LabFiles60\ would be replaced by C:/LabFiles60/

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Part 1: Environment Setup In this part you will setup the lab environment by creating a Cloudscape database, then by the Trade benchmark and sap.2 starting the Web Sphere managed server processes. The Cloudscape database will be used erformance application Create and load the Trade data Base 1. Create the trade 3 database Open a Windows command prompt Navigate to directory c: \LabFiles60\TivoliPerfViewer c: Command Prompt Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.20.21951 cd labfiles60 C: \LabFiles6o>cd t C:\LabFiles68\TivoliPerfUiewer>- Run the setup TradeDB command. setupTradeDB is a bat file that will create DB2 tables and populate the tables with data s Command Prompt C: \LabFiles60\TivoliPerfUiewer>setupTradedb Press the Enter key when prompted to press any key to continue Wait for completion of the setup Trade DB command Proof of Technology Lab o7-Performance tools Product Introduction+ Exploration(PI+E Page 3 of 29

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 07 – Performance Tools Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 3 of 29 Part 1: Environment Setup In this part you will setup the lab environment by creating a Cloudscape database, then starting the WebSphere managed server processes. The Cloudscape database will be used by the Trade benchmark and sample performance application. Create and Load the Trade Data Base ____ 1. Create the Trade3 database. Open a Windows command prompt. Navigate to directory c:\LabFiles60\TivoliPerfViewer. Run the setupTradeDB command. setupTradeDB is a .bat file that will create DB2 tables and populate the tables with data. Press the Enter key when prompted to “press any key to continue . . .”. Wait for completion of the setupTradeDB command

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Command Prompt 兴关 CREATING TRADEDB DATABASE at file creates Traded database erfUiewer\databases\TR do not wish for thi Press any key to continue Creating the TRADEDB database Database does not exist nd initializing TRADEDB database dedb database created C:\LabFiles6gtivoliPerfUiewer> Establish the Web Sphere Environment 2. Ensure that all managed processes(dmgr, node agent, and server 1)are started Open a command prompt and navigate to c: WebSphere App Server\profiles\dmgr bin c:Command Prompt C:\WebSphere \AppServerprofiles\dmgr\bin>- 3. Check the status of the Deployment Manager(dmgr) process ab 07-Performance tools Page 4 of 29

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 07 – Performance Tools Page 4 of 29 Establish the WebSphere Environment ____ 2. Ensure that all managed processes (dmgr, node agent, and server1) are started. Open a command prompt and navigate to c:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\dmgr\bin ____ 3. Check the status of the Deployment Manager (dmgr) process

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Issue the command server -al Command Prompt 回 C: \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\dmgr\bin >ser atus -all ADMU01161: Tool information is being logged in filc ADMU01281: Starting tool wide=\ gr\logs\serverStatus lo DMU0503I: Retrieving server status for all servers ADMU9505I: Servers for n configuration ADMU05 0I name ADMU0509I: The Deplo yment Manager " dmgr"cannot be reached. It appears c:、 We sPhere \AppServer、 profiles \dmgr\bin 4. Start the Deployment Manager if it has a stopped status. Otherwise, skip this step Issue the command startManager c Command Prompl x ADMU0506I: Server name: dmgr ADMU0509I: The Deplo yment Manager "dmgr"cannot be reached. It appears C: \WebSphere \Ap er\ files \dmgr\bin>startmanager eing logged in file rofiles\dmgr、 logs \dmgr、 start Server ADMU01281: Startin dmgr profile ADMU31001 ADMU32001: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status ADMU3000I: Server dmgr business: process id is 2060 C: \We bSphere \AppServer\profiles \dmgr\bin> 5. Navigate to the profile 1 \bin directory. Issue the command cd WWebSpherelAppServerlprofileslprofile1\bin Command Prompt C: \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile\bin). 6. Check the status of managed processes for profile 1 Proof of Technology Lab o7-Performance tools Product Introduction+ Exploration(PI+E Page 5 of 29

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 07 – Performance Tools Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 5 of 29 Issue the command serverStatus –all. ____ 4. Start the Deployment Manager if it has a stopped status. Otherwise, skip this step. Issue the command startManager. ____ 5. Navigate to the profile1\bin directory. Issue the command cd \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile1\bin ____ 6. Check the status of managed processes for profile1

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Issue the command server Status -all x C: \We bSphe ofile1、bit status -all 1e1\logs、 servers ADMU0128I: Starting tool wit filet ADMU0503I: Retriev tus for all servers ervers found in configuration MU6506I: Server name: nodeagent DMU0506 erver name: server1 gent "nodeagent cannot be reached. It appears ADMU0509I: The Application Server serverl"cannot be reached. It apl C: \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile\bin) 7. Start the Node Agent, if it has a status of stopped. Otherwise, skip this step Issue the command startnode ci\ Command Prompt C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile\bin>startnode ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in fil s\profiled\logs\nodeagent\s MUG1 Starting tool with filed 3100I: Reading configuratio reagent 00I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status DMU3000I: Server nodeagent open for e-bus iness; process id is 2080 :\We sPhere \AppServer\profiles\profile\bin> 8. Start the server1 process, if it has a status of stopped. Otherwise, skip this step Issue the command start server server1 os Command Prompt profiles\profile\bin>startserver server1 ADMU01 Tool information is being logged ADMU0128I: Starting too l with, the profile profi\ a.s DMU3100I Readi ADMU3200I: Server launc hed. Waiting for initialization status ADMU3000I: Server serverl open for e-business; process id is 2136 C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile\bin>

