《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P04-Topology_Review

I IBM Software Group IBM WebSphere Application Server v6 Topology Review 叫 ND: DBI%删E IBM Proof of Technology O2005 3M Corporasan IBM Product Introduction Exploration IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Overview This presentation is a review of the WebSphere Application Server installation and configuration lab you just completed
1 ® IBM Software Group © 2005 IBM Corporation IBM Proof of Technology IBM Product Introduction + Exploration IBM WebSphere Application Server v6 Topology Review IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Overview This presentation is a review of the WebSphere Application Server installation and configuration lab you just completed

BM Software Group WebSphere software Bi ary Layou Installed First Implementation Files O Pofleceator Tools- bin director IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Profile Layout Launched after binary instal Different Profile types Configuration .repository Copy of tools Self contained applications □ coregroupe
2 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Binary Layout Installed First Implementation Files – lib directory Tools – bin directory No Configuration IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Profile Layout Launched after binary install Different Profile types Configuration Copy of tools Self contained applications

ebsphere Profiles: Types Profile types: define application server configuration Profile Types Standalone Create different instances of a standalone node (ca Each standalone node has 1 Application default) DM nces of DMgr-each Managed Node Creates and federates a node containing no Deployment pre-defined application server definitions 咄→ IBM Software Group I Web Sphere software Ibm Http seRver Invoked separately from App Can be managed from Administrative Console Invoked after install of web Default location /Plugins
3 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 WebSphere Profiles: Types Profile types: Profile types: define application server configuration Creates and federates a node containing no pre-defined application server definitions Network Deployment Managed Node Create different instances of DMgr – each DMgr is its own cell Network Deployment DMgr Create different instances of a standalone node – Each standalone node has 1 Application Server All Standalone Node (called default) Profile Types v6 packages Functions WebSphere Install Product Binaries WebSphere + Profile 2 Î WebSphere + Profile 1 Î Server OS OR OR v6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Deployment Manager V6 Node Agent OR OR v6 Node V6 Application Server V6 Deployment Manager V6 Node Agent IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 IBM HTTP Server Invoked separately from App Server install Can be managed from Administrative Console Plugin installed separately Invoked after install of Web Server Default Location /Plugins

BM Software Group WebSphere software Summary Profiles allow for Ease of management Smaller Footprint b Ease of Configuratio Ease of backup/restore
4 IBM Software Group | WebSphere software WebSphere Application Server v6 Summary Profiles allow for Ease of management Smaller Footprint Ease of Configuration Ease of backup/restore
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P03-WASv6_ND_Install.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P02-WASv6_TechnicalOverview.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P01-WASv6_PoTIntroduction.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P00-PresentationsCoverSheet.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P00-WASv6_LabExercisesCoverPage.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L08-WASv6_Service Integration and JMS.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L07-WASv6_Performance.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L06-WASv6_WLM_HA.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L05-WASv6_Security.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L04-WASv6_WRD.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L03-WASv6_AppManagement.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L02-WASv6_Sys_Admin.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:L01-WASv6_Install_Config.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML(概述与语法).pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML—Schema.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:Web上的数据标准XML—DTD.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:Web语义与搜索.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:3-web2.0相关应用与技术.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:2-web服务与云计算.pdf
- 《Web高级开发与应用技术》参考资料:1-web核心标准与架构.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P05-WASv6_SystemManagement.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P06-WASv6_AppManagement.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P07-WASv6_WRD.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P08-WASv6_ServiceIntegration_JMS.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P09-WASv6_Security.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P10-WASv6_WebServices.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P11-WASv6_WLM.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P12-WASv6_PerformanceTools.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:P13-WASv6_PoTWrapUp.pdf
- 《IBM WebSphere Application Server》教程:PoT Agenda.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十一章 开发Spring+Struts+Hibernate应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十七章 MyEclipse UML 建模.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十三章 开发JPA应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十二章 开发Struts 2+Spring应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十五章 开发XFire Web Service应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十八章 图形界面开发--AWT,Swing,SWT.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十六章 开发 EJB 应用.pdf
- 《高级Web技术》参考资料:MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程_第十四章 开发JSF应用.pdf
- WebSphere Application Server - Express for Distributed Platforms, Version 7.0.pdf