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《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P05-WASv6_SystemManagement

《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P05-WASv6_SystemManagement

IBM Software Group I Web Sphere Software BM Web Sphere Application Server v6 System Management 叫 ND: DBI%删E IBM Proof of Technology O2005 3M Corporasan IBM Product Introduction Exploration IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Agenda Systems Management Architecture System Management Tools General Administrative Features

1 ® IBM Software Group © 2005 IBM Corporation IBM Proof of Technology IBM Product Introduction + Exploration IBM Software Group | WebSphere Software IBM WebSphere Application Server v6 System Management IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 2 Agenda ƒ Systems Management Architecture ƒ System Management Tools ƒ General Administrative Features

BM Software Group WebSphere software Section System Management Architecture IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software System Management Terminology Stand-alone server environment a single stand-alone process that is not managed as part of a cell Distributed server environment Multiple processes managed from a single deployment manager Managed processes Node agents Application servers Web servers ELL

2 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 3 System Management Architecture System Management Architecture Section IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 4 System Management Terminology ƒ Stand-alone server environment A single stand-alone process that is not managed as part of a cell. ƒ Available in all packages. ƒ Distributed server environment Multiple processes managed from a single deployment manager ƒ Only available with Network Deployment ƒ Managed processes Deployment manager Node agents Application servers Web servers V6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Application …Server V6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Application … …Server

BM Software Group WebSphere software System Management Based on Java Management Extensions(JMX) J2EE open standard for management and monitoring Common terminology, topology, programming and system management model between Distributed and zOs platforms While continuing to exploit z/OS Sysplex capabilities IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Stand-alone Server: System Administration Administrative clients Application Server WEB Containe Clients.. Stand-alone Node

3 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 5 System Management ƒ Based on Java Management Extensions (JMX) J2EE open standard for management and monitoring Interface exposed for custom administrative clients ƒ Common terminology, topology, programming and system management model between Distributed and z/OS platforms While continuing to exploit z/OS Sysplex capabilities IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 6 Application Server Stand-alone Server : System Administration WEB Container Embedded HTTP Server 9060 Administrative Services/JMX Administrative Console Application Soap/HTTP or RMI-IIOP WebSphere Administrative Clients Custom Java Administrative Clients Scripting Client (wsadmin) Web Bro wser Update Configuration Repository Internet or Intranet Config Files J2EE Apps (EARs) Stand-alone Node

BM Software Group WebSphere software Network Deployment(ND): System Management Model Each process in the cell has local access to its configuration and application information Manage the entire Cell b Needed to start the process and run the installed Deployment Manager contains the master copy of configuration and application files and periodically, the files are synchronized to the nodes Administrator uses the administrative clients to manage/operate the entire cell CELL IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Network Deployment: System Management Administ Clients vE Deployment Manager Scripting Client ND allows you to manage the entire cell (all processes)from a Administrative clients connect to Deployment Manager CELL The configuration is then synchronized with the Nodes

4 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 7 Network Deployment (ND): System Management Model ƒ Each process in the cell has local access to its configuration and application information Needed to start the process and run the installed applications ƒ Deployment Manager contains the master copy of configuration and application files and periodically, the files are synchronized to the nodes ƒ Administrator uses the administrative clients to manage/operate the entire cell WebSphere Administrative Clients Manage the entire Cell V6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Application …Server V6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Application … …Server Config Files J2EE Apps (EARs) Config Files J2EE Apps (EARs) Config Files J2EE Apps (EARs) Commands IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 8 V6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Application …Server V6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Application … …Server Config Files J2EE Apps (EARs) Config Files J2EE Apps (EARs) Config Files J2EE Apps (EARs) Administrative Clients Network Deployment: System Management ƒ ND allows you to manage the entire cell (all processes) from a central Deployment Manager  Administrative clients connect to Deployment Manager ƒ Changes made by the administrative clients are saved in the master configuration ƒ The configuration is then synchronized with the Nodes Master Configuration for the Entire Cell V6 Deployment Manager WEB Container Embedded HTTP Server Administrative Services Administrative Console Application 9060 Internet or Intranet Soap/HTTP or RMI-IIOP Custom Java Administrative Clients Scripting Client (wsadmin) Web Browser Config Files J2EE Apps (EARs)