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 07 – Performance Tools Page 6 of 29 Issue the command serverStatus –all. ____ 7. Start the Node Agent, if it has a status of stopped. Otherwise, skip this step. Issue the command startNode. ____ 8. Start the server1 process, if it has a status of stopped. Otherwise, skip this step. Issue the command startServer server1

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Vait until the server1 process has started Create the Trade Resources and Install the Trade Application 9. Create the trade resources Access the Windows command prompt b Navigate to directory c: WebSphere\AppServerlprofilesldmgrbin C\ Command Prompt C: \WebSphere \AppServer\prof iles \dmgr\bin>- C Run the setup CmdLine command 口 C: \We bSphere \AppServer\profiles\dmgr\bin>setupcmdline d Navigate to directory C: LabFiles60\TivoliPerfViewer aa Command Prompt C: \LabFiles6o\Tivo liPerfUiewer> e. Run the installTrade script ca Command Prompt :\LabFiles6sTivoliPerfUiewer>installtrade Proof of Technology Lab o7-Performance tools Product Introduction+ Exploration(PI+E Page 7 of 29

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 07 – Performance Tools Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 7 of 29 Wait until the server1 process has started. Create the Trade Resources and Install the Trade Application ____ 9. Create the Trade resources. __ a. Access the Windows command prompt. __ b. Navigate to directory c:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\dmgr\bin. __ c. Run the setupCmdLine command. __ d. Navigate to directory c:\LabFiles60\TivoliPerfViewer. __ e. Run the installTrade script

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. f. Press the Enter key when prompted to press any key to continue Note: You will need to respond to prompts for desired node and desired server. Make sure you override the default values g Respond to prompts from the install Trade script 1)Select the desired node [dmgrNode]: node1 [Enter] 2) Select the desired server [dmgr: server1 [Enter h. Wait until the install Trade script has completed ci\ Command Prompt DMA50111: The cleanup of the temp directory for application trade is comPE ADMA50131: Application trade installed successfully Install completed successfully! Trade Installation Completed!!! C: \LabFiles60\TivoliPerfUiewer> 么 10. Restart the server1 Application Server ci\ Command Prompt C: \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile\bin> a Access a Windows command prompt. b Navigate to directory c: IWebSpherelAppServerlprofileslprofile 1 \bin C Issue the command stop Server server1 d. Issue the command startserver server1 Lab 07-Performance tools 8of29

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 07 – Performance Tools Page 8 of 29 __ f. Press the Enter key when prompted to “press any key to continue . . .”. Note: You will need to respond to prompts for desired node and desired server. Make sure you override the default values. __ g. Respond to prompts from the installTrade script: 1) Select the desired node [dmgrNode]: node1 [Enter] 2) Select the desired server [dmgr]: server1 [Enter] __ h. Wait until the installTrade script has completed. ____ 10. Restart the server1 Application Server. __ a. Access a Windows command prompt. __ b. Navigate to directory c:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile1\bin. __ c. Issue the command stopServer server1 __ d. Issue the command startServer server1

WebSphere software- Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Ca Command Prompt C: \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile\bin > startserver serverl ADMU0116I:Toolinformation is being logged in fil G: \WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile\logs\serverl\stal ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the pr profile ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting utilization status ADMU3000I: S serverl open for ness; process id is 2136 :\We bSphere \AppServer\profiles\profile\bin> Wait until the server1 process has started Proof of Technology ab 07-Performance tools Product Introduction Exploration(PI+E) Page 9 of 29

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Proof of Technology Lab 07 – Performance Tools Product Introduction + Exploration (PI+E) Page 9 of 29 Wait until the server1 process has started

Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Part 2: enerate Performance data In this part you are going to use an open source tool (Open StA) to generate load against the Trade application that you installed above. The activity that you are generating against the application will allow you to get a more accurate feel for the data that can be retrieved through Tivoli Performance Viewer. 1. Open OpenSTA Commander to execute load on the Trade application a Access the windows taskbar 1) Click Start> Programs OpenSTA> Open STA Commander. NOTE: OpenSTA is an open source load testing tool. More information is available at TAUntitled-Commander 口区 File Tools Help Repository 由口 Tests 2. Open the load generation scenario within OpenSTA Commander. In the OpenSTA Commander window Set OpenSTA's repository path Click Tools Repository Path ab 07-Performance tools

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005. All rights reserved. Lab 07 – Performance Tools Page 10 of 29 Part 2: Generate Performance Data In this part you are going to use an open source tool (OpenSTA) to generate load against the Trade application that you installed above. The activity that you are generating against the application will allow you to get a more accurate feel for the data that can be retrieved through Tivoli Performance Viewer. ____ 1. Open OpenSTA Commander to execute load on the Trade application. __ a. Access the Windows Taskbar. 1) Click Start > Programs > OpenSTA > OpenSTA Commander. NOTE: OpenSTA is an open source load testing tool. More information is available at ____ 2. Open the load generation scenario within OpenSTA Commander. In the OpenSTA Commander window: Set OpenSTA’s repository path. Click Tools > Repository Path
