Understanding the Nature of Education Reform of HKSAR:The Dialectics of Lifelong Learning

EDD 5213 Education Policy Practice in HK Understanding the Nature of Education Reform of HKsar The Dialectics of Lifelong Learning
EDD 5213 Education Policy & Practice in HK Understanding the Nature of Education Reform of HKSAR: The Dialectics of Lifelong Learning

In search for the discursive Theme of the Education Reform of hKsar What is the natures of hksar education reform? What are the factual features of the hKsar education reform? When did the hKsar education reform begin? What are the major policy documents stipulating the HKSAR education reform?
What is the natures of HKSAR education reform? What are the factual features of the HKSAR education reform? When did the HKSAR education reform begin? What are the major policy documents stipulating the HKSAR education reform? In Search for the Discursive Theme of the Education Reform of HKSAR

"As we head into the 21st century, rapid developments in communication and lT are bringing the world ever closer together. Hong Kong faces strong competition from neighbouring economies in many areas, including trade, finance, transportation, communication and tourism. . In the knowledge-based econom existing knowledge is being updated at an everfaster pace Our young people must be outward-looking, imbued with a spirit of exploration, able to make the best use of lt, able to master different kinds of knowledge, and willing to strive to improve through continuous learning To enhance our competitiveness, Hong Kong has to shift to high value-added and technology-based production and services. We need people who are creative, versatile, knowledgeable and multi-talented.. In this competitive world, we are concerned about whether our education system can enable students constantly to strive for the pursuit of knowledge, whilst enjoying the fun of learning in the process, and about whether our students have the room to develop their potential, whilst bracing themselves for the challenges and competition ahead. (Education Commission, 1999a, Pp 9-10)
“As we head into the 21st century, rapid developments in communication and IT are bringing the world ever closer together. Hong Kong faces strong competition from neighbouring economies in many areas, including trade, finance, transportation, communication and tourism. …In the knowledge-based economy, existing knowledge is being updated at an everfaster pace. Our young people must be outward-looking, imbued with a spirit of exploration, able to make the best use of IT, able to master different kinds of knowledge, and willing to strive to improve through continuous learning. To enhance our competitiveness, Hong Kong has to shift to high value-added and technology-based production and services. We need people who are creative, versatile, knowledgeable and multi-talented. … In this competitive world, we are concerned about whether our education system can enable students constantly to strive for the pursuit of knowledge, whilst enjoying the fun of learning in the process, and about whether our students have the room to develop their potential, whilst bracing themselves for the challenges and competition ahead.” (Education Commission, 1999a, Pp.9-10)

教育制度檢討 敩育改革建議 经身學 w。白包 The No 1 reform agenda is to construct The lifelong learning academic structure (Education Commission, 1999b, p 19) L 香港特別行政區 育就籌委员會 廿一世紀教育藍圖
The No 1 reform agenda is to construct “The lifelong learning academic structure” (Education Commission, 1999b, p. 19)

eari 72g for L Learning through li form Proposals for the Education System in Hong Kong Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of The Peoples Republic of China Education Commission September 2000 Education Blueprint for the 21 Century

Vision of the reform 7 To achieve the aims of education for the 21"Century, the education reform must be backed up by comprehensive planning, multi faceted coordination and participation by the whole society. We aim to realize the fol To build a lifelong learning society: to develop Hong Kong into a society that values lifelong learning, so that everyone enjoys learning, has the attitude and ability for lifelong learning, and has access to diverse channels and opportunities for learning · To raise the ove Improve the overall quality of our society through upgrading the knowledge, ability and attitude of all students To construct a diverse school system: to inject diversity in education ideologies, modes of financing and focus of curriculum so that learners have more choices and multi-faceted talents will be nurtured To create an inspiring learning environment: to build a learning environment that is inspiring and conducive to the creative and exploratory spirit. To acknowledge the importance of moral education: to provide students with structured learning experiences in the areas of moral emotional and spiritual education. To develop an education system that is rich in tradition but cosmopolitan and culturally diverse: to help students develop an intermational outlook so that they can learn, work and live different cultural environments

課程發展路向 The purpose of this report is to set out the general directions for curriculum development in Hong Kong for the next 10 years, to fulfil the version of enabling students to attain all-round development and life-long learning. Curriculum Development Council, 2001, p i 諜程發展議會 二00年六月 中革人民共和香港特別行政富
“The purpose of this report is to set out the general directions for curriculum development in Hong Kong for the next 10 years, to fulfil the version of enabling students to attain all-round development and life-long learning. (Curriculum Development Council, 2001, p. i)

In search for the discursive theme of the Education Reform of hKsar What are the natures of hksar education reform? What are the factual features of the hKsar education reform? When did the hKsar education reform begin? What are the major policy documents stipulating the HKSAR education reform? What are the natures and features of lifelong learning and learning society?
What are the natures of HKSAR education reform? What are the factual features of the HKSAR education reform? When did the HKSAR education reform begin? What are the major policy documents stipulating the HKSAR education reform? What are the natures and features of lifelong learning and learning society? In Search for the Discursive Theme of the Education Reform of HKSAR

Myth of Lifelong Learning, Learning Soceity and Learning Economy Lifelong Learning: Phenomena of Global Convergence of Education Reforms Education Reform in the UK Lifetime learning: A policy framework(1996) The learning age: A renaissance for new Britain(1998) Education Reform in the Us A nation learning: Version for the 21st Century (1997) No child left behind act of 2001 Education Reform in Canada Knowledge Matters: Skills and learning for Canadians(2002) Achieving excellence: Investing in people, knowledge and opportunity (2002)
Lifelong Learning: Phenomena of Global Convergence of Education Reforms Education Reform in the UK Lifetime learning: A policy framework (1996) The learning age: A renaissance for new Britain (1998) Education Reform in the US A nation learning: Version for the 21st Century (1997) No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Education Reform in Canada Knowledge Matters: Skills and learning for Canadians (2002) Achieving excellence: Investing in people, knowledge and opportunity (2002) Myth of Lifelong Learning, Learning Soceity and Learning Economy

Lifelong Learning: Phenomena of Global Convergence of Education Reforms Education Reform in Australia National Board of Employment, Education and Training (1996) Lifelong learning-- Key issues Dept, of Education, Science and Training (1998) Learning for life: Review of higher education financing and policy (1998) Dept of Education, Science and Training(2003 ) Lifelong learning in Australia Education Reform in South Korea Ministry of Education Adapting Education to the Information Age(2000-2004) Education Reform in Singapore Education for Learning Society in the 21st Century(2000)
Education Reform in Australia National Board of Employment, Education and Training (1996) Lifelong learning ―― Key issues Dept. of Education, Science and Training (1998) Learning for life: Review of higher education financing and policy (1998) Dept. of Education, Science and Training (2003) Lifelong learning in Australia Education Reform in South Korea Ministry of Education Adapting Education to the Information Age (2000-2004) Education Reform in Singapore: Education for Learning Society in the 21st Century (2000) Lifelong Learning: Phenomena of Global Convergence of Education Reforms
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