Node Group: Concept Logical boundary for separating out servers in a cell Defines boundary for Server cluster Enables mixing nodes with different capabilities within the same cell > Z/os Node Group and Distributed Node Group , WBl nodes and Base Nodes Useful for partitioning a cell for licensing purposes Eg. Only 3 nodes in CellA will connect to a licensed resource like Define MQ Node Group Default node group contains all the nodes IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Node Group Administration a node must be a member of one or more node Groups Functions Create New Node Group Delete Node grou It must not have any nodes in its membership Add nodes to the Node Groups Remove nodes from Node Groups

5 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 9 Node Group: Concept ƒ Logical boundary for separating out servers in a cell ƒ Defines boundary for Server cluster ƒ Enables mixing nodes with different capabilities within the same cell z/OS NodeGroup and Distributed NodeGroup WBI nodes and Base Nodes ƒ Useful for partitioning a cell for licensing purposes. Eg. Only 3 nodes in CellA will connect to a licensed resource like MQ. Define MQ NodeGroup ƒ Default node group contains all the nodes IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 10 Node Group Administration ƒ A node must be a member of one or more Node Groups ƒ Functions Create New Node Group Delete Node Group ƒ It must not have any nodes in its membership Add nodes to the Node Groups Remove nodes from Node Groups

BM Software Group WebSphere software Topology Example WebSphere v6 Cell z/os Sysplex zos Sysplex DMgr Node z/oS Node 3 z/oS Node 5 z/oS Node 4 z/oS Node 6 Dist NG3 ZOS NG1 zoS NG2 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software System Management Tools

6 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 11 Topology Example DefaultNodeGroup DMgr Node zOS_NG1 z/OS Node 4 z/OS Node 3 zOS_NG2 z/OS Node 6 z/OS Node 5 WebSphere v6 Cell z/OS Sysplex z/OS Sysplex Node 1 Node 2 Dist_NG3 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 12 System Management Tools System Management Tools Section

BM Software Group WebSphere software System Administration Tools Web Sphere administrative console Browser-based interface Command-line operation tools Available in the bin directory wsadmin scripting b Interactive and batch modes m Ant )Java based build and automation tool Java-based JMX APIs b Programming interface for custom Java applications IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software A Tour of the administrative console Welcome, please enter your information

7 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 13 System Administration Tools ƒ WebSphere administrative console Browser-based interface ƒ Command-line operation tools Available in the bin directory ƒ wsadmin scripting Interactive and batch modes ƒ Ant Java based build and automation tool ƒ Java-based JMX APIs Programming interface for custom Java applications IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 14 A Tour of the Administrative Console

yOGo G aoeo Common Administrative Montoring and Tuning s m ooe developervlorks Web Sphere webSphere Application Server v6 IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software marcEll U我 L gisar 日smac

8 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 15 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 16

BM Software Group WebSphere software 通E三M ≤ Renue to nsa metting te a databa 等昌6 Creatng ang contiounno a JDec proScar and c3 a source To continue che QDeploings ◆S D Conhgure credentals tor secure database Before you begin 4 opllcahon8nvrr' erto vando. spOon独5Wmmm塑 D Save and synchronise configuraton IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Supoort Help ≤ Retum te naeher J2EE Connector Architecture (12c)a I Red more ab aut esc and new I2C authentication alas To continue, chek Next ste ◆ Cck tn perton“组n 田 Conhcure a JDBC provider Ba Configure a data source

9 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 17 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 18

中·國⊙坐圆地如 yO Go G. ()Websphere softwareInformation center 昏 Welcome to the WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 Information Center Thos mate fo cerie iss as d t mest tucan fof the ral ets check a prldcact n eer ation to display a welcome page containing specifc to the product you chos For PDF versions of the same content included in the inform Websphere Application Server library page o Getting started Tutorials and demos brary pagt IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Command line tools Web Sphere Application Server V6 supplies command line tools that perform various administrative tasks Start/stop servers, addNode, backup Config, etc Most of the commands are in the product install or the profile's"bin"direct Commands run from the /bin directory apply to the efault profile when no profile option is specified Commands run from the /bin directory apply only to that specific profile-no need to provide the profile optio

10 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 19 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 20 Command line tools ƒ WebSphere Application Server V6 supplies command line tools that perform various administrative tasks Start/stop servers, addNode, backupConfig, etc. ƒ Most of the commands are in the product install or the profile’s “bin” directory Commands run from the /bin directory apply to the default profile, when no profile option is specified Commands run from the /bin directory apply only to that specific profile – no need to provide the profile option here - RECOMMENDED
